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  1. Blastus

    Trayvon Martin

    hahahaah WHAt this fucking thread
  2. Blastus

    Mental social ability is broken?

    autism is not holland
  3. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    luap nor
  4. Blastus

    What are some current issues on Justice?

    black people burn the flag and we keep giving them land
  5. Blastus

    POLITICAL TRAP: Gillard, Abbott hide from angry protesters

    hahahhaahah the greens - you idiot
  6. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    he was probably beaten within an inch of his life when doing practice tests
  7. Blastus

    Modern Music like KPOP vs Classical Music (e.g Mozart)

    hahahahaha chinee nationalists are hilarious
  8. Blastus

    Drug Legalisation

    Re: Drug Decriminalisation legalise this shit and get on with dealing with real crime
  9. Blastus

    Aboriginals Recognised in Constitution

    this is very stupid
  10. Blastus

    Australian Politics

    someone else rep this post this is sensational
  11. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    Ron Paul
  12. Blastus

    POLITICAL TRAP: Gillard, Abbott hide from angry protesters

    there are lots of words in this thread also Removing the Race Power… …and replacing it with a Race Power. The section they’re removing: [The Commonwealth shall make laws for] the people of any race for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws The part they’re adding: the...
  13. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

  14. Blastus

    Assassinate Obama: Opinion

    it wouldn't be the first president mossad has taken out
  15. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    No that is false
  16. Blastus

    No more pokie reforms?

    she is a liar
  17. Blastus

    SOPA and PIPA I wrote this a while ago
  18. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    I made a bet with someone for $50 today, they believe gingrich will be the nominee. SOLID.
  19. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    seriously lentern just read this just read it they are all bought out anyone who is not the same steady hand of police state and give all the money to the banks and endless wars is fucking dust...