Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Everything you say is so ridiculous and false. You seem to fail to understand the difference between what a government initially claims, what they do, how they go about doing it and the implications of having done it.

BritneySpears said:
Australian Government whose laws you pledged to obey and respect as a condition of your citizenship.
Nope, I was a citizen from birth. Again you're wrong (As you usually are.)
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
You implied that Israel had lost. Don't twist your words around, it was obvious what you meant.
I didnt imply anything, i said it. Very clearly might i add. Israel lost, because they didnt achieve their aim, which was to get rid of the 'terrorists' and regain their soldiers.

In that case you should be supporting Israel because it them who told the Lebanese civilians when and where they were going to bomb.
WHAT?!!Are you serious?

Read what you said!!!

They told them they were going to bomb their homes, jobs etc Why the hell would they 1)believe it 2) listen to them, it is their place..would you leave if someone told you to get out?

They shouldnt be launching bombs in the first place!!

So according to you, using civilians as human shields is now protecting them? Niiice logic. BTW, it was a war between Hezbollah and Israel, not Lebanon and Israel.
Love, when you kill a whole bunch of Lebanese people, and destroy the country, it turns into Israel vs. Lebanon, not saying Hezballah didnt have a huge had in the whole war.

If they wanted Hezballah they should have planned out their attack more, so that not alot of civilians were killed [i know that civilians are bound to get caught up in the middle]

As well as that they killed some 500 terrorists. BTW, what did you expect Israel to do, say that it is ok to kidnap their soldiers?
Nope i didnt, i aint that stupid. I knew Israel will do something in return, but to kill alot of innocent people & destroy half the country, i mean seriously, that is just overdoing it. They should have tried to work out an agreement or something.

You misunderstand the term terrorist. These people that Israel take are terrorists who want to kill innocents. I see nothing wrong with jailing people like that. BTW, why do you support giving back terrorists for soldiers? Giving back 100s of terrorists for 2 soldiers is not a good thing, ever.
there were people under 18 , women and men...i mean come on, i just can't seem to see these people as planning out some major terrorist activity i guess. If the Israeli gov was to come out and show these people, and give them a trial, and prove that they were planning something, then it wouldnt be as bad.

Do you get what im saying?

and for all you know they could be innocent, for all i know they could be terrorists, the only way to prove it is if the Israeli gov shows the evidence which made all these people go to gaol in the first place.

Using your logic, the same can be said for the land that Israel captured during the 6-day war. Returning it now after 2 major wars and 2 intifadas to an enemy would be stupid. THannks for reaffirming my position.
It actually wouldnt, if the Israelis left the place thy would be safe, if they stay and share then both will be partly happy.But i see what you're saying.

Either way, this wont end.

Why don't we talk about Israel regretting killing these civlians and then apoligising for doing so. Why don't we talk about Israel telling these civilians to get the hell out of the way while they kill terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah?
How can i say this..its good that they warned, but if i was there i wouldnt believe it and would have stayed where ever i was at the time. Simply coz i dont think people will just send letters telling people to leave a country then blow the heck out of it.

Also, the only regret i heard was about the building they blew up by mistake, please post these regrets up..

Well some thing aye, tell people to leave their homes, land, jobs, country, because we want to blow it up. So everyone has to move out of the way coz Israel decides they want to take down Hezballah. People hve to leave so these people could kill each other.

And some people probably didnt even know what was going on-the dead ones.

Aryan said:
because Hizbollah and Islam cannot be differentiated, Hizbollah is a religious, political as well as militant organization. If you wan't me to stop bringing islam into the issue you may ask hizbollah to stop attacking civilians in the name of Allah, or Islam.

500 terrorists died, which means you lied by exaggerating the number of civilian casualty, becacuse only at most 1200 people are killed, including 500 terrorists yet you continued to claim 1000 civilians are killed. Contradicting your own lebanese government and UN sources, who were at the ground counting bodies while you are in Sydney.
Well i'll call them, would you like me to do it now or tomorrow? Because i can talk to every single one of them whenever i want.There are many people who kill and say its in the name of Allah, yet that may not be true only god knows what they really think, and why they killed these people.

My bad :shy: You see someone who you remind me of, said that in some other yeah it just stuck in my head.


Some train? THERE IS NO TRAIN in israel lol:rofl: It had train service to Lebanon, Syria and Egypt now cut off by all arabs countries for almost 50 years.

If they were defending the lebs they wont be hiding behind them, they would go out near the border and fight against israelis, instead they ran away to beirut and other cities hiding behind civilians and fire rockets from residential areas. Thats not how you protect people. Israel protect its people by going to Lebanon and kill 500 terrorists who wanted to kill israeli civilians.
Serious, what about a bus? What holds the military stuff in Israel? Because that is seriously all i could remember.

Why didnt they rebuild one?

No they werent hiding behind them, but there are always soldiers left to protect civilians, and i remember there were like 5 or less civilians injured in the attack.

Lebanon does that. Oppress them, put them in prison like refugee camp for 50 long years! Israel helped palestinian who chose to to stay and trust Israel, it gave them citizenship and all rights equal to jews where as arabs countries refused them citizenship, banned them of all basic rights including health, and education.
Umm. i have two Palestinian friends, and neither of them believes they are treated as equals by the Israelis. I do recall one telling me that her family was kicked out

Please show me these Palestinians in Israel who have been given all these opportunities.

[my mood is to blame for any mistakes]
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Did you actually look at the dates Maniella? It says those 711000 were the number that left palestine between 1948-1950. Are you an idiot or something? Too late I already know the answer to that..
nope you are the idiot here :) 7000000 million palestinians were sooo brutally displaced, by israel.

Atilla89 said:
ROFL,LMAO! You still believe that? These 'poor' Palestinians that you talk about rejected a state offered to them and launched a war against Israel with the help of the Arab countries. It was their fault that they have no state now. Even when Ehud Barak offered 97% of the West Bank, they still rejected it!.
rubbish!! why should they agree, funny how someone goes to your own home, takes the best parts of it, and then offers to give them back what they dont find usefull for them. Shame on them, offereng the palestinians some land in their own country!!!

Atilla89 said:
"MachsomWatch—have come here to check on the case of a Palestinian girl who was allegedly sexually harassed for two hours this morning by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint in Beit Hanina. The 16-year-old was on her way to her job as housekeeper in Jerusalem. On her way back, she stopped at the Women’s Center. Now the problem is to get the names of the soldiers, so that a complaint can be processed." Its not as if the army condones these behaviours.

