Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)

Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
"Well why should they hen until now they dont have what they want? Give them what they want make an agreement, Israelis get what they want, and lets see how it works."

I am happy to see that we share a common ground: an agreement where both sides benefit.

But, while I see that you really do wish for a peaceful solution and you support what you do because you truthfully believe they are the victims, please recognise that Israel has tried to satisfy the wants of the Palestinians. In history they have had the Peel Partition, they gave back the sinai, (once again!) Camp David 2000 and the disengagement from Gush Katif. But the Palestinians are not coming to the table. They will not accept these attempts at peace. If you are not for bilateral peace but for unilateral peace for your side then you have the situation that is today. The only thing is I argue Palestine is the obstacle t opeace and you argue it's Israel.
You mentioned this in past posts? [i'll read it sometimes tonights]

Well im right, so that leaves you...wrong :p

Why dont you actually see what they want and what Israel wants, then this may actually end. Although i doubt it, i'll probably be and and this will still be going on!!!

Well...after reading the article tempco posted...dont count on peace between Israel and Palestine ..EVER!
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
I do not need to post further sources as you already seen my post earlier. Yet you try to deny the very existence of women opression while women are regularly killed for the so called honour killing. You are the people who actually aggravate the rights of women in islamic society, by supporting violence against women through denial.
I dont se how any of this relates to Islam. I dont see how Islam is being sexist. I dont see anything you seem to make up. Which is why im asking you to post sources, but you dont have any then its cool.

CUTLURE? are you trying to say culture? You obviously do not know what islam is about, again, why are 14 years old australian women forced to marry some old men in lebanon by their parents, why are some 10 years old afghan or pakistani men forced to marry some 50 years old. Islam is not only a religion but also a culture in itself. That is the so called Islamic culture.
So now Islam is a culture riiiiighttt. Please go back and check your sources, in Lebanon many women of different religions marry at a young age, same with Pak and many African countries, this has nothing to do with Islam, and also has nothing to do with ISRAEL AND PALESTINE!!!!!

Thas what I thought, you talked as if you know the place or lived there and always tried to speak on their behalf, you tried to portray them as supporting terrorism and hizbollah where as many of them just want peace , free from hizbollah terrorists, proven by the fact that many of them welcomes Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 or 2006.
And you've been there? You know for a fact that nobody supports Hezballah? Because last i checked they were ELECTED do you know what that word means? The public wanted them to be a political party, no matter what shit you make up, they wanted them, and they got them.

As for this spelling crap, dont judge since more than half the stuff you typr makes no sense.

Young australian lebanese origin women risked being married off to people they've never known or seen as witnessed by Australian Embassy. That was for your safety. You must thank me for that.
What for? The invasion? Nobody wil force me into doing anything i dont want. So you can go warn someone else:)

You already did.
When? You have a thing for ignoring anything which proves your an idiot, yet you make stuff up, and when someone proves you wrong you just ignore...


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Or you are falling on your own continual lies? You made up lies such as I am Aryanbeauty, Israel soldiers rape boys etc and actually believe it. Thanks for exposing that you are habitual liar :rofl::rofl:

They lied all the time like you, making up rape stories, they even bombed their own house then claimed Israel bombed their house. That was why no onw gave attention to lebs or palestinian because they told so many lies and no one wants to believe their faking of death or injury. Yes I said Israel did a good job in killing 500+ terrorists according to Lebanese Govt and UN source, which means Israeli soldiers are the most successful and perfect fighter against terrorists. A role Model for soldiers around the world.
Naaah israeli soldiers do rape children, and i gave you sources. And you are aryan and everyone knows that so stop being ashamed of yourself, and stand-up for yourself;)

BritneySpears said:
Yeah you are happy that you have 70000000000000 refugees which you created arent you? You love cheap labour from your Palestinian Slaves in Lebanon thats why your country invaded Israel in 1948, to create refugees for use as slave labour in Lebanon. Modern day slavery only exist in arab countries.
You are the one thats happy, you are the one who wants them out of their country. me unlike you, feel sorry for them, which is why the whole world should know that the palestinians are being kicked out of their country everyday.

BritneySpears said:
LOL your Turk source get the allegation from :rofl: hardly a reliable source.

2ndly, Ynetnews said how palestinian women whores themselves to a security guard to pass into israel. Thats their fault, they should not whore around themselves to enter illegally into Israel. By the way the righteous Israeli court jailed the man for 6 years for his crime and justice is served which shows Israel is Perfect.
so? the atrocious rape crimes that israel commits against Palestinians are common and everyone knows about them. whether the story is from a arab source or not, everyone knows the cruelty of israeli soldiers towards palestinian children, women, men and the elderly.

As for the other hair-raising story, the soldier allowed the Palestinian women to enter Israel, then he savagely attacked her. if it was all her fault, they wouldn't consider punishing that pervert.

