Hey guys I just have a quick question in regards to our MQ email, last year was my last year and I'm finished up at MQ now so does this mean that my MQ student e-mail account will be closed/disabled? And if it does when do they usually close it?
Only 2 weeks in and we're already reminiscing about the good old library XD, at least I finish at the end of this semester and won't have to worry about it anymore ^^ But I totally agree they should open the old one during exams because the new library will be crazy, people will be saving desks...
Today at 12 I went to try and find a single study desk and all the single spots on the upper levels were FULL at 12 noon in week 2!!! I ended up going back down stairs to level 1 and 2and sat down at one of those long rectangle tables and i was there for only like 5 min before a group of 4...
I agree Blizane I felt like a 1st year student again as I wandered around the new library looking completely lost for awhile there. Also where exactly are the quiet/single study areas? I just seem to sit where ever its quiet but their must be a designated spot somewhere I just can't find it yet...
Totally agree with the new library being noisy, I don't study there at all I just go to the old one, but then again its always noisy during exam period even in the supposed "quiet" zones. Single quiet study zone is not supposed to equal three or four people crammed around one desk talking.
Sorry to double post but I have a question about parking during the graduations in the mid-semester break. I have to come in a few times over the break and I was wondering whether the parking during this time was just as busy as during the semester, as in could I still find a decent spot at like...
I agree that they're trying to discourage you from driving in favour of public transport but the public transport there ain't that great (well not for me anyway), I can catch a bus and it takes me an hour+ to get to uni or I can drive and get there in 20-30min depending on traffic. But yeah I...
Security guards do walk around the car parks at MQ to check and make sure you either have a permit or a ticket to be parking and they do hand out fines in big orange envelopes and they're $80+. They've probably been a bit lax because the first few weeks back at uni are crazy but after the cool...
Not a strike -_-, I remember the one last year (or was it the year before?) when they stopped cars getting into the uni to give them flyers and we "had" to stop for them. The traffic trying to get into the uni that morning was insane.
Some do, some don't. I know for one of my units I have a tutorial first week back whilst for my others I don't. The only way to be 100% sure is to check the unit outline and if you don't have it e-mail the lecturer.
Has anyones e-student been updated with this semesters units? Mine hasn't and I've been sent an e-mail saying unit info is up there but I can't even see the units to see the guides etc: for first week.
I sent the form off a week ago and I've still heard nothing which makes me nervous that they're not allowing me to do it which will really screw up my 2nd semester plans. I'll just be happy when this years over and I'll never have to go through annoying timetable/unit picking again it's always...
I'm quite happy with my first semester. In my 2nd semester though I had to have permission from the dean of faculty for some of my units, does anyone know how long they take to get back to you? And do they just say 'yes you got in' or 'no you didn't'? Thanks!
My timetable page isn't working either, I'm assuming they're fixing up some last minute changes (?). It should be up tomorrow but if not when you enrol in the classes on e-student on Friday it shows you on there when the classes are and you can work it out from there, that is if the timetable...
The only issue I have at the moment is that I had two subjects that I've been recommended to do both of and yet their both on at the same time which means I can only pick one, why recommend doing two specific units if you're only allowed to do one? It's screwed up my whole year plan.
Enrolling in classes starts on the 28th so get up early then and grab the classes you want especially if they're pretty full class sizes or else you'll get stuck in the prac's/tutorials you don't want.
Edit: http://www.student.mq.edu.au/cgi-bin/external/viewNoticeboard.cgi
I agree with pretty much everyone else in that it's very unfair. (Why didn't I do a teaching degree what a lark they're on!!). Luckily for me one of my subjects (which will remian unamed) was with-holding reuslts but at the very last moment decided to allow them to be released and so I recieved...
Oh wow he actually yelled at you? I've sat on the floor heaps of times during the last 2 weeks of uni when there wern't any seats (mainly cause it was nice and warm in the library) but I've never had any of the staff get anrgy at me before for doing it.
I was in the library last week and I was studying up on level 4 (at about 9am) when these two international chicks game up and put their crap on 8 desks including the ones they were sitting at!!!! I mean seriously...
Lol and about 2 weeks ago some international chick actually shoved me out of...