what would u guys recommend doing a brief revision over tonight? im working tonight so i only have like 1 hour tonight to breifly look at some not es

what do u think is going to be on it
Pretty much any part of the syllabus that can't just be done via common sense (any syllabus dotpoint thats evaluate/discuss can mostly be worked out be common sense, usually) and that you havent done already/cant active recall
would personally look over kidneys and dialysis, how a couple of the technologies (for mod 6, most of the reproductive tech u can sort of work out logically) work (recombinant DNA, Bt cotton/other transgenic examples), probably an example for the project thing in mod 5 (human genome), and also disease profiles both for infectious and non infectious, negative feedback loops, etc
and obviously basic definitions for a couple things - inf vs non inf diseases, gene flow vs genetic drift, anything that may be easily confused