And just incase you dont know what molestation means, heres the definition from


1. the act of subjecting someone to unwanted or improper sexual advances or activity (especially women or children)

so here you go, dont go accuse other people of being whores, your accusations only reflect things that are common to you. Whores are common in your daily life which is why you find it so easy to call other people whores ;)

BritneySpears said:
Poor hygienic people (like you :D) are biological weapon in their own right. Tell your people to stop pooping in theeir court yard or near their rivers and wells. In that way they will reduce those biological weapons called Cholera :D

The Biggest Joke, you know her source?
The writer is president of Palestine Land Society, London.
Always read the fine print and try to differentiate between fact and fiction.

Your source is A communist website, and the exact similar text can be found it Arab website from an arab author. same arab author

All I can say is LOAL :lol:
You clearly seem to be enjoying the fact that israel is using bio weapons to kill the innocent palestinians :rolleyes:..... //non-arab source //non-arab source --> even if the same article is found in a arab website, who cares, if it aint true they wont take it from another arab website.

as for the other 2 sources, I never even posted them. You clearly made them up..

and btw, Western sources taking stories from a arab source (i.e: channel 7, 9 and 10) just proves that arab sources are accurate, which is why the western sources take news from them.

BritneySpears said:
I noticed that you posted at 1 am in the morning, posted again at 5;30 in the morning, noon, 3 pm, 5 pm and until 1 am again. And you said you have better thing to do LOL you don't even have proper 8 hour sleep from what i can analyze your activities here. Combine that with your other multiple account shifty,mr ezy, dam10, sam etc LOL it must be a full time job for you ha ha.
ummm..O-M-G!! Your actually interested in my posts so much, to the extent that you stay awake all night to check out the times that I post? Whooaaaa, then all I can tell ya is that your one determined stalker, your actually STALKING me :rolleyes:
And dont worry about my sleeping pattern, I get enough sleep ;) and speaking about full-time job, I only post 4-5 post/day, unlike you ;)


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
I dont se how any of this relates to Islam. I dont see how Islam is being sexist. I dont see anything you seem to make up. Which is why im asking you to post sources, but you dont have any then its cool.

So now Islam is a culture riiiiighttt. Please go back and check your sources, in Lebanon many women of different religions marry at a young age, same with Pak and many African countries, this has nothing to do with Islam, and also has nothing to do with ISRAEL AND PALESTINE!!!!!
which is exactly why he's dragging islam into this thread. He ran out of lies, to defend israel, so his now using and focusing on islam to divert the whole thing from the original problem. SO people can sit and discuss islam instead of Palestine and israel, its a typical of her/him.

His thinking is insipid and backwards and it seriously belongs to the stone-age.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
I dont se how any of this relates to Islam. I dont see how Islam is being sexist. I dont see anything you seem to make up. Which is why im asking you to post sources, but you dont have any then its cool.
The report of the Special Rapporteur ... concerning cultural practices in the family that are violent towards women (E/CN.4/2002/83), indicated that honour killings had been reported in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Yemen, and other Mediterranean and Gulf countries, and that they had also taken place in such countries as France, Germany and the United Kingdom within migrant communities." From UN
Is that a pure co-incidence or Islam? Why does all muslim countries practice Honour killing?

Now go and defend those criminals who kills women in the name of Islam, as you always did.

So now Islam is a culture riiiiighttt. Please go back and check your sources, in Lebanon many women of different religions marry at a young age, same with Pak and many African countries, this has nothing to do with Islam, and also has nothing to do with ISRAEL AND PALESTINE!!!!!
A ha ha ha, :rofl::rofl: Yes there is Islamic Culture, and there is a an article purely for islamic Culture. And in almost all countries there are ISLAMIC CULTURE CENTERm in London, In Paris, in Norway or even in Australia. Your ignorance of your own religion as well as culture is the reason why your people are sooooo backward.

here is an website for you an iclamic culture centre in London, if you can afford to travel there in your lifetime.

And you've been there? You know for a fact that nobody supports Hezballah? Because last i checked they were ELECTED do you know what that word means? The public wanted them to be a political party, no matter what shit you make up, they wanted them, and they got them.

As for this spelling crap, dont judge since more than half the stuff you typr makes no sense.
Wher did I said NOBODY support Hizbollah? Why do you have to make up lies? yes they have overwhelming support in the south among Shiite community. There are hated with disgust by Christian, Druze and Sunni communities. Yes shiite people wanted a terrorist organization, they got it and they got bombed by Israel as well, Nice choice!.

Oh for the spelling, i just wanted to make it clear you meant Culture not something else.

What for? The invasion? Nobody wil force me into doing anything i dont want. So you can go warn someone else:)
Unfortunately not many muslim women have that kind of freedom to choose their own husband or boyfriend.

When? You have a thing for ignoring anything which proves your an idiot, yet you make stuff up, and when someone proves you wrong you just ignore...
You denied women are oppresed by islam yet UN made a report which documented women oppression in an overwhelmingly islamic countries.You blame it on culture yet islam is a culture itself, then you deny the that islam is a culture yet there are hundreds of Islamic culture centre around the world. Keep defending them, you go Hilaly's girl!


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
The report of the Special Rapporteur ... concerning cultural practices in the family that are violent towards women (E/CN.4/2002/83), indicated that honour killings had been reported in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Yemen, and other Mediterranean and Gulf countries, and that they had also taken place in such countries as France, Germany and the United Kingdom within migrant communities." From UN
Is that a pure co-incidence or Islam? Why does all muslim countries practice Honour killing?