I fail to see how this has anything to do with the IDF preying on them sexually.
lol, of course you will fail to see how this has anything to do with the Israelis preying on them sexually, these things happen to the poor, innocent palestinian girls everyday its not new to you, your used to hearing about zionist doing these savage actions ;)

Atilla89 said:

I am going to reject this source, it is clearly biased which you continually told me was not allowed.
nah, i never said that, because i did go through your stupid links that you posted, especially when it came to britian and the land thing, i analyzed every single bit of that damned source.
But anyway, its fine with me if your gonna reject it, you only post biased sources here anyway, from jewsih virtual library and stuff. Since this is the case i can now officially ignore all of your biased sources too :D

Atilla89 said:
As I have demonstrated many times with sources that are Jewish not Isreali, Britain was instrumental in stopping Jews from coming to Palestine. As well as this the only thing that Britain ever did was hand over the situation to the UN, they never created the land of Israel or helped the Zionists without helping the Arabs.
naaahh, you "demonstrated" the land saga from a ungrateful biased source. All it said was that british made it harder for jews to get to palestine because they placed many restrictions (nothing wrong with that really), but then with the assistance and interference of the U.S the british opend palestine for them.

Atilla89 said:
1948 started with the Arabs invading Isreal and Israel using inferior weapons beat the Arabs, nothing high tech there.

1967 started with the Egyptians blockading the straights (an act of war) and massing their army on the border of Israel and conducting cross border raids into Israel. The only thing high tech that the Israelis had were Mirages from France compared to the Soviet Fighter jets that Egyptians had.

1973 started by Syria and Egypt

1982 started by the PLO

First Intifada - started by the PLO

Second Intifada - Started by the PLO

Second Israeli-Hezbollah war - started by Hezbollah attacking and kidnapping 2 Israeli soldiers.
again they had high-tech weapons they used biological weapons in 1948 against the palestinians, who practically had nothing. So again, it aint a fair game, you and britney should go hide your faces in the sand from shame.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

your used to hearing about zionist doing these savage actions
when you start generalising from a single incident, you make a set a really bad precedent. if you think all zionists are like that then i would have to assert that you are mistaken. there are deviants in all walks of life, everywhere, regardless of religion or belief.

They should have tried to work out an agreement or something.
Israel, along with quite a few western countries has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists. the demands that were set for the release of the soldiers was for something like 4000 captured terrorists and criminals to be set free. so an agreement was never an option there.

It actually wouldnt, if the Israelis left the place thy would be safe, if they stay and share then both will be partly happy.
the problem with this is that it only works in theory. the assumption would be that if israel rescinded its occupation over gaza and the west bank then peace would be the next logical step, right? but hamas and other orginisations are bombing places like Sderot now, from inside the palestinian territories.

Well some thing aye, tell people to leave their homes, land, jobs, country, because we want to blow it up. So everyone has to move out of the way coz Israel decides they want to take down Hezballah. People hve to leave so these people could kill each other.

And some people probably didnt even know what was going on-the dead ones.
it wasn't a want, it is a necessity. if hizballah continues to exist, then israel's national security is at serious risk. what's to stop them kidnapping again? hizballah has no qualms against torture.

and no, it wasn't a perfect war scene, but such a thing doesn't exist. civilians always die in a war. the main difference is that israel takes huge efforts to harm civilians as little as possible, while hizballah goes out of their way to kill as many israeli civilians as they can.

No they werent hiding behind them, but there are always soldiers left to protect civilians, and i remember there were like 5 or less civilians injured in the attack.
if they weren't hiding, why would they hole themselves up in apartment buildings and kindergartens. they played on the morality of the israeli army and its reluctance to fight a war that could have resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties or deaths.

Umm. i have two Palestinian friends, and neither of them believes they are treated as equals by the Israelis. I do recall one telling me that her family was kicked out
there is a huge problem regarding the treatment of palestinians, but you can only blame it on the israeli's so far, (assuming you take an objective view). i don't deny that partial blame lies with the israeli govt. but the facts are that there is a sizable portion of palestinian society that thinks nothing of strapping a bomb to themselves and blowing up a bus of women and children. hence the buffer zone and checkpoints. its embarrasing and inconvinient on the whole, but it stops attacks and saves lives.

the quality of life of the palestinians should be recognized as the fault of the corrupt governments that have ruled them pretty much forever. FATAH embezzled millions rather than helping its constituents, and hamas is a terrorist organisation, so i can't imagaine that infrastructure is all that hight up on their list. israel has a responsibility to protect herself from danger, and as unfortunate as it is, the palestinian fringe radicals represent a very real danger. and until someone comes up with a surefire method for screening and removing those elements, or until the palestinians decide that they want a govt who will act in their best interests, they wont be able to co-exist peacefully.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Everything you say is so ridiculous and false. You seem to fail to understand the difference between what a government initially claims, what they do, how they go about doing it and the implications of having done it.

Nope, I was a citizen from birth. Again you're wrong (As you usually are.)
Whether you are born or acquired citizenship you are bound by Australian LAW which is the Law of this land and therefore what australian law declared as terrorists organization such as hamas and hizbollah are terrorists, that is why you cannot donate a dime to those terrorists organization while anyone can donate as much as they want to ALL Israeli organisation or Military or government if they wish so. Because Israel is NOT a terrorist.

ShiftyQueen said:
Serious, what about a bus? What holds the military stuff in Israel? Because that is seriously all i could remember.

Why didnt they rebuild one?

No they werent hiding behind them, but there are always soldiers left to protect civilians, and i remember there were like 5 or less civilians injured in the attack.
Not only you dont know anything about palestine nor Israel, your posts are just full of speculation and accusation without any proof as you usually did with your Maniella or sam04u posts. You simply posts garbage for the sake of replying my post then ran away like cowards without giving any evidence to support yourself, while I already posted one of UN chief telling Hizbollah to be ashamed of themselves for hiding behind civilians, you still tried to protect them :rofl:.

Umm. i have two Palestinian friends, and neither of them believes they are treated as equals by the Israelis. I do recall one telling me that her family was kicked out

Please show me these Palestinians in Israel who have been given all these opportunities.
There are 1.4 million arabs inside israel living happily side by side with jews, having access to all facilities and rights as jewish citizens, those are the people who made a wise choice, who knew that they are better off under Israel than arabs, they have the best living condition and security in the middle east, have the best health care in the middle east, access to all scientific and intellectual wealth of various israeli universities and they are successful citizens of Israel while arabs palestinians under Lebanon/Egypt/Syria are the worse in the world living as slaves condemned to live in squalid refugee camp by your lebanese government, banned from health care, banned from housing, banned from all human rights.

