You're thinking in terms of strict pathways again. Accounting, banking or law. Don't do that

Personally I think law is too restrictive, and you'll be better off pursuing a more generalist double degree that gives you flexibility when you graduate - and most of the stuff that you're interested in will still be open to you without a law degree.
It's funny actually, in my very first law tutorial we were asked where we wanted to be when we graduated,
most people wanted to be in a human rights related area (it's an ANU meme), I said that I was going to be a corporate lawyer. When I met up with some of those guys a few years ago, we got talking, and most of the human rights types were practising in corporate law and hating it, I got what I wanted and wasn't happy, and the only guy who was really happy with the path his career took actually dropped law and was working as a union organiser.
There are more options open to you right now than you realise, work on developing yourself (learn a language, pick up some skills, get some general work experience!) and go from there.