Now go and defend those criminals who kills women in the name of Islam, as you always did.

A ha ha ha, :rofl::rofl: Yes there is Islamic Culture, and there is a an article purely for islamic Culture. And in almost all countries there are ISLAMIC CULTURE CENTERm in London, In Paris, in Norway or even in Australia. Your ignorance of your own religion as well as culture is the reason why your people are sooooo backward.

here is an website for you an iclamic culture centre in London, if you can afford to travel there in your lifetime.

Unfortunately not many muslim women have that kind of freedom to choose their own husband or boyfriend.

You denied women are oppresed by islam yet UN made a report which documented women oppression in an overwhelmingly islamic countries.You blame it on culture yet islam is a culture itself, then you deny the that islam is a culture yet there are hundreds of Islamic culture centre around the world. Keep defending them, you go Hilaly's girl!
yeeeaaahhh okaaayyy.....relevance??


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
Naaah israeli soldiers do rape children, and i gave you sources. And you are aryan and everyone knows that so stop being ashamed of yourself, and stand-up for yourself;)
Wher was your source? You even admitted that you made it up but hey i'd like to see the source. LOL you are ashamed of being Sam04u why dont you keep those nice advice to yourself and use your own account instead?

You are the one thats happy, you are the one who wants them out of their country. me unlike you, feel sorry for them, which is why the whole world should know that the palestinians are being kicked out of their country everyday.
If you feel sorry for them then your country Lebanon would not invade Israel to create refugees, in fact you are happy that there are Palestinian refugees to wipe your lazy ass, cook your food, clean your garbage and use them as free labour and slaves.

so? the atrocious rape crimes that israel commits against Palestinians are common and everyone knows about them. whether the story is from a arab source or not, everyone knows the cruelty of israeli soldiers towards palestinian children, women, men and the elderly.
So common that you can only find ONE STORY :rofl: in 50 years of Israel history. A comet appears more frequent than that.

As for the other hair-raising story, the soldier allowed the Palestinian women to enter Israel, then he savagely attacked her. if it was all her fault, they wouldn't consider punishing that pervert.

And just incase you dont know what molestation means, heres the definition from

so here you go, dont go accuse other people of being whores, your accusations only reflect things that are common to you. Whores are common in your daily life which is why you find it so easy to call other people whores ;)
more lies, your own source said the security guard (NOT a Soldier) has already been sentenced to 6 and half years for raping palestinian whores who begged to enter Israel illegally in a promise for sex. Then accused the soldier as rape! Tell those definition of molestation or rape to your fellow lebs they need more than anyone else.

You clearly seem to be enjoying the fact that israel is using bio weapons to kill the innocent palestinians :rolleyes:..... //non-arab source //non-arab source --> even if the same article is found in a arab website, who cares, if it aint true they wont take it from another arab website.

as for the other 2 sources, I never even posted them. You clearly made them up..

and btw, Western sources taking stories from a arab source (i.e: channel 7, 9 and 10) just proves that arab sources are accurate, which is why the western sources take news from them.
First source: Talked about Israeli Nuclear program , does not mention anything about Israel usage of nuclear weapon. Therfore, Trashed.

Second Source: Talked about Israeli Biological Programme, no mention of Israel using it against palestinians or arabs. Trahsed again.

Third Source: Already debunked, published by a palestinian author, exact copies can be found from all arab/palestinian website LOAL :rofl::rofl:

Channel 7, 9 or 10 never use some random arab or muslim website as fact, they use words wisely such as an website alleges ..... and like that. Next time try harder.

ummm..O-M-G!! Your actually interested in my posts so much, to the extent that you stay awake all night to check out the times that I post? Whooaaaa, then all I can tell ya is that your one determined stalker, your actually STALKING me :rolleyes:
And dont worry about my sleeping pattern, I get enough sleep ;) and speaking about full-time job, I only post 4-5 post/day, unlike you ;)
Only people obsessed with israel or me (like you) stay up all night to post here. I can see when you made your post by simply looking at the top left hand side of each posts. I can do that in just 2 second while you have to stay up all night lol.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
yeeeaaahhh okaaayyy.....relevance??
Enlighten Shifty if thats not you, that islam is a culture. Thats all.

Im gonna visit Islamic culture centre in Wyong sometime to see what exactly is going on :)
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
The report of the Special Rapporteur ... concerning cultural practices in the family that are violent towards women (E/CN.4/2002/83), indicated that honour killings had been reported in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Yemen, and other Mediterranean and Gulf countries, and that they had also taken place in such countries as France, Germany and the United Kingdom within migrant communities." From UN
Is that a pure co-incidence or Islam? Why does all muslim countries practice Honour killing?

Now go and defend those criminals who kills women in the name of Islam, as you always did.
You know me? I always do? Why dont you quote where i defend criminals!

A ha ha ha, :rofl::rofl: Yes there is Islamic Culture, and there is a an article purely for islamic Culture. And in almost all countries there are ISLAMIC CULTURE CENTER in London, In Paris, in Norway or even in Australia. Your ignorance of your own religion as well as culture is the reason why your people are sooooo backward.

here is an website for you an Islamic culture centre in London, if you can afford to travel there in your lifetime.
What because im Muslim, or Arab or both? Do you have a problem?

