spaghetti monster or
russell's teapot is just a way to describe the logic behind the
negative proof fallacy. ie. "X is true because you cant prove X is not true". either you miss this point, or youre calling logic, stupid. calling people fuckwits doesnt make you smart either.
i am sure most reasonable atheists are open to the possibility of god potentially being proven, and do not take the stance "god does not exist" but rather "there is no logical reason to believe god exists, or what god even is" (for example). it just depends on how one arbitrarily defines "atheist" and "god". i think this text does nothing but make generalisations and construct straw man arguments on a subjective definition of an atheist.
i would consider myself atheist and i do not hold the opinion that "there is no god because we find no evidence of god
in nature". in fact that statement seems to be implying the very existence of the "supernatural". if you're assuming god potentially does not exist within the natural (where we exist?) then how is one to know what god even is? hence, you've done nothing but call the spaghetti monster argument back on yourself.
nice sweeping generalisation.
im sure you will find that there are atheists (depending on ones definition), myself included, along with a vast majority of scientists, which simply do not know the early processes for the beginning of the universe, nor do they confuse speculation with facts. to say anything more than "dont know" in this area is to speculate, which is why i find this quote highly hypocritical coming from a self-proclaimed deist. once again it depends how one defines "god" and the motivations behind ones definition. to quote bertrand russell:
this is because the claims of a theist generally invoke a
burden of proof:
in other words it is logical that one cannot assume true the existence of a potentially disprovable god if it cannot be disproved (negative proof fallacy).