expect stuff like that the whole course. The course forces you to reflect on your studies, accounting theory and accounting into the future.
The first few tuts youre like WTF am i doing but hey - its an easy course pretty much impossible to fail which is a blessing compared the rigours of the...
you can request an exam script viewing to see if the markers made mistakes and have it reviewed from there if there are obvious mistakes made. you need to have already applied for it though
i dont think i can help because im not a current student anymore
however im sure people can get away with providing you the thesis, im just curious, this is unethical right?
I always listened online because i tended to lose focus during the 2 hours and when i came back from daydreaming i was frustrated i may have missed something. So listening online of course gives you the option of rewinding and listening again. Theres basically nothing you miss other than peer...
I always just emailed the unit convenor and acted like the times available were impossible for me to meet. If it was a 6pm tut i just said that i had work on and need to be moved - something like that. It worked 100% of the time for me although i felt a bit dodgy doing it, some of the timetables...
yeah my friend failed accg308 and it was a prereq to accg340 and was able to do both in the last sem. You must submit a special consideration and i think your GPA plays a part in their decision on whether to allow you to do it.
Having said that, doing both BUSL is going to be hell for you...
i dont expect them to change much. The only things i expect may change may be if you got like a 48-49 and it goes to academic council and they let you pass. same for 73-74 etc.
I got an 85 for one of my subjects so there was no ceiling on the marks released
why would u try to avoid finance? you know you need to complete finance units to get your ca/cpa anyway? avoiding them in uni will just make it even harder for you
i got an 83 in finance despite only getting 56 in 2u maths in the HSC and a 7 year gap between them (safe to say my maths was hopeless coming into it)
Study for it is pretty easy. Do the homework, do the lecture examples. Do them till you can do them without looking at the answers. Any "tricks"...
as long as you pass all the first year units in SIBT you will get into MQ. Failing units even twice, then passing on the third time is still enough.
I dont even know if UWS is easier than SIBT so unless you plan to change your attitude to study, then it wont help you get your degree. The main...
Unit Code: BUSL301
Difficulty: Moderate-Hard
Lecturer: Zaman Korseduzzaman
Tutor: Catherine Jeffry
Year and Semester Taken: 2013 S2
Workload: Moderate
Comments: i got a HD in BUSL250 and came into this one quite confident. Homework is not compulsary and most of the class didnt bother doing their...
i did BIOL260, a course on the reproduction habits on the animal/insect kingdoms and in humans! was awesome - online quizzes instead of a final exam. I too had an interest in biology from HSC though
got a D with very minimal weekly effort & im also a commerce student!
I see, well i really dont know what to say other than that i think you were treated wrongly and/or something doesnt add up and i cant put my finger on it
i will however say that SIBT for me was an overall positive experience for me and i know quite a few local friends who had a similar...