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  1. incentivation

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Valid point. However, it doesn't in anyway mean that such an approach to government policy should continue. Open scrutiny of the impact of the legislation is fundamental. Rudd generally supports inquiries and reporting committees. Edit: an election was fought on the GST. There was a plethora...
  2. incentivation

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    More disturbingly, most people appear to support the ETS without understanding what it actually is.
  3. incentivation

    lol After today's events, should the Liberal Party be renamed?

    No. Abbott won't be leader long enough to justify it..
  4. incentivation

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    I guess it shows that Turnbull should have more accurately represented the views of his party..
  5. incentivation

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    There's one flaw with that though. The could be a DD election before he gets the boot.. :balloon:
  6. incentivation

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    It appears there was also an informal vote..
  7. incentivation

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    The ETS certainly should be subject to full analysis and inquiry. The urgency seems unwarranted particularly, as noted by Michael Johnson on Lateline, as the CPRS would not commence until July 2012. However, the ETS aside, if Turnbull was unable to gain any political traction, I highly doubt...
  8. incentivation

    Tony Abbott new opposition leader

    Certainly not convincing. The conservative faction has consigned the party to political oblivion..
  9. incentivation

    Dear Malcolm Turnbull: Take on Krudd or move aside and let someone else do the job

    Re: Dear Malcolm Turnbull: Take on Krudd or move aside and let someone else do the jo I tend to agree. The conservative agenda certainly supersedes a liberal rights ideal. However, is the latter conception of freedom (i.e. focused on rights) and thus liberalism essential for the party to be...
  10. incentivation

    Dear Malcolm Turnbull: Take on Krudd or move aside and let someone else do the job

    Re: Dear Malcolm Turnbull: Take on Krudd or move aside and let someone else do the jo Leadership is more than just charisma and intelligence. Unfortunately for Turnbull, he conveys an air of arrogance and self-interest, whilst lacking the political judgement of his opponent. Personally, I like...
  11. incentivation

    Dear Malcolm Turnbull: Take on Krudd or move aside and let someone else do the job

    Re: Dear Malcolm Turnbull: Take on Krudd or move aside and let someone else do the jo What rubbish. You are reading far too much Mike Carlton or Peter Hartcher. The christian right represents a small minority within the organisation, particularly the parliamentary party. The likes of Abbott...
  12. incentivation

    Australian Politics

    I have no qualms with the deferral of the passing of the legislation until after both the UN Conference and a Senate Inquiry. Any proposal or reform that is to have far reaching economic implications ought to be subject to open analysis and scrutiny. It seems from the Herald/Nielsen poll...
  13. incentivation

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS .. thoughts and opinions?

    Interesting. And your preference for social organisation (or disorganisation) would be the state of nature?
  14. incentivation

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS .. thoughts and opinions?

    It seems the legitimacy of our 'sovereignty' is not recognised by some one here (Yes, we all know that indigenous sovereignty was not initially contemplated, however the law has dealt with that issue as best it could) The existence of sovereignty is what distinguishes the situation we face...
  15. incentivation

    Police stop raiding homes of ethnic criminals due to fears of negative publicity

    Not surprising considering the prioritisation of PR within the force these days..
  16. incentivation

    Macquarie Law any good?

    It does really depend on the situation of the student. Of course it would not be beneficial to an undergraduate. However, I think you'll find most students doing distance education are doing so to support or enhance existing workplace opportunities.
  17. incentivation

    Hey Hey It's Saturday Jackson 5 skit is racist?

    Over-reaction much.. For HCJ to claim the moral highground on behalf of the United States on this issue is quite amusing.
  18. incentivation

    Pedophile Ferguson can't be forced to move

    It is a difficult situation. From an objective viewpoint, he has served his time, and 'justice' has been achieved. There are hundreds of other convicted paedophiles out there living in anonymity. Why should this man be treated any differently? Subjectively though, if I were a parent in the...