I performed terrible in the Prelim. True story lol. I was rarely, if ever, getting over 70 in my exams and stuff. Now i'm averaging 85% and 100% in my IPT assignment. It's all about motivation, forget all the marks you just got with prelim, that means nothing.
You know when all this started to hit me? The night before my Modern History exam. I was freaking out, i hadn't studied at all, and i had no idea what to study (I hadn't heard of the syllabus

). I said to myself "Stuff this, i'm going to try, and then forgot all about the Prelim. Move on, and study to achieve the best i can and work towards my dream, and get into University. I'm not a bad kid, i'm the nicest person you'll ever meet. I just didn't have the motivation to study.
Just forget about your marks in Prelim, and strive for the best you can in the HSC. You can do it. Motivation and Endurance.
Good luck <3