Maniella said:
nope you are the idiot here :) 7000000 million palestinians were sooo brutally displaced, by israel.
Or 7 million exaggerated number of palestinians brutally oppressed by arabs government and treated as slaves to wipe your fat leb ass? or to clean your garbage? pick your choice! You can run but you cant hide from the fact that palestinians are worse off under all arabs countries than inside Israel ;)

again they had high-tech weapons they used biological weapons in 1948 against the palestinians, who practically had nothing. So again, it aint a fair game, you and britney should go hide your faces in the sand from shame.
The biggest joke, cholera a biological weapon LMFAO. Did you realize that arabs people do not have toilet, they shit in their court yard, bath on jordan river, shit on the river, drink the same river nor have proper hygiene? Read your own source properly. Cholera , a diarrhoeal disease is spread by poor hygiene and thats what exactly arabs were suffering from. Look at yourself and your poor hygiene is the reason you got those 3rd world country disease. Even today, many palestinians suffers from such disease inside refugee camp in Lebanon because you refused them clean water and sanitation.

I wonder what is next to blame on Israel? A common cold, a bad breath, or even your own ugliness? :eek:


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

when you start generalising from a single incident, you make a set a really bad precedent. if you think all zionists are like that then i would have to assert that you are mistaken. there are deviants in all walks of life, everywhere, regardless of religion or belief.
It's hard to distinguish between you and the more radical zionists in this thread. It's as if the type of rhetoric regurgitated is monotonomous. But regardless, I personally think that generalising does set bad precedent. However, lets just remember who has been generalising in this thread.

- BritneySpears constantly making generalisations about Arabs and making all sorts of claims.
- Atilla89 claiming that Palestinians read mein kampf. (You would be surprised at the tiny minority who have read it, also you would be more surprised at the literacy rates. 60- years of oppresion and injustice would do that to a population though.)
- Various other claims including those which generalise Islamic people as radicalists who want "All the Jews pushed into the ocean". That's a major lie and a generalisation.

Israel, along with quite a few western countries has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists.
Then how would they do internal politics or negotiations? I've more than proved that Israel is a terrorist state. Terrorism is the willful attacking of civilians or civilian infrastructure in order to gain a military or political advantage over an opponent. (Israel has done this in the last two occupations and wars.)

the demands that were set for the release of the soldiers was for something like 4000 captured terrorists and criminals to be set free. so an agreement was never an option there.
There are about 100 which Hezbollah speaks specifically about. This number has risen to about 120 after the recent Israeli invasion of Lebanon. (The exact figures aren't listed on the internet. I'm speaking about an old Al-Manar report.)

the problem with this is that it only works in theory. the assumption would be that if israel rescinded its occupation over gaza and the west bank then peace would be the next logical step, right? but hamas and other orginisations are bombing places like Sderot now, from inside the palestinian territories.
Israel has completely seperated the Palestinian people within three-states where it is impossible for them to be together. Whilst under attack and in breech of international policy. Just remember your contradictions and double standards. The terrorist organisation 'Israel' is currently bombing entire villages in the Palestinian territories and destroying or razing other sections.

it wasn't a want, it is a necessity. if hizballah continues to exist, then israel's national security is at serious risk.
Why can't you simply spell the name of the organisation correctly? It's hezbollah. Not Hizballah, or Ghizbalah. But, hezbollah. (It's simple. Get it right.)

What's to stop them kidnapping again? hizballah has no qualms against torture.
Show me evidence of Hezbollah torture. Prove they treat prisoners inhumanely. Then remind yourself who Hezbollah are, and how they're related to palestine. (Which you keep averting attention from.)

and no, it wasn't a perfect war scene, but such a thing doesn't exist.
It was a terrible and attrocious war. An army with sophisticated western technology attacking like a repugnant school-boy over an ant's nest using his fathers microscope. It was horrific and unjustified.

Civilians always die in a war.
There is collateral damage and there is excessive bombings of innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure. All you need to do is take a look at the number of schools that were totally destroyed. It's as if the Israeli army was trying to ensure the next generation of Lebanese people are uneducated, angry and irrational.

the main difference is that israel takes huge efforts to harm civilians
I've noticed

While hizballah goes out of their way to kill as many israeli civilians as they can.
Not being disputed. Are you trying to argue whether Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation or not? Why not argue whether Israel has terrorist policies or not? Why do you continually avert attention from the real issues?

It's the same old useless rhetoric. As long as the Palestinians can't have their basic human rights as the Israelis constantly divide, attack and destroy their infrastructure and country. It's like expecting a chicken to lay gold. Remove the Israeli occupation, make a proper agreements were a one-state solution can be reached. Allow atleast basic human-rights to the Palestinians. Adhere to basic human-rights set by the U.N. And then finally, you can question the Palestinians.

Untill then, it's unjustified and unfair. Mitigating circumstances exist and you shouldn't overlook them. Israel has unjustly made Palestine a waste land, but expects it to act as a rich democratic state. They also expect terrorists to adhere to U.N sanctions, when the country they so adamanly support does not.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

ogmzergrush said:
So what's the score now guys, who's winning?
Well who usually wins when a group of over-zealous, under-educated imbeciles debate with scholars? It usually turns into a one-sided swearing contest where ad-hominem is employed by the weaker side. Regardless, this is an argument where those backing the Palestinians can not lose. They've been treated unjustly, and those who are defending them are the benefactors of the new Zionist settlement. (They have more will to continually evade questions, avert from the topic points and then slander those they're debating with.)

It's ridiculous really. It's like what I've said previously. In the 2006 World Cup, do you think the Italians questioned the Penalty kick which led to Australia losing their game with Italy? Obviously not. Even though the referee might later look back and see that it was unfair and unjust, he would still be able to admit his mistake. Whereas the Italians are less likely too admit something like that. (Like the recent Liverpool/Ac Milan final. The handball?)

palestinians brutally oppressed by arabs government and treated as slaves to wipe your fat leb ass?
That's the type of people we're dealing with. Instead of remembering who made them Refugees and why they're in these settlements camps that they chose to live in. He slanders us and tries to criticise a government which is holding half a million refugees in about 15 different sites. (12 recognised.) so that they can receive international aid. (This has and wil continually increase their living conditions.)

Anyways, back to your question. We're winning but in this cycle it's hard to maintain a win.

