I concur.
Exams you really just have to memorise a lot of information, which for some people (including me) is quite simple. Assignments, however, are where you have to go a step further in most cases.
Lucid, you seem to have an attraction to the semi-colon. :p
My motivation is quite the same as most people's. Mainly, just to wipe the incessant grins off of other people's faces.
So, does anybody actually understand the concept of "studying off of the syllabus"? Because I don't, haha.
Would anybody care to explain? I don't see how "students learn to: appreciate english in a variety of forms" can be used to study.
Have you ever read that picture book by Shaun Tan called "The Rabbits"? It's un peu juvenile, but it might help? I don't know. My AoS is Power & Influence.