09'er Needs some light (1 Viewer)


Jan 15, 2009
I feel like shit. I planned to go extremely well in my Half yearlies, with 8 hours per day study during the holidays. I did zippo. Minimal amount of work. The same amount of work, the guys at school who say they arent getting a UAI would do. I am so disgusted in my self. Literally. I know im not 'dumb', but i know im not nerdy smart. If i did casual study and more thorough preparation for my assessments/ exams, my rankings would be great as well as my stress levels being low. Everyday i wake up, with a horrible feeling in my stomach, the one you get when you feel you might vommit. I used to talk in class, and muck around, now i cant even smile, i concentrate on my work and thats it. Every day, i go to the library (during lunch) and do all my homework. I get home, go for a run, have a shower, eat, then 3 hours of pure study. After study i feel absolutely awlsome for some reason... haha.

After this weekend, there will be no computer for me, nor tv. No ipod, nothing. I dont know why, but ive actually become so focused and determined to get my desired UAI, 86. These 'horrible' feelings ive been having are simply because, i feel i wont get it, nor anywhere near it. My work ethic has been horrible, and i just wanna have a cry. Yes, big boys do cry.

I have my rankings for each of my subjects, and just wanted to know if anyone could tell me, what the possible max UAI I could get, if im 110% commited till the end of the HSC, whilst improving my rankings. I know im a smart person, but it only shows when I prepare and study well. I can pull of high 80's low 90's with good study, but my exams show a different story. 20% being my lowest, and highest being 92% <-- 1 Unit Religion... not so excited for it.

I know there are a lot of people who might be in the same situation as me. Because i know for a fact, every 17/18 year old out there, completing their HSC for 2009, cares alot about their UAI, even if they say they dont.

Is ' 86 UAI ' attainable with improvement in my rankings. Right now, they are below the level of a maggot in a pile of shit. And i know i will improve them greatly, but is improving them greatly possible, with all my subjects having 45-55% in assessments left? ( This includes trials).

My school ranking is in the 60's ( i dont know if its significant to the UAI)

The difference between my mark and some of the top marks is like... ridiculous.

Here are my ranks, & what i want to improve them to:

Current / After Trials
General Maths 30/48 ------ 15/48
Visual Arts 17/20 ----------- 10/20
Standard English 11/82 --------- 1/82
Economics 30/36 -------- 20/26
Modern History 19/24 -------- 10/24
RE 7/63 ------- 3/63

With 45-55% assessment weightings left, do you think I can get the rankings I want by the end of Trials?

Also, if im able to get those rankings, and i get high band 5's & low band 6's for some subjects, will 80+UAI be in my grasps?

I really dont want to ruin my future, by not putting in effort

Thanks for reading it, only way i can communicate my worries these days.:)


Premium Member
Oct 13, 2008
Uni Grad
I feel like shit. I planned to go extremely well in my Half yearlies, with 8 hours per day study during the holidays. I did zippo. Minimal amount of work. The same amount of work, the guys at school who say they arent getting a UAI would do. I am so disgusted in my self. Literally. I know im not 'dumb', but i know im not nerdy smart. If i did casual study and more thorough preparation for my assessments/ exams, my rankings would be great as well as my stress levels being low. Everyday i wake up, with a horrible feeling in my stomach, the one you get when you feel you might vommit. I used to talk in class, and muck around, now i cant even smile, i concentrate on my work and thats it. Every day, i go to the library (during lunch) and do all my homework. I get home, go for a run, have a shower, eat, then 3 hours of pure study. After study i feel absolutely awlsome for some reason... haha.

After this weekend, there will be no computer for me, nor tv. No ipod, nothing. I dont know why, but ive actually become so focused and determined to get my desired UAI, 86. These 'horrible' feelings ive been having are simply because, i feel i wont get it, nor anywhere near it. My work ethic has been horrible, and i just wanna have a cry. Yes, big boys do cry.

I have my rankings for each of my subjects, and just wanted to know if anyone could tell me, what the possible max UAI I could get, if im 110% commited till the end of the HSC, whilst improving my rankings. I know im a smart person, but it only shows when I prepare and study well. I can pull of high 80's low 90's with good study, but my exams show a different story. 20% being my lowest, and highest being 92% <-- 1 Unit Religion... not so excited for it.

