You have to do 12 units for year 11. I'd probably advise you to do 12 units worth of "ATAR" courses if possible for year 11.
What are you planning to do in the future?
University, tafe or work etc?
If uni or TAFE what "degree" or "diploma"?
I do multiple choice first so I don't forget (or do them during reading). Sometimes the multiple choice has "hints" for the short answer or whatever so can be helpful.
I mean you can always draw over the pencil with pen to ensure that it scans?
Unless you are talking about multiple choice then I'm sure it is fine if you press hard as I did that and had no issues when I was doing my HSC exams.
Also if people want a chance to win Macquarie Centre gift cards some students will have been sent a survey about Macquarie Universities IT systems etc.
The strategies would the global sourcing, economies of scale, scanning and learning, research and*development part of the syllabus dot points, whilst overall category would be considered "Global Factors" if that kind of makes sense?
I'd suggest you make it a different textual form, just in case you need to compare something related to a textual form for a question in the future.
E.g 1984 you could do a painting called Guernica. Or a documentary such as "We Steal Secrets".