Yeah guys we have to be careful with this re-branding, it is massive and they want to keep it as hush hush as possible. But fun times ahead for us all!
Yep we have that rule now. Our regional manager (region 8) bought that one in. He also got rid of 2 o'clock face up. We don't face our stores anymore. Thy look like shit haha
When we got the phones few months ago I would hang up on people when trying to transfer. Old phones are so much better...
Not to different really, I already did all the reports, contracts, rosters etc etc and gone from one of Sydney's busiest stores to a relatively quiet 700,000 a week Central Coast store. So I'm managing okay, but man did people suck up to me when I started. I notice this very well haha
Buying and Marketing get a copy of that report, all not on files go to them. But really, if it wa sonly one they would just discard it. That report is really just so it can be found and placed on file.
It is my weekend off and the CSM still on holidays. I told the supervisor in charge any problems call me ASAP. I am so glad my service manager will be back to do the easter rosters. I do not want to do those haha
The lovely moment of the day when I am about to go home and the SM comes and tell me to fit two full time inventory staff into front end for the next. Spent an hour going through the grids fitting them in and calling casuals to can their shifts. Shit day!
The only time I call long life "inventory" is when it is either really busy OR if one customer is waiting and our Area Manager is in, cause he bloody hates any sort of lines.
Yep, that is like this one guy I work with. He HATES it when I put him on a checkout.. so I do often because he works for the store... not himself. If it gets busy and I am on any sort of break, they call me back first (no excuse). I am on a salary and the 2IC, I am expected to come back when it...
Yeah I do, but not very often. Being the 2IC people know that after the CSTM I am incharge so it isnt needed often. Mostly with the younger ones haha.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a dick (unless they are to me). But I do not need to be nice to keep being 2IC. The big bosses only care about...
Man some of the young ones suck up to me big time. This annoying 17 year old supervisor always gets on my nerves and now that I have rostered him on for no supervisor shifts (cause he talks to much) he is all shitty and called my CSTM. Well she gave him a mouth full for calling her on her...
I will do the Saturday day only once since she does one Saturday a month and we usually got one of our senior supervisors to run the frontend. So we will see how it all goes. Let us hope I can do the rosters without a stuff up (she always just double checks them for me but never really have...
How my store works is: at 6am the smoke shop attendant starts and puts all the smokes away. At 6:30 the self serve attendant starts and both them and then smoke shop attendant go up to the cash office and get the two self serve keys (we call them the black one and the silver one) and the money...