Unfortunately not many muslim women have that kind of freedom to choose their own husband or boyfriend.
No lies, make up planning something?

Not meant to have a BF as well:| As i said check your info please!!!

You denied women are oppresed by islam yet UN made a report which documented women oppression in an overwhelmingly islamic countries.You blame it on culture yet islam is a culture itself, then you deny the that islam is a culture yet there are hundreds of Islamic culture centre around the world. Keep defending them, you go Hilaly's girl!'s the Aryan we've grown to love :rolleyes:

The UN can make/say whatever they like, i know my religion, i know what it states and what it doesnt, i know it does NOt discriminate against women. Now run along and get the proof please.

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
Re: Israel & Palestine

tempco said:
Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza


Talkbacks for this article: 205

All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.

The letter, published in Olam Katan [Small World], a weekly pamphlet to be distributed in synagogues nationwide this Friday, cited the biblical story of the Shechem massacre (Genesis 34) and Maimonides' commentary (Laws of Kings 9, 14) on the story as proof texts for his legal decision.

According to Jewish war ethics, wrote Eliyahu, an entire city holds collective responsibility for the immoral behavior of individuals. In Gaza, the entire populace is responsible because they do nothing to stop the firing of Kassam rockets.

The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or killing Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza.

Eliyahu could not be reached for an interview. However, Eliyahu's son, Shmuel Eliyahu, who is chief rabbi of Safed, said his father opposed a ground troop incursion into Gaza that would endanger IDF soldiers. Rather, he advocated carpet bombing the general area from which the Kassams were launched, regardless of the price in Palestinian life.

"If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand," said Shmuel Eliyahu. "And if they do not stop after 1,000 then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000, even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop."

In the letter, Eliyahu quoted from Psalms. "I will pursue my enemies and apprehend them and I will not desist until I have eradicated them."

Eliyahu wrote that "This is a message to all leaders of the Jewish people not to be compassionate with those who shoot [rockets] at civilians in their houses."




lawrence - canada
05/31/2007 04:03

finally some common sense! that is what is needed to make the pals pay for their decision to elect a genocidal hate mongering leadership. but now watch how the liberal press, especially the british will spin this story.


You don't have to be a learned rav...
Josh - midbar
05/31/2007 04:06

to understand this. Gaza must be destroyed.


Carpet Bombing Gaza
Tommy - USA
05/31/2007 04:19

God's word say that you eventually will have to do it, is the only solution to this problem Palestinians are enemies of Israel the only and they will always be enemies of Israel as long as Israel exist, eventually you will destroy Jordan, Egipt and Syria as in Ezekial, Isaiah, Joel ect. I am doing a good study about this is all in God's word


Carpet Bombing Gaza
Brian - USA
05/31/2007 04:22

Both Gaza and the West Bank. Let the palestinians have Jordan. Not one IDF troop life for 1,000,000 palestinians. USA supporter of Israel. God says smite your enemies and save your women and children.


Whatever it takes to make them stop
Saint Augusto - USA
05/31/2007 04:28

Finally, a sane man. Finally, a true rabbi.


Works for me.
Len the davidide - USA
05/31/2007 04:34


carpet bomb Gaza
Paul - USA
05/31/2007 04:39

Put him in charge!! The only way to defeat Israels enemies is to completely destroy them. Then, peace.


There is a better way!
Saint Augusto
05/31/2007 04:40

Simply put: They must go!


listen, olmerd to the rabbi's wisedom
05/31/2007 04:41

do that what rabbi advised, olmerd, or vacate the PM office, weak soul


Carpet Bombing Gaza
05/31/2007 04:49

iT IS FAIR. And afterwards, don't appologize for protecting yourselves! You have a right to LIVE in peace. If they don't want to, then let THEM live with the consequences. Enough Already!!!


Now That's A Genuine Manhig Yisrael!
05/31/2007 04:54

Kol hakavod to Rabbi Eliyahu for speaking clearly with a Jewish voice at a time when fools rule in Israel. The halachic proofs he brings to support his ruling are unambiguous in their relevance to our present untenable situation in the south. I pray we soon have a leader that will follow his advice.


I read somewhere...
David - Israel
05/31/2007 04:57

That one who is compassionate with the cruel will end being cruel with the innocent.


Morally correct!
David - USA
05/31/2007 04:58

The Rabbi is not talking about bombing peace loving civilians, he is talking about a relentless, savage and violent enemy that does its best to kill civilians. Going against these terrorists as though performing a civilian SWAT rescue endangers Israeli lives. The terrorists want an endless war of attrition, this is unacceptable! The morally correct way is to bomb them until they desire peace.


here i totally agree with orthodox position
05/31/2007 05:01


Eliyahu letter
Sam Klein - USA
05/31/2007 05:02

The Rabbi is 1,000 percent correct.This rocket situation will never stop untill they are destroyed by ihe military
Well like i said, the idea of the holocaust has left some jews and their children mentally scarred, and it has led to this kind of rhetoric. The oppression of palestinians has also left many of them scarred and some of them have fallen to groups that think that its alright to blow themselves up just to kill the enemy-

the many fatwas delivered in the middle east in recent years has had the effect of reducing suicide bombings in these areas

when was the last suicide bombing by a palestinian?

