Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to advise of my resignation of employment at XXXX Stores Ltd as a Peak Trade Casual in the YYYY store, effective from one day after the receipt of this letter. The reason for my departure is because I can no longer be available at the hours according the operational needs of the business. Therefore I wish to end my employment before its cessation date as stipulated in the terms and conditions of my employment.
Overall, my employment at XXXX has been a positive experience. I would like to thank my fellow Team Members in the Electrical departments on Level 6 for their advice and support, in particular, to B, S, L, V, Re, Am, Ra, An and Re.
I hereby also return all company materials in my possession, namely: Name Badge (1), Temporary Name Badge (1), Swipe Card (1) and Proxy Access Card (1).
I request that my final payslip be forwarded to my above residential mailing address. I would also like to request a reference letter from my manager, B Song. If a post-employment interview is required, I am available for interview from January 17.
Thank you for the opportunity to have worked at XXXX.
Employment Number: 123456
Pay Point: FU