I've compared these arguments to a game of scissors, paper, rock. Where everytime those supporting the Palestinians win, the Zionists (metaphorically) say "Best out of 3" and bring up another point which is usually unrelated, and averts attention from the first topic. This never-ending cycle prevents either side from winning, and causes for long heated debates which extend over lengthy periods of time. (They achieve nothing mind you.)

So, the score now is 20 - 0
(Considering somebody will respond to my last message within the next 6 hours, it'll be "Best out of 41" when that happens.)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

"Atilla89 claiming that Palestinians read mein kampf. (You would be surprised at the tiny minority who have read it, also you would be more surprised at the literacy rates. 60- years of oppresion and injustice would do that to a population though.)"

Only a short post as I have other things to do now.

Do you think I am claiming this, its fact?

Mein Kampf is a best seller in Turkey does well in Egypt

And the one you've all been waiting for (its from the Israeli government but this part is written by a scholar

Hitler is one of the heroes of Palestinian youth, reveal researchers from the University of Hamburg, who are conducting an international study on the perceptions of democracy among young people around the world. Booksellers in the territories report that Hitler's book Mein Kampf is one of the most popular there, a best-seller from their point of view

I encourage people to read the entire article as it is very interesting.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

More propoganda and rubbish. The most popular books in those countries are the Qur'an, the Hadiths, religious books and childrens books. Articles like those are mainly made on a fraudulent basis. If I made an article consisting of only the people posting here it would paint a graphic picture of a sociopath and a hypocrite.

There is a larger American population that idolise Hitler than the Palestinians. Fortunately the Palestinian people have other people to respect and look upto. (Including the Prophets, and people in Arab history.)

Again though you prove to be a hyprocrite. The best-selling text in Israel (torah) is one which asks for the Genocide of the civilisation the Lebanese people descended from.

That entire article is completely fraudulent and has no evidence to make those preposterous claims. Israel occupies the Palestinian peoples land, a small minority of these people taking interest in Jewish history is not something you should be offended by, but instead something you should encourage.
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Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

actually sam, the name is how i'm spelling it. you just use an americanism of it. maybe you're the foreign one here?

Hizb'Allah - Party of god. now unless im very much mistaken, Allah is the islamic god, not bollah.

sides sam, he has sources, you just have opinions. you do your argument a disservice, unless you can prove your claims...
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Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Whether you are born or acquired citizenship you are bound by Australian LAW which is the Law of this land and therefore what australian law declared as terrorists organization such as hamas and hizbollah are terrorists, that is why you cannot donate a dime to those terrorists organization while anyone can donate as much as they want to ALL Israeli organisation or Military or government if they wish so. Because Israel is NOT a terrorist...

I dont donate anything to them, i only donate to people who need it, like homeless people, sick people etc

Unlike yourself i take it, you probably donate to Israel who kill hundreds of innocent people.

I was born here, and i dont need you to tell me about the Australian laws. So if the Aus gov allowed sam sex married, am i meant to argee with this? Oh what about the fact that the Aus soldiers are in Iraq, i have to agree.
you only agree coz you want to support your people.

Not only you dont know anything about palestine nor Israel, your posts are just full of speculation and accusation without any proof as you usually did with your Maniella or sam04u posts. You simply posts garbage for the sake of replying my post then ran away like cowards without giving any evidence to support yourself, while I already posted one of UN chief telling Hizbollah to be ashamed of themselves for hiding behind civilians, you still tried to protect them :rofl:.
Look who's looking!!! ran like cowards? wtf are you on about? Man we aint at war here, but if you want to be i'll buy you a one way ticket to your soldiers, so you can tell them all how much you love them:)

I just looked it up on google, and guess what i found?

looks like Israelis go on trains, and get killed as well.

Very sad stuff there, all about the Israelis injured/killed during the war...see when i search for stuff i learn more about Israeli civilians who died, then when you post your crap

Ok fine whatever you Sam, MrEazy and Manal sure thing :rolleyes:

Istead of telling me about how i am Sam, MrEazy and Manal why dont you actually make yourself useful and find something to agrue about, other than calling people names.

There are 1.4 million arabs inside israel living happily side by side with jews, having access to all facilities and rights as jewish citizens, those are the people who made a wise choice, who knew that they are better off under Israel than arabs, they have the best living condition and security in the middle east, have the best health care in the middle east, access to all scientific and intellectual wealth of various israeli universities and they are successful citizens of Israel while arabs palestinians under Lebanon/Egypt/Syria are the worse in the world living as slaves condemned to live in squalid refugee camp by your lebanese government, banned from health care, banned from housing, banned from all human rights.
LOL Best health care in the middle east lol. There are countries in the middle east which are 1000.. times better than Israel, all these people had to do was go become citizens there.

WOW i didnt realise that Lebanon/Egypt and Syria made up the Middle East.

Why dont you show us some evidence, since you like asking for it? 1.4 million Arabs you say..

How about this, did you hear of the Arab camera man who was shot during the war, by an Israeli soldier? Oh wait...there was a Hezballah militant behind him..sorry i forgot.:rolleyes:

Jay said:
Israel, along with quite a few western countries has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists. the demands that were set for the release of the soldiers was for something like 4000 captured terrorists and criminals to be set free. so an agreement was never an option there.
Couldnt they find some other way than by killing all those people? I'm not lying, when the war was happening, my mum was talking to my aunt [who's in Lebanon] and while they were talking a rocket was lauched at a power line. I mean who does that have anything to do with the terrorists?

Also say Hezballah was using civilians as a shield, why would they bomb all exists, launch bombs at airports, homes etc? There are places where its like ok, maybe..but they overdid it, they blew up half the country for gods sake, and still they didnt get their soldiers back! They should have planned it out more!!!

Well, i do recall that Aussie guy who the Sheik, on behalf of Aus, was trying to negotiate to release him, then the Amercian soldiers found him...What was that called again?

the problem with this is that it only works in theory. the assumption would be that if israel rescinded its occupation over gaza and the west bank then peace would be the next logical step, right? but hamas and other orginisations are bombing places like Sderot now, from inside the palestinian territories.
Well they havent tried, the only way we know how serious they are about wanting peace, is if they try.

Also i do recall seeing the Palestinians being killed by th Israelis, when that stop then the Palestinians will stop as well.

it wasn't a want, it is a necessity. if hizballah continues to exist, then israel's national security is at serious risk. what's to stop them kidnapping again? hizballah has no qualms against torture.

and no, it wasn't a perfect war scene, but such a thing doesn't exist. civilians always die in a war. the main difference is that israel takes huge efforts to harm civilians as little as possible, while hizballah goes out of their way to kill as many israeli civilians as they can.
Ok it was a necessity..why is Heballah still around then? I'm just saying they shouldnt go around ordering people to do something, so they can destroy all thats left.