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
Re: Israel & Palestine

mr EaZy said:
the many fatwas delivered in the middle east in recent years has had the effect of reducing suicide bombings in these areas

on the other hand, this kind of rhetoric is one of the causes of the current crisis:

ben gurion said:
"We must expel Arabs and take their places."
David Ben Gurion, 1937, Ben Gurion and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University Press, 1985.

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population."

David Ben-Gurion, May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, A Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population."

David Ben Gurion, quoted in The Jewish Paradox, by Nahum Goldmann, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978, p. 99.

"If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel."
David Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth's Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).

Yitzhak Rabin said:
"We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!"

Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.

"[Israel will] create in the course of the next 10 or 20 years conditions which would attract natural and voluntary migration of the refugees from the Gaza Strip and the west Bank to Jordan. To achieve this we have to come to agreement with King Hussein and not with Yasser Arafat."

Yitzhak Rabin (a "Prince of Peace" by Clinton's standards), explaining his method of ethnically cleansing the occupied land without stirring a world outcry. (Quoted in David Shipler in the New York Times, 04/04/1983 citing Meir Cohen's remarks to the Knesset's foreign affairs and defense committee on March 16.)

golda meir said:
"There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist."
Golda Meir, statement to The Sunday Times, 15 June, 1969.

"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to."
Golda Meir, March 8, 1969.

"Any one who speaks in favor of bringing the Arab refugees back must also say how he expects to take the responsibility for it, if he is interested in the state of Israel. It is better that things are stated clearly and plainly: We shall not let this happen."

Golda Meir, 1961, in a speech to the Knesset, reported in Ner, October 1961

"This country exists as the fulfillment of a promise made by God Himself. It would be ridiculous to ask it to account for its legitimacy."

Golda Meir, Le Monde, 15 October 1971

Yitzhak Shamir said:
"The past leaders of our movement left us a clear message to keep Eretz Israel from the Sea to the River Jordan for future generations, for the mass aliya (=Jewish immigration), and for the Jewish people, all of whom will be gathered into this country."
Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir declares at a Tel Aviv memorial service for former Likud leaders, November 1990. Jerusalem Domestic Radio Service.

"The settlement of the Land of Israel is the essence of Zionism. Without settlement, we will not fulfill Zionism. It's that simple."
Yitzhak Shamir, Maariv, 02/21/1997.

"The past leaders of our movement left us a clear message to keep Eretz Israel from the Sea to the River Jordan for future generations, for the mass aliya (=Jewish immigration), and for the Jewish people, all of whom will be gathered into this country."
Former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir declares at a Tel Aviv memorial service for former Likud leaders, November 1990. Jerusalem Domestic Radio Service.

"The settlement of the Land of Israel is the essence of Zionism. Without settlement, we will not fulfill Zionism. It's that simple."
Yitzhak Shamir, Maariv, 02/21/1997.

"(The Palestinians) would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls."
Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) Yitzhak Shamir in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

"(The Palestinians) would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls."
Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) Yitzhak Shamir in a speech to Jewish settlers, New York Times April 1, 1988

sharon! said:
"It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonialization, or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands."
Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.

"Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Palestinian) hilltops as they can to enlarge the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours...Everything we don't grab will go to them."
Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of the Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov. 15, 1998.

Netanyahu said:
"Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories."
Benyamin Netanyahu, then Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, former Prime Minister of Israel, speaking to students at Bar Ilan University, from the Israeli journal Hotam, November 24, 1989.
these quotes are both powerful and disturbing


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

nasrallah "Jews invented the legend of the Holocaust."
"if [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."
arafat “We plan to eliminate the state of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian state. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion. . . . We Palestinians will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem.”

“Continued to press on soldiers of freedom! We will not bend or fail until the blood of every last Jew from the youngest child to the oldest elder is spilt to redeem or land!”
the hamas charter "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."

"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
You know me? I always do? Why dont you quote where i defend criminals!
read your own posts, you defend criminals (paedophiles) blaming their culture instead of their role model.

What because im Muslim, or Arab or both? Do you have a problem?

No lies, make up planning something?
Yes , I have problems with your lack of knowlege about your own religion such as telling us Islam is not a culture while countless Islamic culture centre exist world wide.

Not meant to have a BF as well:| As i said check your info please!!!'s the Aryan we've grown to love :rolleyes:

The UN can make/say whatever they like, i know my religion, i know what it states and what it doesnt, i know it does NOt discriminate against women. Now run along and get the proof please.
You know it discriminated and you preferred to hide your head in the sand. What is it called young australian lebanese women forced to marry someone they dont even know in Lebanon? Oppression, discrimination or perhaps traditional marriage?

You know why women are not allowed to go out by themselves in Saudi Arabia, you know why this poor girl have her genital mutillated
You know why women are banned from sportstadium in Iran and Saudi arabia islamic law.
You know why women are forced to cover up by islam.
You know why women are allowed to be beaten up and raped by their husband under islamic law.
You know why women are banned from driving in Saudi Arabia

All of these are discrimination by Islam, just because you do not suffer these does not mean you have to deny it.

