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  1. S


    no. we have till after the break. Question: does anyone know how much harder CHEM1020 is compared to CHEM1010?
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    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    u too. enjoy the break. im not doin nothing, except im goin to see the knights play on monday arvo with a few mates. i love the footy. how did ur maths test go? i heard it was hard...
  3. S

    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    engineers are important newcastle will be even more up the shit if some decent town planners dont start comming through soon... EDIT: engineers are useless in newcastle because the town planning is already up the shit
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    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    lol dont hold ur breath
  5. S

    General Chit-Chatter

    yeah good idea
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    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    Psych - not physics. Psych was interesting today. Never ended up goin to chem, temptation to go home got the better of me. Wanless have any departing messages?
  7. S

    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    yes i will be at chem, cos ive got a 2hr psych lecture from 3 - 5. my mate from school doin CHEM1010 has attended no more than 3 lectures, so ive got a good record compared to him. i like ur sense of humour..... similar to mine. For the chem booklet: have fun sortin that out.
  8. S

    oh ok whatever... im just havin the day off anyway :P no dw. i come from cessnock, and theres...

    oh ok whatever... im just havin the day off anyway :P no dw. i come from cessnock, and theres some real retards there. compared to my other best female friend, youve got a very good sense of humour.
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    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    wasnt gonna let ya get away with that one. lol
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    there was a person called emma who posted a question on the HUBS1403 discussion board asking...

    there was a person called emma who posted a question on the HUBS1403 discussion board asking whether we get friday off cos of the show - to which Karen Mate bluntly replied no. plz tell me that wasnt u..... :|
  11. S

    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    that was funny when we saw that.
  12. S

    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    lol u make me laugh. appropriate nickname though.
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    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    lol i really did lol with that one
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    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    Was it me? lol....
  15. S

    2010 official "funny quirks of my day" thread.

    i laughed at that too. but i cant imangine u sayin that word.....
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    General Chit-Chatter

    lol. i will be having friday off anyway, so i dont care. and then the next week is fish day, so i get a day off then as well. Im starting to learn to appreciate a day off, because i just dont get time for myself anymore cos of uni. i hate it.
  17. S

    General Chit-Chatter

    fuck off i loved a good combo of sittin on my ass, goin places with mates and finding a good place to get work. At Emma: LOL its funny u say that cos i always have the bad habbit of not seeing things, even though they are right in front of my eyes.
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    General Chit-Chatter

    lol me too but i dont see much puttin out in my classes. and its not cos the guys are too fussy either
  19. S


    usually when the UAC guides (or others) say 'Mathematics' is assumed knowledge, it means 2 unit maths. should be ok though.