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    Chiming in to say a big hearty fuck you to Frank's dumbass son and the worthless hack he's working with. Thank you for turning the subtleties and mysticism of Dune into robots and psychic mindblasts and spaceship battles. If I wanted to read your hack Star Wars-esque trash... I wouldn't.
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    9/11 conspiracies

    The responses to this thread reflect very poorly upon the BoS community. No, seriously, Nolan, at least read the god damn original post before you respond with "Hurrrrrr, retard".
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    Bull finds way to dead owner's grave

    What makes you think for a second that cows are possess sentience and self awareness? This article sure as hell does not support whatever argument you are trying to make. On the assumption that the cow possesses the ability to detect its owner's corpse via smell, and associated the owner with...
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    Belief in evolution around the world

    Quiet crazyhomo, your communist homosexual agenda shall be crushed by bshoc's completely rational arguments. EDIT: The lack of evidence for Intelligent, as opposed to your unintelligent, design, is merely a gigantic joke played upon you secular heathens that you have yet to get.
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    Bull finds way to dead owner's grave

    Quite impressive, how exactly that worked is unknown to me. Also, this definitely belongs to Light and Offbeat. You've just copied and pasted a news article, and have not made any coherent point against modern agriculture. Backseat moderation - ahoy!
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    Political Views N/A?

    Re: N/a?!?! Some of us people are so goddamn cynical about batshit politicos, that we simply do not care anymore. Exactly.
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    N Korea conducts Nuclear test.

    When the glorious revolution comes, I'll be laughing at you fools while you toil within the re-education camps.
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    Contest by Matthew Reilly (Matthew Reilly thread)

    Matthew Reilly books are a great read - quick, easy, and amazingly shallow. I can not even begin to imagine how you can consider his books deep and insightful in any level. Please don't, you will only be embarassing yourself.
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    Final Fantasy XII

    Aren't there 2 FFXII games being released? Apparently, one is more actiony, and the other more rpgish. Also, FFVII was only worth it for the wacky ecoterrorism themes, that motorcycle minigame, and Cloud turning out in the end to be a goddamn lunatic.
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    The cleanest method of determining another's relationship status...

    This thread has turned out a hell of a lot better than I expected. In general. Thank you BoS mods for making this particular day slightly more enlightened than another! Also, I guess I'm still the in right - remain passive-aggressive and insinuate this topic into another.
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    Richard Hammond in crash

    God-fucking-damn. When Steve Irwin died, I quickly lost interest. When Peter Brock died, I didn't even bat an eyelid. When this guy lies in a coma, I am pissed. Don't you die you beautiful brain-damaged bastard!
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    Labyrinth - Worst First Page Ever?

    This, my friends, is the pinnacle of pretentious populism. Bow down and tremble, foolish mortals.
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    Joseph Heller

    The Good: The excellent comedic timing, and the bizarre egg scam perpetrated by Milo Minderbinder. Major Major Major (Major?) is also a great concept. The Bad: The wacky repetitive storylines. It's kinda hard to keep track of things, but hey, sum of parts and all that jazz. The Ugly: the sheer...
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    Fave author?

    Neil Gaiman - bizarre pseudo-fantasy is only good if your writing and storytelling is good, and this man has no lack of both. His comic books are also excellent bizarre fantasy.
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    Everything Science Fiction

    Saga of the 7 Suns comes off as ridiculously cliched space opera in the vein of those godawful Star Wars EU books. Some of those SW EU books were by Kevin J Anderson. Also, KJA has been pumping out those Dune prequels like some coke-crazed welfare mother, and my god does it give off a poor...
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    Why do people hate religion?

    This thread does absolutely nothing to help me dispel my cynical notions of the religions in general. I guess my problem is a lack of intelligent religious figures in real life, who are capable debating calmly with others and be able to both question and support their beliefs using non-circular...
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    The cleanest method of determining another's relationship status...

    Really. Is it better to just ask "Hey, do you have a boyfriend?" or to go about it in a more subtle passive-aggressive way (like me), and not get any definite answers. Most likely, my method is ineffective. I hope like hell that the L&R section of BoS is not ridiculous like, say, D&D or NS.
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    Why do people hate religion?

    Ok. The proper solution for this thread is for Robbie and Shifty to annihilate one another in a burst of gamma radiation and leave this thread in peace.
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    Why do people hate religion?

    Robbie, don't act as if Christianity has a monopoly on moral and ethical goodness. The crusades were not solely motivated by religious zeal, but also by good ol' greed (Gold!) and fear of the heathen (back then, the Arab world was the centre of knowledge and civilisation, and Europe was the...
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    Beazley's visa values plan

    ^^^ let's not get into a "media is biased break out the tinfoil hats" mood yet. This was a goddamn awful idea on the part of Mr Beazely, and puts in mind Iemma trying to one-up Debnam during that whole Sydney gangs fiasco. While Labor needs to sieze the situation, it should not involve the good...