Now your turn to defend those criminals who oppressed women under islam and pretend all of these never happened. People like you are what muslim extremist sorely needs, to defend their oppression of women through denial.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Palestinian Terrorists use Kidnapped Journalist as Propaganda Machine.

A video has appeared on the internet showing the first pictures of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston since his abduction in Gaza on 12 March.

It is said to have been posted by the Army of Islam, the group that says it is holding the reporter.

In the video, Mr Johnston says he is in good health and that his captors have treated him well.
Of course if he complained about their treatment he will be beheaded immediately by Army of Islam:apig: , a palestinian terrorist group.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
read your own posts, you defend criminals (paedophiles) blaming their culture instead of their role model.
I dont 'defend' them. You blamed their religion, i said it had nothing to do with it. As for being a paedophile well that has nothing to do with culture, race, religion or anything, the person is an idiot nothing else, who deserves to be punished. And if you go ahead and read the Quran you will realise that it has a punishment fr all crimes.

Yes , I have problems with your lack of knowlege about your own religion such as telling us Islam is not a culture while countless Islamic culture centre exist world wide.
Really, so becuase someone gets married to a young girl its a part of Islam? this is how we got to this, we're only speaking about men marrying young girls here...not everything.

why would you have a problem with me not knowing my religion?

You know it discriminated and you preferred to hide your head in the sand. What is it called young australian lebanese women forced to marry someone they dont even know in Lebanon? Oppression, discrimination or perhaps traditional marriage?
You still havent shown how this has anything to do with Islam as a religion, if this had something to do with religion, then all female Muslims would be in the same position.

You know why women are not allowed to go out by themselves in Saudi Arabia, you know why this poor girl have her genital mutillated
You know why women are banned from sportstadium in Iran and Saudi arabia islamic law.
You know why women are forced to cover up by islam.
You know why women are allowed to be beaten up and raped by their husband under islamic law.
You know why women are banned from driving in Saudi Arabia

All of these are discrimination by Islam, just because you do not suffer these does not mean you have to deny it.
why are you trying to make this a you vs me?

I dont know what happened to that girl, care to explain it.

This has noting to do with Islam, if you read about the religion you will know, its all in the cutlure. These people may believe it is a part of religion but it ain, please go read through the Quran or some other religious text and show me where it says this is allowed!

I'm not saying it doesnt happen, i know it does, but im saying it has nothing to do with the religion.

Now your turn to defend those criminals who oppressed women under islam and pretend all of these never happened. People like you are what muslim extremist sorely needs, to defend their oppression of women through denial.
Show me evidence where it says women are oppressed in Islam. Not a few countries, the whole religion, look through the religious texts and show me.


I know this happens, but from what i have learnt and read this has nothing to do with Islam. The pic it in Africa?

I'm out..gots to sleep. Good night

Edit: we have not insulted your religion so dont start with others.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
I dont 'defend' them. You blamed their religion, i said it had nothing to do with it. As for being a paedophile well that has nothing to do with culture, race, religion or anything, the person is an idiot nothing else, who deserves to be punished. And if you go ahead and read the Quran you will realise that it has a punishment fr all crimes.
Yes I blamed their religion thats where they got their laws from, thats where they interpreted their paedophiliac role model. Yes those people are idiot so is their role model who married a 6 yrs old girl Muhammad.

Really, so becuase someone gets married to a young girl its a part of Islam? this is how we got to this, we're only speaking about men marrying young girls here...not everything.

why would you have a problem with me not knowing my religion?
Yes it is part of Islam, they get married under Islamic Law. I have a problem with you not knowing your religion because you are a retard who tried to speak on behalf of millions of women oppressed by Islamic Law, supporting those who oppress them and denying them their freedom.

You still havent shown how this has anything to do with Islam as a religion, if this had something to do with religion, then all female Muslims would be in the same position.
because under Islamic culture women have no freedom, you only have freedom here in australia because you do not have sharia law, even so many australian women are still forced against their will. it has everything to do with Islam, they are muslim and their fathers are doing it because they read it in Quran that their prophet married a 6 yrs old girl therefore it is ok to married off their young girls to someone else.
why are you trying to make this a you vs me?

I dont know what happened to that girl, care to explain it.

This has noting to do with Islam, if you read about the religion you will know, its all in the cutlure. These people may believe it is a part of religion but it ain, please go read through the Quran or some other religious text and show me where it says this is allowed!

I'm not saying it doesnt happen, i know it does, but im saying it has nothing to do with the religion.
She had her genital mutilated by some old muslim pervert. That is abuse of girls under Islamic Culture. It has everything to do with your religion which allows girls to be treated like that

Show me evidence where it says women are oppressed in Islam. Not a few countries, the whole religion, look through the religious texts and show me.


I know this happens, but from what i have learnt and read this has nothing to do with Islam. The pic it in Africa?

