Oh cos You know how its Frankenstein, The Modern Prometheus (the subtitle refers to the Titan ‘over-reacher; of Greek mythology like you said was punished for pushing beyond permitted boundaries, similar to Frankenstein. From notes: "Shelley’s Promethian scientist has idealistic motives, “I...
I enjoy this study a lot. Its quite interesting and it gets me thinking. I thought Frankenstein was a bit hard to get into, however once u start to hit the real thing its great, espcially in VOL 2 where you meet the monster and his POV it generates and contributes so many different values of...
Im in this situation right now. I made the wrong choice chosing 2u Maths and i regret it. Instead chosing modern history i chose something that i thought i would "be okay" in it. Obviously, im just passing not a great mark at all and i think that im going to drop maths altogether too. But the...
With the subjects I'm doing (Humanities Legal/eco and business) I didnt expect to have THAT much competition. Mind you this is only the beginning and its already a dog eat dog field at my school.
With teachers stressing that rankings matters SO much that everyone nearly has turned aganist one...
My maths and legal marks are shocking.
maths: 22/37
Apologies for the colorful language.
*sigh* the bitch thing about hsc is that whenever i have an assessment i ALWAYS stress out about the marks i get. So far, my marks are alright, wouldnt consider great because all these other peeps got the same as me so:
business studies i got : 34/35
eco: 18/20
SOR2U: 27/30
-mind you, thoses...
I didnt study as much as i thought i did. LOL T_T. Just made notes for eco and business try to be ahead, did maths, did a bit of english. just a bit of this and that. then went 3 weeks of doing nothing. ngkjesrnher i need to be consistent. shit.
Social life, not that i have a great one anyways.
The internet and procasination is your worse enemy.
Re: Write notes or type notes ?
In year 11, i typed my notes and i realised that i took a longggg time completing a topic because in between i would be on msn, reading emails, logging on to bebo/facebook etc.
Now im in year 12, i want to write my notes but again very veyr time consuming. But i...
Excel imo is so brief its unbelievable. I personally dont like. I reccommend MAC study guides for Legal, business and Eco. besides that i dont use any other guides.
Really ? to do law at UWS is only 90? I thought it would be around 95 ish. Is it better to do an Arts/Law degree ?
And really how hard is law in university? I have great interest in law -- its just i think i wont be able to get the uai to get in.
Re: What UAI are you aiming for?
Is that this year? Holy crap thats high. LOL! I'll be lucky for 90 !
Let me rephrase my question - any uni that is offering law with the uai below 90. haha!
im definately having trouble in maths right now. Year 7 and 8 was great ranked top 5. Year 9,10 and probably year 11 was horrible with rankings and marks. I was lucky if i passed. -_-'' I feel like as if I've gone dumber literally.
But I tried to bounced back -- didnt work failed my maths...
Re: What UAI are you aiming for?
Ideally- 90-95, realistically and sadly i think I'll only get 85 - 90. LOL Which university offers law with the UAI of 90? None? Thought so!
I got my 1st semester report today and it was terrible. My goal for my yearly report seems a tad impossible!
For the 1st semester :
legal - 2/52
2RE - 3/42
Business - 19/49
Adv. English - 24/42
2U Maths - 24/36
Economics - 14/25
Its pathetic I know.
Yearlies I hope to maintain the ranks for...