4unitfreak said:
My Chem teachers and lecturers have had the best ones.
At a Chem lecture in the holidays:
'Imagine if you kicked your toe on something really kickish.'
'This pen is made of potato.'
About a reaction with Sodium and Chlorine: 'It'll be going 'hey man, where's my electron gone?'
And in class, we were talking about examples of compounds, atoms, elements, mixtures etc.
Teacher: So who can think of some mixtures found in society?
Student: What about in manboobs, like there's a mixture of fat and water.
Teacher: Manboobs? What is manboobs?
*class laughs*
Teachers: I... what... what is funny?
Pity said teacher couldn't actually teach for crap.
aha i swear everyone in our grade knows that by know even if we weren't there
well mine are when my modern teacher started teaching us about russia she was like
"well what are some general facts that will help us out? well it's big, russia is big"
we all laugh because well, duh russia is big and then...
"has everyone written that down? fact 1. russia is big"
and we were all like actually?...and then proceeded to tease her about it for the rest of the year...it's become her trademark though, she loves it!
annnd my society teacher was getting annoyed at us because we were all pretty laid back about our PIPs and she goes
"girls, you need to be putting in more effort...i'm pretty pipped off to be honest!" hahaha.