Ok whats going to stop them from kidnapping again, they are still around, and now they have a bigger reason to want to kidnap more people..its stupid, either Israel has to work on their plans, and stop killing civilians, or else they shouldnt do anything at all.

Civilians always die, but not this much when Israel has such great tech. Both killed civilians, Israel blocked all exists so some couldnt leave even if they wanted to. at least we know that Hezballah doesnt have the tech Israel has, Israel with its great tech still killed young kids. That doesnt look like the Israelis are making an effort.

No i want to ask you, what is the difference between Hezballah and Israel? You say Hezballah killed many civilians, we all can see that Israel has killed more civilians then Hezballah, why is that?

Answer Sams questions please:)

actually sam, the name is how i'm spelling it. you just use an americanism of it. maybe you're the foreign one here?

Hizb'Allah - Party of god. now unless im very much mistaken, Allah is the islamic god, not bollah.

Allah is the name of god, but that is all one word, so no capitals.

Atilla89 do you have that source anywhere other than on that Israeli site?
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Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Couldnt they find some other way than by killing all those people? I'm not lying, when the war was happening, my mum was talking to my aunt [who's in Lebanon] and while they were talking a rocket was lauched at a power line. I mean who does that have anything to do with the terrorists?

Also say Hezballah was using civilians as a shield, why would they bomb all exists, launch bombs at airports, homes etc? There are places where its like ok, maybe..but they overdid it, they blew up half the country for gods sake, and still they didnt get their soldiers back! They should have planned it out more!!!

Well, i do recall that Aussie guy who the Sheik, on behalf of Aus, was trying to negotiate to release him, then the Amercian soldiers found him...What was that called again?
hey i agree that israel lost the war, i think it was ill planned and ill attempted, and they didn't fight it the way it needed to be fought. but thats the point where our opinions diverge.

they bombed key infrastructure places (ports airports etc.) to stop arms coming in from syria and iran so that Hizballah couldn't re-arm themselves. the fact that the lebanese govt is so reluctant to take the actions necessary to stop the threat of terrorism within their own borders is the reason that this war began. if the govt actually cared about the fact that hizballah kills innocent people for fun, then the situation would never have arisen.

Well they havent tried, the only way we know how serious they are about wanting peace, is if they try.

Also i do recall seeing the Palestinians being killed by th Israelis, when that stop then the Palestinians will stop as well.
what do you mean they haven't tried? show me a country on earth that has tried to make peace with its aggressors more than israel.

you'll see that the israeli govt has compromised and compromised, and that the palestinian orginisations have rejected all offers repeatedly. thats why there isnt peace.

and no, i dont think that when the israeli military stops fighting the war that the palestinianss will stop as well. they have the history of being aggressors, they've started the wars. why would israel stopping mean anything?

Civilians always die, but not this much when Israel has such great tech. Both killed civilians, Israel blocked all exists so some couldnt leave even if they wanted to. at least we know that Hezballah doesnt have the tech Israel has, Israel with its great tech still killed young kids. That doesnt look like the Israelis are making an effort.

No i want to ask you, what is the difference between Hezballah and Israel? You say Hezballah killed many civilians, we all can see that Israel has killed more civilians then Hezballah, why is that?
well i might have mentioned this previously, but the difference between israel and hizballah is

  • Israel warns civilians of its attacks, hizballah targets them.
  • israel is a legitimate military force, hizballah is a terrorist orginisation whos existance is based around the destruction of israel and the deaths of the jews.
  • hizballah hides in populated areas knowing that if a military power comes after them, civilians will be hurt or killed, israel makes sure that not only are its civilians as safe as possible, but that within the conventional rules of war so are the enemies. they realy didnt have to warn a country they are at war with that they were going to attack it, but they did.

technology in war only helps in a conventional war of soldiers against soldiers on a battlefield. if you look through history, wars faught in cities were won not by the greater technological country, but by the guerilla country usually. you can't fight an unconventional war against cowards who are happy for their own people to die by using conventional arms.
Last edited:
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

JayB said:
hey i agree that israel lost the war, i think it was ill planned and ill attempted, and they didn't fight it the way it needed to be fought. but thats the point where our opinions diverge.

they bombed key infrastructure places (ports airports etc.) to stop arms coming in from syria and iran so that Hizballah couldn't re-arm themselves. the fact that the lebanese govt is so reluctant to take the actions necessary to stop the threat of terrorism within their own borders is the reason that this war began. if the govt actually cared about the fact that hizballah kills innocent people for fun, then the situation would never have arisen.
ok good way to stop arms coming in, now who had to pay for all that? why not just get however many soldiers in the place and make sure nobody comes into the country?

If the Israeli gov didnt start the whole thiing it wouldnt have happened, they cam into Lebanon, they destroyed half the country. They had it all planned out. Either way it all happened because Israel count not negotiate, or should i say would not negotiate.

what do you mean they haven't tried? show me a country on earth that has tried to make peace with its aggressors more than israel.

you'll see that the israeli govt has comprimised and comprimised, and that the palestinian orginisations have rejected all offers repeatedly. thats why there isnt peace.

and no, i dont think that when the israeli military stops fighting the war that the palestinianss will stop as well. they have the history of being aggressors, they've started the wars. why would israel stopping mean anything?
So you want the Palestinians to stop, but not the Israeli? If Palestine stopped, there is no way of knowing if Israel will as well. Israelis kill Palestinians, so Palestinians want revenge, then Israelis say they killed ... so we are going to get them back.

Considering Israel has the upper hand, i think it would mean alot if they stopped killing people.

well i might have mentioned this previously, but the difference between israel and hizballah is
  • Israel warns civilians of its attacks, hizballah targets them.
  • israel is a legitimate military force, hizballah is a terrorist orginisation whos existance is based around the destruction of israel and the deaths of the jews.
  • hizballah hides in populated areas knowing that if a military power comes after them, civilians will be hurt or killed, israel makes sure that not only are its civilians as safe as possible, but that within the conventional rules of war so are the enemies. they realy didnt have to warn a country they are at war with that they were going to attack it, but they did.
they warn they warn Palestinians? No they dont, they only warned the Lebs who still died since they couldnt leave the country.

