Went well! Was fun to finally be official and all and be able to actually "assert" my authority to those middle-aged woman folk who think they rule the frontend. My CSM lets me run things and she sits back so I get the feel for it
Oh I know how to do it, just with the whole estimations and looking at what we made last Christmas and looking at how you will organise breaks and hoppers and wages and with our store we looked at the busiest periods of each day of that week from last year and organised around that. Did my head...
I am lucky my service manager has heaps of experience. I sat and watched her do the Christmas rosters and what took her 4 hours would of probably taken me 4 weeks haha
I know it is quite common, although it did end up being quite a breezy day but just very repetitive. If you ever had your induction done in the past two years in the Sydney East area by someone who took no shit and was obsessed with having black socks on. Then it may have been me lol
I use to do the inductions in my area group before my CSM put a stop to it (she said the HR girls were being lazy getting me to do it) and if there was something majorly wrong with someone I would just think "there manager can deal with it and choose if they care or not"
I hated doing...
While looking through the facebook page I found a guy named Matthew comment on someones tag with the statement "Employee of Woolworths, view are my own and not those of my employee"
So naturally I just assumed this is iMatthew
How big is your store? CSM is down for 7-4 but does 6-6 (sometimes 7) and our 2IC is down for 10-7 (usually does 9-7/8). Both alternate weekends too. How did your CSM get away with no weekends lol?
Does anyone elses CSTM do ridiculous hours? I suppose being a busy Sydney store ours is expected to. Ours usually does 6am-6pm daily with about a half hour break. I would be curious to hear what the smaller stores managers do?
Ouch, my day was pretty good. Me and the CSM spent most of the day standing around bitching about customers and people we do not like. We never really got to busy and only had 7 operators on full lanes all day with the others doing jobs and express when needed. I like my weekends with the CSM =D
Ahh I remember that morning we had to pull down every advertising material. Awful. But come to think of it we had at least 4 or 5 different add campaigns displayed :/