I'm out..gots to sleep. Good night

Edit: we have not insulted your religion so dont start with others.
Allah says in the Koran that Men are in charge of women, because Allah made men to be superior to women. If men suspect rebellion from their wives, they should admonish them, refuse sex, and finally beat them to discipline them [Quran 4:34]. Men have the higher rights than women [Quran 2:228], women are worth only half of men [Quran 2:282] and they will inherit only half of that of men (brother, husband) [Quran 4:11; 4:176].

That is from the Quran which tells men to beat their wives for suspicion (any reason in practice). That is probably where muslims derived their rights of abuse of women and the whole Sharia Law prejudices against women begun. Now , you probably gonna blame the men. But those men are doing what they are allowed to do under Islam (Quran and Sharia Law). The irony is you (a muslim) know nothing of those verses, otherwise you would not have asked source, please, source please, source please LOL :D


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Back to Israel and Palestine:

Here is some more evidece of why the Palestinian society is so 'great' and always in the right and never advocates terrorism or matrydom.

Read the whole thing (there are 2 pages after the first), it is very enlightening when we have users like Maniella and Sam trying to defend these people and their actions, lol.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

These people want what is best in their after life. As children adults tell them to become suicide bombers which will help them in the afterlife, do you think they will disagree? When they see Jews killing family members/people they may know, do you really honestly think they will think its wrong to do anything to these people?

As for the whole talking to children who ended up speaking about wanting to kill Jews, please. Children say any and everything, they could change their minds depending on who says what and how they say it. Once again they are being brainwashed [as it says in the article you posted]

Read: :about Israel/Palestine and terrorism

Ohhh found something else: :to do with USA/Israel [other countires] + terrorism

De Reynier arrived at the village on the second day and saw “the mopping up,” as one of the Israeli terrorists put it to him. It had been done with machine guns, then grenades, and was finished off with knives. The Jews decapitated some of the victims and fatally maimed 52 children in sight of their mothers. They cut open 25 pregnant women’s wombs and butchered the babies in front of them.
THAT is what is a part of whats in ^^article.. and you people continue supporting Israel

Aryan- Women get half the amount men get because they will be married and the husband is meant to provide everything for them, whereas the mas has to provide for his children/wive. As for the all the sites i posted, then come back and tell me more about how im dumb.


Generally, the son is responsible for a family, while the daughter is taken care of by a husband or her family. However, the Quran recommends in 2:180 that a will shall be left to conform with the specific circumstances of the deceased. For example, if the son is rich and the daughter is poor, one may leave a will giving the daughter everything, or twice as much as the son.

Just read:

If you people want more i'll give you more! Stop this whole..'omg Palestinians are terrorists and Israelis are just trying to protect themselves' crap
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen, why do waste your time responding to these zionists who are so adamant on their pretences that they're not even willing to compromise?

I'll respond to a few of the thing which have been said here only out of habit, even though I've realised it's pointless. Unable to concede a point or understand the contradiction in their very posts, it's ridiculous. Who do they really think is fooled by their slandering and ad hominem? Always diverting attention from the point and bringing things in such as racism, yet being such hypocrites as to call us anti-semitic. Bringing things up like religion and islamophobic points from sources which are untrue, using Hadith as if it were religion (slandering us), yet not seeing the hypocrisy in calling Semites, Anti-Semites.

because under Islamic culture women have no freedom

Regardless, another person could argue that under "X" culture, women are degraded and shamelessly act as whores or whatever else. It's a matter of perspective, and foreign countries or people are allowed to believe whatever they want. In Judaism, jews are gods chosen people and are allowed to kill, rob and enslave Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and people from any other religion. Just because they don't have the numbers to do it, that doesn't mean they haven't exploited the U.S government to achieve a military arsenal for such conquests.

She had her genital mutilated by some old muslim pervert.
How about the article MaNieLa eloquently provided, where it has several reports of Israeli (Jewish) soldiers kidnapping and raping Palestinian children? Aren't they perverted?

How about the QLD man who microwaved his baby? Isn't he "evil"

How about the lady from the U.S who killed her children and stuffed them in suit cases? Isn't she "evil"?

Evil "people" exist throughout the world. Moreso in Israel and the United States. Making cases on the Palestinian people as a whole because minorities have resorted to things like terrorism is absurd. Who wouldn't resort to terrorism when opposing a terrorist state?

Back to the point. Why would you bring up the religion of Islam in a debate between Israel and Palestine? Are you trying to say the the Jews are more holy than the people of Islam? That's why they have a right to steal their country and kill them? Call their soldiers terrorists when they are the very definition of terrorism?

You say the Palestinians don't want to reach a solution? When MaNieLa, IceQueen and Myself are the only ones talking about a solution? The Palestinians have been trying to reach solutions since Arafat, but have had their solutions rejected.

They asked for a Human-Right. That Gaza, West Bank and The Israeli Arabs were connected by a strip of land so that they can have "Freedom of Movement" You can't seperate a people in between 3 countries, preventing their movement. That's just unfair, especially when you occupy the Majority of their land. How do you expect them to "make peace" on your terms? When you so blatantly deny theirs?

That is all I have to say.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Ohhh found something else: :to do with USA/Israel [other countires] + terrorism
david duke is an internationall recognized rascist, anti-jew, holocaust denier and and former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. impartial, no?

