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  1. D

    Information on Accommodation

    You're into B&G, you've paid the fees and they've accepted your payment. As for the email, was this sent to your before you paid it? Its probably an automated email. just means they actually want you to pay the fees in order to get in. I.e. they dont want you rocking up on day one (without...
  2. D

    np :)

    np :)
  3. D

    what percentage people @ uni would u say join clubs?

    lol, thats so retarded. Its a similar thing at anu, $150 membership gets you 10c off @ the stores & a little coupon book :P
  4. D


    guys - its written on the FAQ, if you're a first year kid staying at a college you do it during o-week at a specified time
  5. D

    Information on Accommodation

    simply yes, id only change if you really hated it. You would have to break contract
  6. D

    Information on Accommodation

    you can transfer between colleges, but remember you wont have the 1st year guarantee so the chances of getting across are slim-ish You best chances are applying to transfer halfway through the year. Also, applications for transfer between colleges close early like september. parties - umm yhe...
  7. D

    what percentage people @ uni would u say join clubs?

    thats the most retarded thing ive ever read, why should you pay $99!!!! At ANU, the Students Association wanted to charge me $60 (for space outside) to setup a table in oweek and get new kids to sign up. We dont charge a cent for membership!!! I'm not forking out cash for this...
  8. D

    Careers in mining, oil and gas, enviro stuff

    Quite hard, just apply everywhere and see how you go...particularly smaller companies. Dont piss around with rio and bhp unless youve got straight HDs, even then, dont hold ur breath. They hardly have anyone go in. Seems a but hypocritical of the mining industry, but they say "oh u must have...
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    Information on Accommodation

    + at least you first years are guaranteed accom...
  10. D

    what percentage people @ uni would u say join clubs?

    90% of clubs at ANU are either $5 or free. There are a few that are higher, like the movie club etc, and there are others that attract an extra fee later. i.e. if you pay $5 for the volleyball club, there will be a yearly fee too. In first year you join heaps, like 6, but then reality hits in...
  11. D

    GAH FERNER---- What do I do?

    tbh like any college its what you make of it. Sit in your room and cry - you'll have a shit time. get out there, join social clubs, hang out in the kitchen and you'll have a good time. simple as that really
  12. D

    acceptance of offer?

    yeh, i think you're right. my brother just accepted his offer at a different uni, so i suspect the anu ones will iopen tomorrow
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    acceptance of offer?

    ehhh, i cant even remember.. :P see what some of the yyounger anu kids say,... sorry
  14. D

    Information on Accommodation

    They send you to the Rex, next door to fenner. Alledgedly you're part of fenner, and take in all the socal events/facilities fenner has. Tbh its not a bad deal, a nice apartment for the cost of fenner.
  15. D

    Information on Accommodation

    its in the faq dude. usually for the first semester, then they try and shift you into a college.
  16. D

    How long is too long?

    how long is a piece of string?
  17. D

    How wide is too wide?

    you're fat
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    How curvy is too curvy?

    if you have to ask this question, you're obese
  19. D

    enrolment at ANU

    look at your future year courses, so that you have done enough courses to get the max number of possibilities in 2nd year. Courses that other actuary students have also studied in the past: computer science (COMP), maths - duh (MATH), finance (FINN), Business (BUSN), Economics (EMET?). but dont...
  20. D

    Information on Accommodation

    nah - ppl just give it shit because it comes last in the sports / arts shields. Based purely on population + number of international students