Hezballah has been classified as a terrorist organisation by the US, Israel and Aus right? What about everywhere else? Why are they classifed as terrorists? Is it because they kill Israelis? But Israelis also kill Arabs, why is it that both have a dif status when they are doing the same thing? The only dif is that one is fighting to regain land, the other is fighting to protect their current land. Israelis kill Muslims, Palestinians, Lebs etc .. Hezballah is a political party.

Oh yess, we're back to them warning..well there was no use in going to war in the first place, they had only gone to get rid of Hezballah, and regain their soldiers [as we already said] yet neither has been achieved, so they went to war, killed hundreds and for what? For all we know those soldiers could have been killed as soon as they were captured.

You say Israel warned, Hezballah didnt. Why should Hezballah warn? Israel was already destroying the place, it was obvious they would return the favour.

Can someone please give me these links which state that Hezballah were in these populated areas, since you all know about this and i dont :mad1:

technology in war only helps in a conventional war of soldiers against soldiers on a battlefield. if you look through history, wars faught in cities were won not by the greater technological country, but by the guerilla country usually. you can't fight an unconventional war against cowards who are happy for their own people to die by using conventional arms.
They had airplanes, ships, tanks etc All of which helped destroy many buildings and kill lives of innocents, this wouldnt have happened if they didnt have this sort of technology.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

why not just get however many soldiers in the place and make sure nobody comes into the country?
because that would take more soldiers than israel has, and would place the entire country at risk. why not just expect lebanon to make sure there aren't terrorists acting with the governments permission within the country.

it's always interesting to me how people expect israel to regulate each and every one of their citizens and to be responsible for all of them, but when the palestinians or the lebanese or the syrians or the egyptians commit terrorist acts the governments of the countries they act from aren't expected to do anything. either a country is responsible, or they aren't, but have one view for everyone, not just for israel.

So you want the Palestinians to stop, but not the Israeli? If Palestine stopped, there is no way of knowing if Israel will as well. Israelis kill Palestinians, so Palestinians want revenge, then Israelis say they killed ... so we are going to get them back.

Considering Israel has the upper hand, i think it would mean alot if they stopped killing people.
once again, israel acts in retaliation to palestinian terror. if the palestinians stopped blowing themselves up on busses, the israelis would have no reason to fight. you don't stop your defense in the hope that your enemy stops their offence. no civilisation in history has survived a war by doing that. that would be stupidity at work.

i want both sides to stop a pointless war that has no real reason to occur. but it has been historically shown that the palestinians are incapable of peace with their current mindset. so im not all that optomistic about anything approaching peace.

they warn they warn Palestinians? No they dont, they only warned the Lebs who still died since they couldnt leave the country.
actually they do. infact, israel is the only country in the world that announces its attacks in time of war allowing not only the civillians to leave, but also announcing their intentions to the enemy. its a stupid tactic, but thats how they fight.

why is it ok that the palestinians attack israeli's for no other reason than they are israeli/jewish, but israel defending herself is immoral or illegal? why should israel hold herself to a higher standard than her aggressors?

Hezballah has been classified as a terrorist organisation by the US, Israel and Aus right? What about everywhere else? Why are they classifed as terrorists? Is it because they kill Israelis? But Israelis also kill Arabs, why is it that both have a dif status when they are doing the same thing? The only dif is that one is fighting to regain land, the other is fighting to protect their current land. Israelis kill Muslims, Palestinians, Lebs etc .. Hezballah is a political party.
they are classified by the western world as terroists, the arabic world has a history of gloryfying anything and anyone that kills infidels or jews.

the reason they are classified thus is that they commit terrorist actions. every government at some time has killed people, but hizballah targets civilians. that is the definition of a terroist orginisation. israel targets terrorists and soldiers, hizballah and hamas and others target civilians because they are defensless. they are cowards and they are animals. if fighting to regain land is fine, then there should be no question about israels status in the region, since they exist as defending their land.

You say Israel warned, Hezballah didnt. Why should Hezballah warn? Israel was already destroying the place, it was obvious they would return the favour.
hizballah instigated the war, they attacked first. they didn't announce. you make it sound like israel is the aggressor in a conflict that has had her on the defensive since its inception in 1948. hizballah fired katyusha rockets into the northen parts of israel long before any military pprocedure was started. israel had no reason to announce their intentions, but they did. its a higher morality that is absent from the majority of governments in the middle east.

Can someone please give me these links which state that Hezballah were in these populated areas, since you all know about this and i dont
i will in a little bit, i have a chem exam in an hour or two, n i should probably be studying now.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:

I dont donate anything to them, i only donate to people who need it, like homeless people, sick people etc

Unlike yourself i take it, you probably donate to Israel who kill hundreds of innocent people.

I was born here, and i dont need you to tell me about the Australian laws. So if the Aus gov allowed sam sex married, am i meant to argee with this? Oh what about the fact that the Aus soldiers are in Iraq, i have to agree.
you only agree coz you want to support your people.

You don't donate anything to Hizbollah or Hamas because you cant, you are prohibited by LAW and you can be prosecutred for doing it, because they are terrorists under Aussie law :rofl:

You can donate as much money as you like to israel without being prosecuted because they are not terrorists under Australian law. :rofl:

And that clears up who is the terrorirsts and who is NOT. And Yes if the govt allows same sex marriage you have no legal basis to oppose it no matter how much you dislike homosexuals. You can whine about it and thats the best you can do. Australian soldiers being deployed in Iraq is NOT a law its a policy, idiots like you cannot differentiate between what a LAW is and what a policy is. No wonder most of you are from some deppressed areas.

Look who's looking!!! ran like cowards? wtf are you on about? Man we aint at war here, but if you want to be i'll buy you a one way ticket to your soldiers, so you can tell them all how much you love them:)

I just looked it up on google, and guess what i found?

looks like Israelis go on trains, and get killed as well.

Very sad stuff there, all about the Israelis injured/killed during the war...see when i search for stuff i learn more about Israeli civilians who died, then when you post your crap
That was a train depot, yes haifa have the worlds shortest subway. There are no railway crisscrossing the country. And also that shows Hizbollah targeted civilians (subway workers) NOT israeli troops.

LOL Best health care in the middle east lol. There are countries in the middle east which are 1000.. times better than Israel, all these people had to do was go become citizens there.

WOW i didnt realise that Lebanon/Egypt and Syria made up the Middle East.

