==GUMBY== said:
What a sad day to be white,
I thought this would be a social revolution- White Australians all over the country smashing lebs,
a drunken mob bashing 4 people is no where near the havoc these arab kunts are causing.
Kobe- the leader of the bra boys is backing down, what a fagott, race traitor.
If Aussies do nothing this weekend, i'm so fucking NS, I'll go back to this "wog pride" bullshit.
Seriously, get organized white Australia, they are walking all over you.
what do you want? the aussies know better than the lebos, so far, they are only putting their race in a better light, and the arabs are only tarnishing their races name EVER FURTHER. The anglos seem to be more mature then these childish arab teens.
Dude it is people like you on the anglo side that are giving the anglos the label of 'redneck' to the people with bias whom support the other side.
this whole 'eye for an eye' bullshit will just cause more trouble, the aussies are being more mature about this, and its time ignorant 'lebo' supporters realise this and start publicy condeming the bad apples in their race, the people that are giving their race an even worse name, it is time for them to stop supporting them because teenagers rely heavily on
social support because they are insecure fickle bandwagon jumping trend followers.
If anglo's stop generalising lebo behaviour to every wog of middle-eastern appearance, even indians, italians, greeks etc, then they would have everyones support.
but idiots wanna keep referring back to the THREE people that were harassed because of their appearance and claim that it is worse than the whole bullshit that the arabs are pulling. It is not
if their was a scale of bad deeds, the arab side would be heavier.
If you want your 'side' to 'win' then why are you making them look bad, you should be putting them in a positive light, they'd gain more support, more support = less support for the other side, less support for the other side = a possible reduction in bahviour and a realisation that they are only making fools of themselves.
We need to attack the little bimbos who are supporting lebs because the are 'hawt KeKEkEKekEKEke'