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  1. seanieg89

    Complex Number Problem

    Yeah you are right and the book is wrong, unless you typoed the question.
  2. seanieg89

    Complex Number Problem

    Err, that's not true. Any real z that isn't 1 will give z/(z-1) real.
  3. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon 0. The only constant solutions are p=0,1. Let us now assume that p is nonconstant. By comparing leading coefficients we must have p monic. 1. For any such p, the identity p(x)p(x+1)=p(x^2) must hold for all complex numbers, as nonzero polynomials have only finitely...
  4. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Your answer to iii) is correct, but I was looking for some justification as to why "v1->v2".
  5. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Volumes/Integration: $Consider the surface $S$ above the $xy$-plane with height given by $h(x,y)=e^{-(x^2+y^2)}$.\\ \\ i) Find the volume $V_1$ of the region bounded by the $xy$-plane, the surface $S$, and the infinitely long rectangular prism $\max\{|x|,|y|\}=R$ for...
  6. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Harder 3U (Combinatorics): In the board game Risk, if there are at least three attacking units and at least two defending units, then the attacker rolls three dice and the defender rolls two dice. The top two dice of the attacker are paired up with the two dice of the...
  7. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon This is easy enough: If X+1/X=r rational, then X is a nonzero irrational root of a rational quadratic. So we can write X=a+b*sqrt(c), with a,b,c rational, c not a perfect square (from the definition of X). By cubing this implies that we must have 3a^2b+cb^3=0. As c is...
  8. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Exactly, well done. Are you a student or a teacher?
  9. seanieg89


    Sure, we would all need to go into an internet chat room or something and from there I would be able to announce brackets and stuff. I doubt we would get enough people interested though...
  10. seanieg89

    Chess thread

    Re: Chess thread? I know. Another?
  11. seanieg89

    Chess thread

    Re: Chess thread? It was a forced mate in about 4 anyway, but good game...the second one was especially quite a bit rusty dropping material so easily.
  12. seanieg89

    Chess thread

    Re: Chess thread? I'm up for a game after :).
  13. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon So close, but why "must" we have Q=pR? Why must any Q be divisible by p? This needs proof but otherwise good.
  14. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon Cool, so you are mostly done. What you have done is constructed a particular rational polynomial (your cubic) with alpha as a root. You have then found the two other roots of this poly (which look like the two roots I am looking for, although I haven't double-checked)...
  15. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon With MX2 a week away, I will post one or two difficult questions each day, hopefully covering all topics (polynomials, integration, etc). As usual, this is more to stretch good students and hone their problemsolving skill for Q16s than to provide exercises at doing the...
  16. seanieg89

    What kind of tea do you like?

    Ceylon black tea and various green teas mostly.
  17. seanieg89


    Want some games later?
  18. seanieg89


    Bump. Anyone want to resurrect this thread and get some wifi going? It would be cool if we could get enough people to start up an online league or something.
  19. seanieg89

    HSC 2013 MX2 Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2013 4U Marathon \log(S_n)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=1}^n\log\left(1+\frac{k}{n}\right).\\ \textrm{ which is a Riemann sum.} \\ \\ \Rightarrow \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} \log(S_n) = \int_1^2 \log(t)\, dt = 2\log(2)-1.\\ \\ \textrm{Exponentiate both sides to end up with }4e^{-1}.
  20. seanieg89

    MATH2962 vs MATH3068

    Yeah this. Or read a book on it after taking 2962.