You won't ever really encounter the stereotype as long as you don't talk about how long you spent on an assignment or how hard you found it to people outside of your faculty. Same goes for contact hours.
Re: ANU 2011 Semester 1 Chatter Thread
I'd have to overload but I wouldn't mind doing one. I don't meet the pre-reqs for industrial (I'm not a math major) so I'm going talk to someone about it at some stage.
They let you enrol early even if you live in a college, but you would want more justification than "because". As example, I had to in order to apply for a parking permit (you must be enrolled in at least 3 subjects to apply).
She means give an application form to Uni Lodge (probably best to fax at this stage), they do not require you to go through the accom portal. As others have said, it is possible you may still get a place due to the addition of UL3. Having said that, I would still apply to transfer to an actual...
Free Advice (I don't know if someone already pointed this out somewhere, but I'm not reading to find out)
Whenever you need to know something, whether it applies to accommodation, enrolment, parking, whatever, don't write e-mails. E-mails WILL get put at the bottom of the list of things to...
If you trust the numbers on wiki, UNSW has 3 times the undergrad population as ANU. USyd is pushing 4 times. It actually makes alot of sense that they would have more forums users.
Maybe if they spent more time doing work instead of posting on internet forums their unis could be ranked one?
I can probably help you out with most stuff you want to know if you want to send me a PM (I'm from Townsville, and did a semester of med at JCU before quitting and going to ANU). But the best thing to do would be directly contact ANU. I'd suggest calling, they aren't exactly quick with e-mail...
There isn't anything particularly stressful about those courses, so you should be fine to do them all at the same time. It is beneficial to have done 2001 prior to taking 3001 but it's only very basic concepts so you shouldn't feel lost. I suspect the restriction on overloading is more down to...
According to ANU - STUDYAT - Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Bachelor of Laws, You do Macro 2 in 2nd sem 2nd year. You will need to pick up FINM2002 to make the pre reqs for 3003.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with how the exemptions work, and you will see which courses you need to complete in order to get the full pt 1 (you need to do 3 which don't appear on the Act/Law ANU page, one of which is just a pre-req for another). I'll leave you to find them yourself.