I know there are a lot of people who might be in the same situation as me. Because i know for a fact, every 17/18 year old out there, completing their HSC for 2009, cares alot about their UAI, even if they say they dont.

Is ' 86 UAI ' attainable with improvement in my rankings. Right now, they are below the level of a maggot in a pile of shit. And i know i will improve them greatly, but is improving them greatly possible, with all my subjects having 45-55% in assessments left? ( This includes trials).

My school ranking is in the 60's ( i dont know if its significant to the UAI)

The difference between my mark and some of the top marks is like... ridiculous.

Here are my ranks, & what i want to improve them to:

Current / After Trials
General Maths 30/48 ------ 15/48
Visual Arts 17/20 ----------- 10/20
Standard English 11/82 --------- 1/82
Economics 30/36 -------- 20/26
Modern History 19/24 -------- 10/24
RE 7/63 ------- 3/63

With 45-55% assessment weightings left, do you think I can get the rankings I want by the end of Trials?

Also, if im able to get those rankings, and i get high band 5's & low band 6's for some subjects, will 80+UAI be in my grasps?

I really dont want to ruin my future, by not putting in effort

Thanks for reading it, only way i can communicate my worries these days.:)
Not with current rankings, but yes if you improve to what you're aiming for, Overall I think its good you study now, you finally got a wake up call, dw about that feeling, I get it all the time.. every second its here. Just study and dont worry about anything else


Jan 15, 2009
haha wanna be my shrink?

anyways, thats all im doing =)

i just refuse to get a mark, which will represent the amount of "intellect" i have to be low.

Not that the HSC tests intellect... but you know what i mean


Feb 13, 2008
Ahaha my Modern History rank is similar (fuck my life) and I go to a shitty school.
Anyways, do better and pull yourself back up. Not too hard
High 80's/Low 90's in your subjects will get you over 80.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2008
yes you can get 86 with improvement
but do work harder =D


<3 Prophet 9
Jun 14, 2008
Yeah, just work harder.

Speaking of which, i should stop procrastinating and do some study myself ><"

mR sinister

Nov 24, 2008
Omg man i'm in a similar position to you !
And i also want a uai of 86% +
I know how you feel bro

Well i'd like to tell you guys my rankings,

Physics: 33/52
standard English: 45/247
Chemistry: 47/69
Maths 2u: 32/ of about 80..? Not sure tho
Engineering Studies: 10/21

Well what do you guys think?
i'm studying about 4 hours a day, and i study in the library in my frees
after my half yearlies... i'm very disappointed.

well for most my subjects i've completed about 45/55% of total school assessments
and my total assessment marks for every1 of my subjects range from
60-75 %

Do you guys think if i study the way i am now i can get my wanted Uai?


Jan 15, 2009
to the post above, it depends on how your studying?
The best and most efficient thing to do, for me and for you (as well as others)
is learn each dot point of your syllabus back to front.

Dont worry about information which is interesting but not relevant to your course.

Study 3-4 hours, till trials / hsc, a day with say 12 hours per weekend, your looking at 500+ hours of study to take into the exam with u.


but yeh... should be good.


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
Yeah I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not a nerd, but I hardly studied for half yrlies and regretting the crap out of it now. I know I could do a hell of alot better, but yeah.

But I think what you need is achieveable, it'll just be harder now than what it could've been.


Jan 15, 2009
Yeah I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not a nerd, but I hardly studied for half yrlies and regretting the crap out of it now. I know I could do a hell of alot better, but yeah.

But I think what you need is achieveable, it'll just be harder now than what it could've been.

thanks for ur input :) and yeh... ive been doing alot of thinking lately. It will be harder, but im looking forward to it. Ive just made my "test" harder, and if i can get what i need, i guess it will show i can do anything i put my mind to. Except brain surgerory.

Goodluck to you Dan =)

BTW I was having a look at the UAI & HSC MARKS 2004 Forum

The thread is called, " UAI's of around 79-84"

I noticed that some people had horrible marks for some low scaling subjects, but did reasonably well in in a few other subjects, and still recieved a reasonable UAI 82+

The students who say did Standard english and got 67/100 and other subjects recieving 80+ raw marks, how did the manage a UAI of 80+?

Were their other subjects affected by GOOD ranks??? Is that what it is?
Do i only need good ranks by the end of trials & good HSC marks, to get a good UAI, is that my focus?

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