1. How many powerpoints in a room? I know that sounds weird but lol...
Most basic rooms (i.e. everything standard except UL) has 2 power points (i.e. 2 spots in the wall- so thats why we strongly suggest bring power boards.
2. How many windows? Are they big?
Depends which hall to be honest. They are all of legal size - reasonbly big. But each hall has a different shaped window. If you want a better description tell me a hall
3. How close is uni accom. to hospitals, chemists, banks, medical centres, shopping centres, etc.? Town centre, basically.
Hospitals - 10min drive, 20min bus from civic
Chemist - one on campus - 3min (in union court)
bank - which bank? - 3min (in union court)
Medical Centre - 4min on campus (near union court)
Shopping - 15min walk - civic shops - everything from bigw, aldi, sorts stores etc - its a westfield
Clubs - 15min (25 if your with chicks in heels *sigh*)
City centre - 15min (i can bike up 5)
Town centre (is woden - similar name to avoid being confused) - 20min bus (near hospital)
4. How big are the mirrors in the bathrooms?
Most halls have a full length mirror in the bathroom, as for your room, really depends which hall - some past students have stuck their own mirrors in the inside cupboard door.
5. Do the rooms have air con/fans/heating?
heating in all colleges - yes. Aircon - only in unilodge. Most people who want it bring their own fan - tbh its not really needed with the "double" brick buildings
6. What about vacuuming? Do you bring your own vacuum cleaner, does a maid or something do it or do you hire one from the uni or do they give you a vacuum cleaner as part of the rent?
Some halls will have cleaners come in once a week to vaccum the room
Other halls (which don't have this cleaning service) will have vaccums on every hallway for those that want it.
7. How big are the wardrobes? Door-sized?
Depends which hall - Ursies, Johns, Bruce i think have 2 door or something like that. Burghmann, and B&G all have a "tardis" - small 1m^2 box in one corner which you can walk into - hard to explain.
8. What's the common room like? How many T.V.s, playstation, whatever?? Anything?
Large screen tv or projector, connected to foxtel (inc some international channels)
Sometimes students donate gaming consoles to the place i.e. johns had an xbox last year.
9. How close in uni accom. to parks and such recreational places?

<30metres to the nearest oval
10. How close is uni accom. to good clubs? No pubs please.
See other threads i posted names and websites somewhere else)- there was a clubs guide. Also you will go on a bar crawl and visit most of the main ones - moose/icmb/shooters/acaedemy/nitro/cube)
11. How big are the beds? Are they king-sized singles?
Everywhere except johns has singles (for std room), King sized beds at johns
You can "try" and request a bigger bed if you're really tall like myself
12. There was a question somewhere about a towel/clothes rack in another thread... Dry cleaning is a waste of power. Isn't there a hills hoist or something we can use??
I agree with this, thats why i suggested the rack. Some halls have "drying rooms" - from memory burgman and B&G.
13. You can lock the rooms, right? lol.
yes lol - you're a big boy/girl now

14. Storage?? Do they have big lockers or anything?? And I don't mean the gym haha.
For suitcases and things like that most places will have box rooms to store that junk for long periods. Otherwise all your stuff goes into your room.
15. Do they have inspections every so often or whatever?
Depends which hall. Johns doesnt have inspections because the cleaners will notice if there is an ongoing problems. With the other halls it really depends - they will tell you in advance (i.e. more than a weeks notice)
16. You can't connect cable (internet/tv) to your room, can you?
no outside antenna
17. Other than a bed and kitchen utilities, is there anything else included? Bedside tables, tallboys, dressing tables, lamps, etc...
Depends which hall
18. Can you fit a couch and stuff in a room?
You'll be pushing it in a basic room - but wait till you get here before you buy all this stuff. See how much space you really do have.
19. Do they filter/censor the net? Can you use hotmail, messengers, etc?
No filtering. You're allowed to look at adult material on "SDA" (paid for internet). Howver they don't like it if you do that on your infocommons (free internet). Hotmail, messenger etc are allowed anywhere - including comuter labs
20. Do they have separate hostels for girls/guys or is it "all together now"?
all together.
As for bathrooms, some halls have seperate boys/girls bathrooms (b&G, Ursula) the others are just all cubical style... you get used to it - tbh you hardly run into anyone.
21. How long are the bathroom lines, usually?
I've never seen a queue to go to the bathroom (or shower) in my whole year on campus - there's ample facilities.
Does every room have an ensuite?
no - only certain "larger" rooms - you would know if you got one - its alot mroe expensive
22. As I mentioned before, do they have a lights out or curfew type thing?
Nope, ou have a key/card to get into the building after hours, and a key to get into your room. It's your life - you can do what you like
23. Are the rooms opened by keys or swiping an ID card?
Again depends which hall - Johns, B&g, and maybe bruce? have a disc card style thing - its metal and looks exactly like a 'dog tag" - it slides in the door on its side - hard to explain. Ursies, Burgmann have basic key style ones. Burgmann, Fenner and B&G have swipe card access to get into the building. UL is all swipe card based

No probs.