Could I remind some of you lovely people (and I do mean that) that Darwin came up with his theories where the dominant religious discourse was christianity??? First few who adopted Darwinism WERE christian??? These two things: christianity and Darwinism are not black and white - they do not clash. I'm disappointed with aspects of this arguement.
What is your point in deconstructing a faith??? So I can be free from it? The rules of Christianity have been changed anyway, through the change of language, and the rules set out by religious leaders, so "picking and choosing" has happened through the centuries. Why? Because if you've actually READ the bible, its a series of tales. As ALL texts, I'm sure you all know, stories contain discourses, constructs, whatever, but are able to be interpreted and re-interpreted. This is what priests have done over the years and enforced their reading toward the public. The "christianity" you are referring to is someone else's reading. There is no denying that.
"Modern Christianity" refers to merging "traditional" christianity with dominant discourses of today, such as equality between the sexes, the races, the celebration of multiculturalism etc. I think doing so is valid.
I am not denying the fact that atheists etc are not valid. I still believe that they're wise in seeing the constructs and discourses, and the way in which religion controls people.... but man, using a weird example...
Say for example you believe you'll one day fall in love. You can't know the future, you have no proof, but you believe in it. Sure you can deconstruct love and say that its something you've been conditioned to. You can also say that love is different to everyone - since everyone's idea of love is different. There may be faults in it, like possible patriarchy in love, or whatever... but if condemning or deconstructing their belief is pointless. It's like telling a kid that Santa doesn't exist. leave them alone for gods sake and let them try and avoid that lump of coal.
You can stick with not believing in a religion, I completly understand that. I really do, cuz I've been atheist before and I think it really opens your eyes, but it doesn't mean that having a religion isn't valid, or "wrong" or any means of being a fucken "tool." It's disgusting to do so.