always said:
You may not cheat personally, but many private schools make ridiculous allowances.
Let me tell you what happened during the last set of hsc assessments.
A friend of mine did not turn up for her assessments because of a 'scratchy throat'. Her mother rang up the school in the morning saying her daughter 'couldn't possibly sit her exam that day'.
Is that fair? She was probably (definitely) at home getting a few extra days studying time. Is that not cheating?
I have friends at comprehensive high schools and their teachers CALL their doctors to confirm they genuinely were feeling poorly enough to miss an assessment. I'm assuming 'feeling poorly' would not include a bad throat.
I thoguht you were being hilarious about the cheating thing, but yeah, you can't 'cheat', but there are compromises. Calling up on the day of the exam and saying thats a bit ludicrous, but if you phone ahead I think its an alright call to make. And a bad throat can be pretty bad.
kangarulz said:
i go to a private school, and its the culture that i find that helps people to achieve better marks. theres alot of competition and its like a push to be at the top of the class, whereas i talk to my mates from public schools and theyre all like 'oh u nerd u study" and they always try and push to be the bottom of the class yet want to achieve good in their hsc. at my school, the average size of each grade is about 40, and each class ranges from 5-20 people.
we get alot of one on one help, like i have a terrific mentor who i meet with each week for like 40 mins, and we just talk about school, life, everything. and she gives me advice on how to tackle things, and coz shes my teacher in one of my subjects, its like extra help too. then we have extra maths, chem, physics, english and bio helps at lunch time and after school.
the teacheres do all they can for us, giving away alot of their time to help us
You know, you are really stupid. However, you are rich, buy me tequila.
ghey captain said:
lol is it tru dat u get ur uai as soon as u sign up for ur skool and u don't even hav 2 sit teh exams and teh BOS has a list of what uai ppl from each skool gets?
Because, you know, people aren't individuals and in control of their own results at all, right?
Yes, it is true. They chuck paper with names out of a bucket and the ones which go the furthest get a 100. Those in private schools get gold plates as opposed to paper, hence their plates going further, and hence them getting 100 UAIS, so in conclusion, urrite.
alexvincent said:
Who do you think you are you ignorant pompous prick? Private school students are not normal as they make up only 1/3 of all secondary students in the state. If there ever was a "normal average student", it would be a public school student.
1/3 is a fuckload, I'm sure its not that high. Also, I am perplexed as to why you would need to reference to a public school student as a "normal average student".
alexvincent said:
To suggest that all public school students don't use condoms when they have sex while private school students do is ludicrous.
I did not say all. But there a much greater proprtion of mothers and skanks in public schools than there are in private schools. But you know, I'm too ugly to have had sex, so I wouldnt know. Also, I dont intend to use a condom, must be my public school nature.
alexvincent said:
Maybe the inequality of UAI results is indicative of the inequality of the education funding from the Federal Gov't who prefers to fund these elite schools most while there are public schools who have 5 textbooks amongst a class of 30 students. These private schools receive 2/3 of the education funding though only making up 1/3 of the student body in the state. This allows them to maintain their 8 rugby fields while public schools don't have an adequate library.
And the observatory, and the winemaking fields, and don't forget the 28 laptops in every room. Yes, I am digusted too. I wear public education on my sleeve everyweek against snobby private schools. The truth may hurt, but the fact of the matter is private schools have better students. I see you go to Patrician Brothers Fairfield, so you must be rolling around in some facilities while there are demountables collapsing at my local high school. I know you're looking for equality, but wake up to yourself, it unfortunately doesnt happen in this world. People are better than others, and im sure that its not their fault that they were exposed to dumbassness when they were young, but they grow up to dumbasses for sure. Private school students are even more dumbass because they need to prove that theyre "normal" by public standards and go long ways to do it. Inequality. It's all karma. To quote Danny Bhoy on Australians "Hard, but fair."
alexvincent said:
That's what I think you stupid git.
I think your intrawebs is lose.
Neck up, son.