I think "question bugging" is okay... as long you do it reasonably, because, hey, it is their job to teach and to help students understand stuff. One or two questions in class is reasonable, as long it's not too complicated or takes a looooong time to explain. But if your question(s) are complex, take a long time to answer or you just have a LOT of questions (inquisitive, no?) then maybe perhaps seeing them during recess/lunch is a better option - teachers need time to teach and address other people in your class too!
(also, people who hog class time with their own questions are really really annoying! haha)
Make sure you are really appreciative when they answer (like say "thank you" etc) because then they would more likely to happily answer your questions in the future.
Make sure you are really appreciative when they answer (like say "thank you" etc) because then they would more likely to happily answer your questions in the future.