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    Rules for Customers

    For chain bakeries: 1. Don't ask for things by pointing at them and say "Can I have that?". If you haven't noticed, THERE ARE TAGS CLEARLY LABELLING WHAT IS THERE. I'm not next to you either, idiot. 2. Don't let your children stand on the ledge and drool on to our counter. Getting all their...
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    Is getting <50% common in chem or does my school just suck??

    I don't do chemistry but I know that in my school the average was around 30% as well.
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    Change school hours for teens

    This is sort of off the topic but on the topic at the same time but I know some schools in singapore are doing the opposite. Instead, they start at 7:30 and finish and 1:30. Weird, ey?
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    Is this some kind of scam?

    Yeah I wouldn't go giving some stranger your bank details, from Nigeria or not. There are some clever people out there where all they need is your card number and expiry date and BAM you've lost all your money. I think you should ask ebay and ask the guy if he can pay you by paypal or something...
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    Younger Chicks

    I know this girl who's almost 18 but it in year 11 and went out with a guy who's about to turn 15 and is in year 10.
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    What are you currently Reading?

    Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte I've only read about 12 pages so I think it's too soon to decide what I think of it. But I have fun imagining the little fat boy fall and not be able to get up because he made Jane's head bleed. And, veloc1ty, how was a clockwork orange? I've seen the film and I...
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    School War Cries

    We have: Loyola is hot to go! H-O-T-T-O-G-O Awoo! Hot to go! Awoo! Hot to go! Laaaaaaaame. But we use it all the time. Like tomorrow, we have swimming sports and we are sure to use it.
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    favourite quotes?

    "What are you doin' Siter Gonorrhea? Waitin' for a bus?" - Father...something something in Detroit Rock City. Hahhahahaa And and and Lex: "Just because she's a female gynecologist, doesn't mean she's a lesbian. And even if she was, at least my mom didn't give birth to me while she was on...
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    I Am Legend

    It kinda had an anti climax RIGHT at the end.
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    Holidays - How much work are you doing?

    Well waddya know. I am. Lol. My bad. I was just on the recent posts page and this came up. Didn't think to where it came from. Deeeeeeeeeeelete.