I don't do legal but the same knid of thing comes up in Business Studies and by the business studies text book the answer is no. But a small buisness is classified by <20 and they can't because these business has the right to dismiss becuase of thier small size and the need to maximise profits...
Actually I had posted it up there Aerath BEFORE the offer plus it is due in tomorrow so I don't really have 2 weeks anyway why can't I just post it for people to read over for me?
Eyes are a big symbol in the movie think about it:
The fist image we see is a big eye in the screen.
The machine thing uses eyes.
Leon tries to kill Dekard by poking his eyes out.
The owls eye.
The replicants eye glow.
Just to name a few
So ya it is significant you really should have covered...
We have just been given an essay to do the question is:
In a comparative essay discuss your understanding of the issues raised in Frankenstien and Blade Runner (Director's Cut) in the context of their times.
In your discussion of these texts you should refer to aspects of the form and...
Sorry I don't understand.
Umm, I passed my YOU (not hard) and got really good reports from my interviewer and from the phycoligist then they offered my a spot at the OSB... Is that what you were asking?
I know there is already a similar thread to this how ever I have been offered a place at an Officer Selection Board for the position as logistics officer in the RAAF.
Any tips or hints on what kinds of questions, things they are looking for that kind of thing?
ANd any advice for prep for...
Ya give the kid a break he posted this for advice not a cyba-bashing ok its just not cool.
Listen kid as the others said before you can't do a HSC course with out the prelim and even if you could you wouldn't be able to change this late in the game. I do both and if you could change I think...
The SRP is specified in the Prelim syl. Not the HSC if your school hasn't given it to you in yr 11 and are trying to give it to you now do something about it because as people have said above it is illegal. Talk to your teacher and if that doesn't work your DP then your priciple and so on til...
Anytime she says that she is happy to give advice because she knows that sometimes it is hard if you don't agree with your teacher especially your english teacher she also says she is happy to look over your essays if you like since you can't show other teachers at your school.
Not everything is about textual intergration but it is the students that can use textual intergration that get the higher marks. Instead of dealing with the texts seperatly try and "compare anr contrast" i.e. look for thinds that are the same or different. This might be ideas, concepts or...
My mum was a english marker last year and the year before she can't mark them this year because I am in year twelve but in relation to you answers the following she had to say:
"QUALITY NOT QUANTITY!!!" my mothers favorite saying of course the more you can write the more marks the marker can...
Yes five points is a lot. No I am sorry you are incorrect both my parent are teachers my mum a DP. The ATAR is not effect by your in school marks that is incorrect. You get two rankings an in school ranking obviously only based on in class stuff and an over all rank in each subject this is based...