Why dont you show us some evidence, since you like asking for it? 1.4 million Arabs you say..
Which countries have 1000 times better health care than Israel? No arabs countries accept palestinians as citizens except Jordan and no they cannot go there and simply became citizenship. Your own country Lebanon denied citizenship to clost to 4 million Palestinians and 700000 of them or more living in lebanon for 50 years, and they are denied basic health care and jobs. Where was 1.4 million arabs inside Israel have citizenship, have the best education in the middle east, the best of everything in the middle east. the only thing they feared is Palestinian terrorists attacks. That is from their fellow arabs.

Israel have world class pharmaceutical company while arabs countries have NONE, israel have world clas biotech companies while arabs have NONE. I doubt you even know what a biotech is. Not to talk of having biotech company LOL For you a simple microscope is an advanced scientific machine.

How about this, did you hear of the Arab camera man who was shot during the war, by an Israeli soldier? Oh wait...there was a Hezballah militant behind him..sorry i forgot.:rolleyes:
How about those arab killed by Hizbollah rockets in Haifa, was there an israeli soldier in their home :rolleyes:

Couldnt they find some other way than by killing all those people? I'm not lying, when the war was happening, my mum was talking to my aunt [who's in Lebanon] and while they were talking a rocket was lauched at a power line. I mean who does that have anything to do with the terrorists?
No, israel have to strike where Hizbollah are whether it is military camp, or they are hiding inside hospital bed, or under your bed. They will be striked where they are, and civilians will be casualty sometime and thats the price you have to pay for supporting them and letting them hide in your home and letting them launch rockets from your rooftop.

Also say Hezballah was using civilians as a shield, why would they bomb all exists, launch bombs at airports, homes etc? There are places where its like ok, maybe..but they overdid it, they blew up half the country for gods sake, and still they didnt get their soldiers back! They should have planned it out more!!!
Airports are the gateway of hizbollah weapons import from iran and Syria, roads are used by Hizbollah to transport their rockets from airport to villages and civilians areas. They are legitimate targets and Israel will do the same again, if hizbollah attack Israel again of course.

Some evidence of Arabs Idolizing Hitler

In Gafsa, Tunisia, 2,000 Arabs rampaged through the Jewish quarter, wrecking homes and shops, seriously wounding one Senegalese policeman, and in some streets raising cries of "Vive Hitler!",9171,756409,00.html
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

JayB said:
because that would take more soldiers than israel has, and would place the entire country at risk. why not just expect lebanon to make sure there aren't terrorists acting with the governments permission within the country.

it's always interesting to me how people expect israel to regulate each and every one of their citizens and to be responsible for all of them, but when the palestinians or the lebanese or the syrians or the egyptians commit terrorist acts the governments of the countries they act from aren't expected to do anything. either a country is responsible, or they aren't, but have one view for everyone, not just for israel.
I dont get you, first you say they told them to leave yet they blew up every exist [maybe left a few] half the people couldnt leave, and you think this is better than if they just had people watch the place?

They had planes and ships, which could have made sure nobody entered the country.

I think when talking about Israeli soldiers who are meant to be taking orders from the Israeli gov, then yes it has to do with the country, maybe not everyone in the country has anything to do with it but the gov does. As for the Palestinians well ...their gov.. man they serisouly need help with it. In Lebanon like Hezballah they're a political party, but the gov didnt want them to kidnap those soldiers, they didnt want this war to start. It all comes down to who is giving the orders.

once again, israel acts in retaliation to palestinian terror. if the palestinians stopped blowing themselves up on busses, the israelis would have no reason to fight. you don't stop your defense in the hope that your enemy stops their offence. no civilisation in history has survived a war by doing that. that would be stupidity at work.

i want both sides to stop a pointless war that has no real reason to occur. but it has been historically shown that the palestinians are incapable of peace with their current mindset. so im not all that optomistic about anything approaching peace.
Right and Palestinians will stop fighting when they believe they are protecting themselves.. why the hell would they stop?

I want them to stop as well. lol yeah right.

you people should try to put yourselves in their place, they believe the land is theirs so they wont stop until they regain it.

Also half these people have had family members dead, they have grown up hating Israelis [why wouldnt they] and you expect them to change?

actually they do. infact, israel is the only country in the world that announces its attacks in time of war allowing not only the civillians to leave, but also announcing their intentions to the enemy. its a stupid tactic, but thats how they fight.

why is it ok that the palestinians attack israeli's for no other reason than they are israeli/jewish, but israel defending herself is immoral or illegal? why should israel hold herself to a higher standard than her aggressors?
Oh really? So why are there so many people dead if they warn?

Why do you make it like being a Jew means soo much? They dont really care about that, its the fact that they believe its their land which makes them hate Israelis.

they are classified by the western world as terroists, the arabic world has a history of gloryfying anything and anyone that kills infidels or jews.

the reason they are classified thus is that they commit terrorist actions. every government at some time has killed people, but hizballah targets civilians. that is the definition of a terroist orginisation. israel targets terrorists and soldiers, hizballah and hamas and others target civilians because they are defensless. they are cowards and they are animals. if fighting to regain land is fine, then there should be no question about israels status in the region, since they exist as defending their land.
why does everything turn into Jew vs Muslim ?

hizballah instigated the war, they attacked first. they didn't announce. you make it sound like israel is the aggressor in a conflict that has had her on the defensive since its inception in 1948. hizballah fired katyusha rockets into the northen parts of israel long before any military pprocedure was started. israel had no reason to announce their intentions, but they did. its a higher morality that is absent from the majority of governments in the middle east.
Oh pollllease! They killed hundreds and you still defend them, im not defending Hezballah i know they were wrong, yet you make it out like Israel is 100% perfect and nothing Israel does can ever be false.

i will in a little bit, i have a chem exam in an hour or two, n i should probably be studying now
good luck in it...oh wait you probably already done it :|

ogmzergrush said:
WRONG! The fight for freedom and justice will not wait!

do your duty!

Lol ...keep this up and Aryan will call you Sam:p

That pic looks palestinian kids one :|

Aryan said:
You don't donate anything to Hizbollah or Hamas because you cant, you are prohibited by LAW and you can be prosecutred for doing it, because they are terrorists under Aussie law :rofl:

You can donate as much money as you like to israel without being prosecuted because they are not terrorists under Australian law. :rofl:

And that clears up who is the terrorirsts and who is NOT. And Yes if the govt allows same sex marriage you have no legal basis to oppose it no matter how much you dislike homosexuals. You can whine about it and thats the best you can do. Australian soldiers being deployed in Iraq is NOT a law its a policy, idiots like you cannot differentiate between what a LAW is and what a policy is. No wonder most of you are from some deppressed areas.
I dont donate coz i dont run on money, and as i already said i only give money to charity which includes poor people, and those who need it most, and Hezballah isnt included, so stop making things up and replying to your own crap!

