Search results

  1. R

    Why are there so many HSC forums trying to take BOS's place?

    I know /b/ has their NYPA policies, and I'm betting this 'nade' character does, too. So yeah. Good luck forming a raid. :)
  2. R

    Maths Ext 2?

    The main thing Ext.2 Math requires is just constant effort, so if you're willing to do a little bit each day - keep it. It'll make things a lot easier for 3U, too,
  3. R

    Physics textbook?

    Agreed, Jacaranda is pretty good. While it may not have /that/ many questions (but it still has enough, imo), it does not skim over syllabus dot points, unlike other textbooks I have used.
  4. R

    Dont worry too much about Facebook!

    If ignorance truly is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive.