Search results

  1. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    they are both the same party you do not seem to get this
  2. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    seriously the nigger took away everyone's liberties great job
  3. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    hHAHAfusdalkfjhasldkjfhalksdjfhkasjhdf obama the fucking bush 3.0 yep fellate him you cunto
  4. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    I will vote for juliar
  5. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    incidentally solid paul troll
  6. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    gingrich is leading santorum by a few hundy votes cun
  7. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    TPM has exit polls with Romney: 30% Paul: 29% Huntsman: 27%
  8. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    his focus on social issues are liberty
  9. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    I will never stop laughing
  10. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    worrying if you live in fantasy land
  11. Blastus

    Staying a virgin until marriage (guys)

    hey man have you heard of ron paul
  12. Blastus

    Engineering/Science UNSW vs USYD

    If you're doing Software or Computing, UNSW has the best ranked engineering dept in the southern hemisphere. It is VERY good and worth checking out.
  13. Blastus

    Muslim Cleric gives scientific evidence to the inferiority of women

    I'm sure someone can draw up a venn diagram.
  14. Blastus

    Healthy image up in smoke as nation lives the high life

    fuck international treaties we're a sovereign nation, what are they going to do send the 'world police' after us
  15. Blastus


    shut up lentern it is magical thinking post hume it is bullshit
  16. Blastus

    Republican Primaries

    Gingrich and Santorum and the others are all looking like they're trying to sandbag romney to fuck him on the nomination. They'd rather see the party burn than see another McCain (I don't think the comparison is valid) lead the Republicans.
  17. Blastus

    Muslim Cleric gives scientific evidence to the inferiority of women

    wat lol do you believe in magic are you three?