No thanks, you can donate. Im suprised you dont live there since you would fit in.

LOL idiots like me. Please look in the mirror then come back and tell me what an idiot looks like.

Once again you are seriously stupid, did i say im against homosexuals? Why dnt you go quote it where i said it! There are many laws which people dont agree with and there are many things in the Aus gov which people dont agree with, people dont tink Aus should be in Iraq etc That doesnt mean they will go to gaol or be seen as against Australia.

Get your fact straight

That was a train depot, yes haifa have the worlds shortest subway. There are no railway crisscrossing the country. And also that shows Hizbollah targeted civilians (subway workers) NOT israeli troops.
Who cares im right in the end.

Which countries have 1000 times better health care than Israel? No arabs countries accept palestinians as citizens except Jordan and no they cannot go there and simply became citizenship. Your own country Lebanon denied citizenship to clost to 4 million Palestinians and 700000 of them or more living in lebanon for 50 years, and they are denied basic health care and jobs. Where was 1.4 million arabs inside Israel have citizenship, have the best education in the middle east, the best of everything in the middle east. the only thing they feared is Palestinian terrorists attacks. That is from their fellow arabs.

Israel have world class pharmaceutical company while arabs countries have NONE, israel have world clas biotech companies while arabs have NONE. I doubt you even know what a biotech is. Not to talk of having biotech company LOL For you a simple microscope is an advanced scientific machine.
:sleep: me evidence, the whole 1.4 million

How about those arab killed by Hizbollah rockets in Haifa, was there an israeli soldier in their home :rolleyes:
Yes in wars there are always civilians who are caught in the middle and are killed:rolleyes:

BUT this was a camera man, he was live on tv and was shot, this was no mistake [well yes it was they seemed to have been aiming for the female reporter]...:uhoh:

No, israel have to strike where Hizbollah are whether it is military camp, or they are hiding inside hospital bed, or under your bed. They will be striked where they are, and civilians will be casualty sometime and thats the price you have to pay for supporting them and letting them hide in your home and letting them launch rockets from your rooftop.
Yes they were in my house, in sydney while your retarded country was lauching bombs in Lebanon:uhoh:


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
I dont get you, first you say they told them to leave yet they blew up every exist [maybe left a few] half the people couldnt leave, and you think this is better than if they just had people watch the place?

They had planes and ships, which could have made sure nobody entered the country.

I think when talking about Israeli soldiers who are meant to be taking orders from the Israeli gov, then yes it has to do with the country, maybe not everyone in the country has anything to do with it but the gov does. As for the Palestinians well ...their gov.. man they serisouly need help with it. In Lebanon like Hezballah they're a political party, but the gov didnt want them to kidnap those soldiers, they didnt want this war to start. It all comes down to who is giving the orders.
No Israeli soldiers did not phone the prime minister before they shot every fire to kill a terrorists target. You are perfectly OK when israeli civilians are killed by Hizbollah and Hamas and cry like whore begging for dick when arab civilians are killed by Israeli soldiers while doing their military operation.

Right and Palestinians will stop fighting when they believe they are protecting themselves.. why the hell would they stop?
How do they protect themselves by firing rockets to some random place? it only made israeli soldiers a reason to launch attacks against palestinian militants as it is doing for the past two weeks. 50+ terrorists killed while Palestinian terrorists managed to kill 3 civilians inside Israel. NOT the soldiers.

you people should try to put yourselves in their place, they believe the land is theirs so they wont stop until they regain it.

Also half these people have had family members dead, they have grown up hating Israelis [why wouldnt they] and you expect them to change?
Israel also beleive the land is theirs and they will not stop protecting themselves from arabs terrorists. Both sides will not stop and as long as arabs attacks Israel, there will always be retaliation from Israel, a painful one. With every israeli soldiers killed there will be at least 10 arab terrorists dead.

Oh pollllease! They killed hundreds and you still defend them, im not defending Hezballah i know they were wrong, yet you make it out like Israel is 100% perfect and nothing Israel does can ever be false.
Israel is perfect while hizbollah and hamas terrorists are 100% wrong.

I dont donate coz i dont run on money, and as i already said i only give money to charity which includes poor people, and those who need it most, and Hezballah isnt included, so stop making things up and replying to your own crap!

No thanks, you can donate. Im suprised you dont live there since you would fit in.
You cannot donate even if you are dying for it, because you cant without breaking the law. They are terrorists organisation according to australian Law. Where as Isralis are NOT :D

Once again you are seriously stupid, did i say im against homosexuals? Why dnt you go quote it where i said it! There are many laws which people dont agree with and there are many things in the Aus gov which people dont agree with, people dont tink Aus should be in Iraq etc That doesnt mean they will go to gaol or be seen as against Australia.

Get your fact straight
Like I said, idiots like you dont know how to differentiate the LAW and POLICY. If the government legalized gay marriage, its the LAW and you cannot do anything on legal basis no matter how much you hate homosexuals other than maoning like a whore. On the other hand, sending troops to Iraq is a government policy decision NOT a LAW and you can protest about it, challenge it in court. That is the difference. Like Wise, Hizbollah and Hamas are terrorists you cannot do anything tangible to support them, you cannot help them materially, you cannot donate money to support their charity, its against the LAW.

Who cares im right in the end.
Yes you are right that Hizbollah targeted civilians not soldiers with their rockets. which makes israel invasion of lebanon to kill hizbollah legitimate.

:sleep: me evidence, the whole 1.4 million
Oh why dont you show me evidence that you have 2 palestinian friend from Israel who said they are discriminated and their mothers are kicked out of the country? There are 1.4 million arabs inside Israel and that is an evidence that they are actually happier and safer , they wont be there if they are treated badly, they will migrate to 20+ other arabs countries . No they dont want to live in arabs countries because they see how lebs treat palestinians as Slaves.

Yes in wars there are always civilians who are caught in the middle and are killed:rolleyes:

BUT this was a camera man, he was live on tv and was shot, this was no mistake [well yes it was they seemed to have been aiming for the female reporter]...:uhoh:
Who was this cameramen, and what TV was he on Live? or is it pulled out from your arse as usual?

Yes they were in my house, in sydney while your retarded country was lauching bombs in Lebanon:uhoh:
yeah i know the slept with you!

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