Both these websites work for me fine.
In my opinion, it's either a problem with your login/unipass/zpass, or an issue with your computer or settings.
Have you tried clearing your browser cache and attempting to log in again?
What about trying to log in to Blackboard or accessing IDM on a...
It's really not like that. For the essays in Paper 2 you have to have make a personal interpretation of the texts in order to access to the higher bands. Relaying superficial knowledge of the texts, or interpretations that half the state will already be aware of will not get you very far.
I completely agree. There should be travel concession for any full-time student, regardless of employment.
The system is also flawed in its reasoning for these limits to concession; many people who are employed and full-time students are supporting themselves and contributing to their...
I'd recommend a Brother HL-2140. It survived me printing out 100+ pages a day in the months and weeks leading up to the HSC. The only downside is that it doesn't print colour.
Thanks for the advice everyone. :)
I kept checking the tutorials a couple of times a day, and I eventually found another tutorial that allowed me to avoid a two hour break - much better than the tutorial I was trying to get into in the first place.
So now I'm pretty happy with my timetable.
iPads cost $499 - $699. And $629 - $829 if you want 3G.
I got a netbook a few days ago for $390, with almost four times more GB than the largest capacity model of iPad, a headphone jack, USB ports, more battery life, and a keyboard that you can actually use.
iPads are a waste.
It says you can watch movies on the iPad, but are they expecting you to hold the thing in your hands the whole time you're watching a 120 minute film? I don't get it.
Expensive piece of crap.