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  1. S

    Uni lodge........advice please

    Actually back on topic, UL seems to have a decent O-Week lined up. More than what I was expecting at least.
  2. S

    Uni lodge........advice please

    It's also about 100 times slower than what it used to be.
  3. S

    What electives do you want to take?

    You should probably consider taking an english course instead.
  4. S

    do we have to apply...

    They will offer you another contract, same goes for everywhere else.
  5. S

    NO accommodation

    Fenner =/= Normal people, but I'd agree with the rest.
  6. S

    NO accommodation

    Depending on the college, yes, it does.
  7. S

    NO accommodation

    That's why UL has buildings in Canb/Bris/Syd/Melb/Adel/Auck/Well.
  8. S

    parking options

    Your next alternative would've been the Dickson multi story car park behind Johns but as far as I know it's full as well. You might be better off going on a waiting list and leaving your car at home for the time being. Alternatively just park where there is space and hope you don't get a ticket...
  9. S

    Information on Accommodation

    The Rex is right next to Fenner, so it's not far and you can get the free bus.
  10. S

    NO accommodation

    That's for a double studio, aimed more at couples.
  11. S

    NO accommodation

    Um....they ARE building a 3rd building.
  12. S

    NO accommodation

    Without going into a huge discussion, it won't end up supplying many more spaces. I.e. 94 pillow spaces won't let 94 more first years into accom.
  13. S

    NO accommodation

    Laurus wasn't designed with first years in mind, it's intended for PG/Later year UG.
  14. S

    What electives do you want to take?

    I did japanese as an elective in first year and it's probably been the most enjoyable course I've done. Really nice lecturers and tutors. Compared to my normal courses it did have a higher number of contact hours but I actually got alot of of them. Didn't ever have to go back to look at stuff...
  15. S

    Uni lodge........advice please

    So yeah, admin just asked if my room needed cleaning.
  16. S

    Uni lodge........advice please

    CLEANING AND INSPECTION You are responsible for the day to day cleaning of their apartment. In addition, UniLodge @ ANU apartments will be randomly inspected for faults or damage after the respective notice has been given. A vacuum cleaner is available (on loan) from reception during reception...
  17. S

    Uni lodge........advice please

    Summer and 52 week contracts only ended on Sunday, obviously the cleaning staff haven't made it around yet. That's not justification, just offering an explanation. If you bark at reception I suspect they'll make your room a priority.
  18. S

    O week

    I would assume night if it starts at 8:00. I don't think drinking at 8 in the morning would end well.
  19. S

    O week

    Friday 19 Feb ANU Eurotrash Party presented by Mooseheads (8:00-1:00, Union Court) Get your Eurotrash gear on (bright tight with sequins) and come to the biggest party ANU has ever seen! Held in Union Court with Off Tarpia and an outdoor bar this party is sure to be talked about for years to...
  20. S

    No Astrophysics?!?

    Holy shit, someone sounds like they've been on the ANU site! You get a gold star!