Im sorry, im not picking on you or anything. But your post does show that the question asked was ambiguous. Until now, no one can be sure what BOS wanted in that question and what exactly do we include in it. So exactly, how are students, under stressed, a time limit supposed to answer it?
I think thats a bit fabricated with the '14000' exactly, just out of curiosity, how are they supposed to accumulate that number? It must be an estimate. Im sure, students dont call them up and be like 'hey man, great section 3 bro' I gave a call yesterday to BOS the lady told me, they receive...
Okay, I agree exams are made to differentiate the top students from the bottom. But you got to admit, a question like that is a DRASTIC difference from past papers of 07 and 08? I dont know about others, but I've prepared everything within my powers for the SOR 2U exam, (even the 2u essay was...
Why dont you for a second stop being SO self centered and think about others? 'the thousands of kids who are making a fuss DIDN'T learn the course' --- err EXCUSE ME? Im dead honest sure, that the majority who are 'making' a fuss has studied their ass OFF, and are extremely distraught because...
I found the exam utterly bullshit, never in my life have ive been taught that. Can i just point out, cremation is NOT part of bioethics? This is only because my class has a huge debate whether it is or not because the MACQ study guide said it was, but my teacher said it is not definately not...
LOL Kathy i dunno how to work this thing how do i accept you? oh btw im spending too much time on this i think you need to take away this pw too lmao lmao fuck man i want to die already
An update on this with BOS official statement:
Error in the Studies of Religion exam - Board of Studies responds. | Daily Telegraph Maralyn Parker Blog
I'm in 2U, but it started out with the supervisors reading through our exams to check for the questions, we all flip to the back for the question and the greatest shock of our life. We were all getting quite weary, then one student stated that why is the question for Christianity so different/we...
FAR OUT. At our school the students were refusing to do it and it dragged on to like 3 until we get to do our exams and got out at 6.30 pm
The most ridiculous thing ever. EVER.
They filled out a misadventure form for us as a group and we are going to appeal.
I think i did shit. Fked up the first qt of the short answers by not reading PROPERLY FML. FML FML FML. I only wrote what concept was shown not HOW.
Just kill me now. please wait until paper 2. EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
The only thing that caught me was ONE related text. son of a bitch.
Re: Business Studies Section IV: Extended Response
I did 28. I wrote 11 pages with huge hand writing! lol literally. I only discussed one case study through out my response or we NEED to have more than one? if yes, oh shit.
anyone who did 27 must be super duper prepared or just bad decision...
This exam is such a killer. The bs about trials being easier or whatever than the HSC is NOT true, trials was a lot easier, the extended response qts were a lot a lot more straight forward (i did the CSSA trials paper btw)
NO FINANCE? I was stressing and studying my ass off about that topic...
That was a pretty hard exam. The extended responses were WAY harder than the CSSA far out just kill me. For qt 3 mc i put Liquidity right then, being a smartass when back and changed to solvency. great.
I seriously need to prepare myself for a mystery star mark. far out.
Adv english papers & Business Studies
I can NEVER EVER be confident with english no matter how hard i try. PRAY TO GOD I WILL GET AT LEAST a low B5. t_t
Last year I remember my essay my english teacher marked in pencil, ONE comment, "More textual evidence" NO TICKS what so ever, i got 12/15. I was pretty much like wtf
Looking back at the notes ive got here, it states, "the subtitle can also be read as an oxymoron, with the emphasis place on the word 'modern' given added dystopic meanace especially when it is seen comparatively with contemporary texts such as Bladerunner. Mary Shelley's story shows how cruel...