A few more annoying questions

1. Do the kitchens have umm them air sucking things? l
yes, actually probably they have gone a bit over the top with them.
In unilodge they have them but "they dont work" (according to a mate who is living there atm)
2. Can you smell it down the hall if somebody's cooking something?
nah, not really
3. Are the rooms clean?
carpets clean?
They're vaccumed every so often - i spose you vaccum as much as you like. They're not regularly professionally cleaned though.
Do the rooms gather dust and stuff quickly? Only at a normal rate with things like tv's and computers.
4. Do they have carpets?
yes, everywhere, exceptfor common areas
5. Do you have to bring your own bed sheets or do they give you spares?
BYO. (usually)
7. Can you hear people bonking?
My mate: "ummm BG apparently so, but I never did, though apparently I was the perpetrator...and UL, I doubt it, unless you're in a multishare"
8. Do people smoke in the rooms?
9. Do they have fire alarm detector things in each room or only in the hallways?
detector in each room - a bloody loud siren in each hallway.
10. Do they have at least 1 fire extinguisher per hallway?
well yes, its all within industry specifications (the halls/colleges are liscenced as boarding houses).
11. Do the windows have mozzie netting stuff?
12. Do they windows open easy or are they rusty?
prety easy
13. If you blow out a light, does the uni replace it?
yes, you just log a job with maintenance, and they usually fix it the next day
14. Are there nails in the walls where you can hang stuff or are you not allowed to drill into the walls?
No drilling - use blue tack or those comand adhesive thngs
15. Do they provide cleaning agents/products or do you have to buy your own?
16. Are the wardrobes built-in? Otherwise, that's wasting space...
Nah not built in (well bg is different because of the tardis - its a frame secured to the wall, but its not 'built in' by definition.
17. Do the wardrobes include drawers?
At bg its like a 'pidgeon hole' built into the tardis (has a strip of wood at the front to stop your stuff from falling out..
UL - yes
18. What colour are the walls?
bg from memory it was a creme colour
At UL it was either blue or purple or something like that, (they used a colour coordiator to make theplace look nice)
19. Is there any way you can plant stuff? Can you like, pay for a patch of land or something and grow your own veggies? I want to do that so bad

from memory either bg or burgmann had a planting area, i spose nobody would care if you planted a tree? its uni property, if it looks nice i doubt the grounds men would remove it. No harm in asking.
20. How often do the buses operate?
15min sounds about right - more in peack times, less late at night. No trains in canberra - its only busses. I would buy a bike once you're down here.
Tank youuuuuuuuu
No problems