Unless they've re-structured things, I'm certain that's a mistake. They'll fix it on the day. If you dive into the details, EMET1001 is normally required as part of a finance degree but since you are doing it combined with actuarial they ignore that requirement since you do stat2032. I don't...
R&D is an honors stream essentially. You'd have to do higher pathway courses and require an 80% average or you get kicked out. Unless you are keen on research and possibly a PhD probably more trouble than it's worth. All of that is what I've been told by other students though, I have very little...
Yes, someone will be there when you enrol from your college (ANU, not residential) to guide you through everything. I copy pasted all of that from ANU - STUDYAT - Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Science
Yes. The science elective preps you for what you intend to major in.
Shay, you semester 1 and 2 are:
MATH1013 (or 1115 if you feel clever)
1000 level science
MATH1014 (or 1116 if you did 1115)
1000 level science
The 1000 level stuff will depend on what you want to pursue down the track, physics/chem/biol etc.
Yes. I enrolled on the same day as the graduate students when I first arrived. They were pretty relaxed about the whole thing, saves you the hassle of waiting in line with every other college student at ANU as well.
If they ask why, just say you need to be enrolled to apply for parking.
Thursday 18 February 9.30am–12pm Undergraduate Enrolments (Halls and Colleges - Domestic Students); <<<<<< If you are not from Canberra this is what you are looking at.
ANU - Enrolment - Student Administration Services (SAS)
ANU won't send you anything you can't find out from the website, except maybe a student number.
ANU admins hate QLD residents, just a heads up.
In that case you can move in whenever you choose. Most students would probably be internationals arriving for their O-Week on the 9th. Unless you are keen to get used to self-catering or looking around Canberra I wouldn't bother, it's pretty dead right now.
Unless you are enrolled in at least 3 courses they tell you to go away. The parking station I want currently has a 2 year waiting list. Half of it is shit head local students who register so their parents can park and walk to work.
I hope you can speak more than english because that will help you meet new people at UL. I'm being completely serious when I say that. But as has been said in this and many other threads, it's what you make of it. Go door knocking or something, you'll eventually gather enough people.