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  1. Garygaz

    Sharia Courts in Britain

    I think those flaws in the State system (such as the abused women statement you made) will just be further exemplified under the cultural values/teaching of Shari'ah law. It is pretty much common fact that these women can get beaten for the stupidest of things and they are brought up thinking...
  2. Garygaz

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    God, so many xenophobes. Because someone is born into a faith/culture which they don't choose doesn't mean we can go be gooks about it. Unfortunately a lot of todays terrorists are Muslim but if you go back some centuries ago, it was all Christianity, does that mean we should be hated too?
  3. Garygaz

    Does God exist?

    Thread summary: You either believe the Universe was created from nothing or that some guy created the universe from nothing in about a week.
  4. Garygaz

    Sharia Courts in Britain Have been instances where they have ruled over criminal cases. No one gets hurt? I beg to differ.
  5. Garygaz

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    Re: best uni for business? I'm still looking atm as well for a uni to do bus at. I was really impressed by the list of sponsor companies UTS had for its internships, easily topped any other one. So employability? I'd have to disagree on those terms. Also, talked to my dad's friend who works at...
  6. Garygaz

    Sharia Courts in Britain

    Wow talk about pulling completely fake stats out of your ass. Taking it to a new level. Ever watched a documentary on Saudi Arabia in your life? And just because it's apart of their culture and customs, doesn't make it right. Cannibals eat people as a part of their culture, but it's alright, aii?
  7. Garygaz

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    Eh I don't really see the problem of schools being under the umbrella term of religious. At my school, the only thing religious is the occasional prayer and about 2 mass ceremonies a year, which students can choose to not attend. The profit of the school either goes to buying new equipment or...
  8. Garygaz

    Sharia Courts in Britain

    Muslim. But seriously, you think getting consent of women in Muslim society is a hard thing to do? Look at Saudi Arabia, do you think women consent to the things that go on over there? Their customs are completely sexist and discriminatory, which is beside the fact that Britain is a secular...
  9. Garygaz

    Dragonball Movie Trailer

    I actually came to BOS to post on how gay this movie looks. As a fan of the old series and growing up watching it, this looks like the biggest whack at the cash piñata ever. Nothing like the series.... I hate Hollywood
  10. Garygaz

    Sharia Courts in Britain

    Reading the holy texts of a religion very often do not reflect the religion itself, that is closed minded of you to make such a statement. In saying that we could believe that Christianity is a peace loving fun guy, who in fact caused some of the biggest genocides in history. The fact is a lot...
  11. Garygaz

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    9% of France is Muslim, 50% of its prison population is Muslim. There is a correct stat, not xenophobic, not racist, just a plain stat. And ergh, your whole arguement makes me cringe.
  12. Garygaz

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    Completely irrelevant to what I was saying, but if it floats your boat. But I think France has got the right idea, no religion, NONE, are allowed to show any religious symbols in public. GOODBYE any tension, goodbye and racist/xenophobic attacks. If people practiced religion in their homes...
  13. Garygaz

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread Blue-collar scum
  14. Garygaz

    Australian holocaust denier arrested

    I feel this man shouldn't be jailed for his beliefs. If we are jailing him on his beliefs, that would set new precedent for all the Jihad Extremists who are all talk and no action, their beliefs are highly offensive: 'Kill every Westerner on the face of the planet!' Spreading hatred to kill and...
  15. Garygaz

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    Many of them (the parents) are first or second generation migrants who immigrated from those countries, actually.
  16. Garygaz

    Australian holocaust denier arrested

    Free speech, plain and simple. If what someone says offends you, don't listen, but if they push it on you then they can enjoy jail time. This is quite interesting though, I've heard quite a bit in recent times about Holocaust deniers getting arrested, it seems pretty obvious from like every...
  17. Garygaz

    Sharia Courts in Britain Very relevant
  18. Garygaz

    F**k Camden is stupid Part II: The Proposed Islamic Cemetery

    True, it was more of a general statement than a view I hold. Though, you can take it to square one and compare it to the simple analogy of asking a friend for notes from class, then when he/she rejects you he/she expects to the notes from you. Double standards, take and no give. Then again, I...
  19. Garygaz

    Gaming Laptop $15,000 desktop.... My god