Duke pled guilty to a six-year scheme to dupe thousands of his followers by asking for donations.

a few quotes by the wizard himself

Absolutely committed to spending the rest of my life as a spokesman for the rights of European Americans.
a polite way of saying white supremacists and neo nazis.

Jewish people have put the interests of race over the interests of the American people... Jews are filled with more hatred and rage for our race, for our heritage, for our blood than perhaps you can imagine.
speaks for itself.

Our clear goal must be the advancement of the white race and separation of the white and black races. This goal must include freeing of the American media and government from subservient Jewish interests.
doesn't his rhetoric just scream beer hall putsch and 1933 in germany.

The Jews are trying to destroy all other cultures - as a survival mechanism - the only Nazi country in the world is Israel.
godwin's law at work. when people who hate jews and hate israelis haven't got an argument, they always liken israel to nazi germany.

These Jews who run things, who are producing this mental illness - teenage suicide... all these Jewish sicknesses. That's nothing new. The Talmud's full of things like sex with boys and girls.
this is the guy you want to quote? david duke? why not david irving? or Ernst Zündel? Gazi Hussein, Dr Rahmandost, Jan Bernhoff or Fredrick Töben? those last group, all attended Mahmoud Ahmadenijad's holocaust denial session in tehran. these are your sources.

quoting from your articles

When Yassir Arafat was put under siege in his offices and kept hostage by the Israeli occupation forces, he was constantly pressed into condemning terror and combatting terrorism.
notice how the site ignores the fact that the terrorism that was occuring was being ordered by arafat, and he was the leader of the palestinian people. truly open minded people would recognise that he should have been up infron of the hague, not running a people.

One hour after Arafat declared his support of a cease fire and wished the Jews a Happy Passover feast, a suicide bomber exploded himself in an hotel in Netanya, killing 22 innocent Jews celebrating Passover. Arafat was blamed as responsible for this act,
in response to this quote, i give you exerpts from arafat's speech in jo'burg that addressed the ceasefire aggreement he brokered.

The Jihad [Islamic holy war] will continue, and Jerusalem is not [only] for the Palestinian people, it is for all the Muslim nation.

I have to speak frankly, I can't do it alone without the support of the Islamic nation. I can't do it alone. No, you have to come and to fight and to start the Jihad to liberate Jerusalem, your first shrine.

This agreement, I am not considering it more than the agreement which had been signed between our prophet Mohammed and Koraish, and you remember the Caliph Omar had refused this agreement and [considered] it a despicable truce. (he agreement with Koraish allowed Mohammed to pray in Mecca, which was under Koraish control, for ten years. When Mohammed grew stronger two years later, he abrogated the agreement, slaughtered the tribe of Koraish and conquered Mecca.) a tribute to the honesty those elements of the religion.

We are in need of you as Moslems, as warriors of Jihad.
this is the man who didn't want terrorism?!?! the hell does a person who wants terrorism sound like?

my main point with this article is where it is published, and by whom.

Dr. Lev Grinberg is a political sociologist, and Director of the Humphrey Institute for Social Research at Ben Gurion University
name me one other country in the middle east where a human being can criticise the government and call them terrorists and condemn them to destruction, and be a professor at a state university? let alone not be imprisoned, or summarily executed in the middle of the night. not a single arabic islamic country in the world allows that freedom, and you want to call it state terrorism?!?!

and god sam, could you have more tunnel vision if you tried? see above a few for arafat's views on the peace process. i'll take this time to remind you that those views were stated in english, so you can't claim that i've taken them out of context, or misunderstood the translation.

You say the Palestinians don't want to reach a solution? When MaNieLa, IceQueen and Myself are the only ones talking about a solution? The Palestinians have been trying to reach solutions since Arafat, but have had their solutions rejected.
no, i'm pretty sure that everyone is talking about a solution, you just don't like them because they don't conform to your mind view, and anything that doesn't behave how you want it to behave is inherently wrong or evil. ignore the facts much?

arafat refused 91% of the territories and eastern jerusalem as the capital of the new palestinian state. refused, flat out. also refused to dismantle the terrorist orginisations that he had either created or endorsed. peace under arafat, just like peace under HAMAS, is a joke, and an impossiblity while jews live and breath in israel. they have demonstrated time and time again, that if you give them land, they just take more and more. how about some willingness on the part of the palestinians to disarm their terrorist factions? to stop the violence? or geez, i mean, to even adhere to the freaking ceasefire aggreement would kill you?

They asked for a Human-Right. That Gaza, West Bank and The Israeli Arabs were connected by a strip of land so that they can have "Freedom of Movement" You can't seperate a people in between 3 countries, preventing their movement. That's just unfair, especially when you occupy the Majority of their land. How do you expect them to "make peace" on your terms? When you so blatantly deny theirs?
they haven't demonstrated anything to suggest that giving them what they want will result in peace, and its been 60 years. by now, the carrot approach hasn't worked, i think it's time for the stick. its not their land, its israel. accept that and move on. how do you expect israel to grant terrorists their demands when they so blatantly deny your right to exist? they and you don't want peace with an israeli state, just no israeli state at all.
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