Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

:confused: Are they really that stupid? There are only two feasible solutions, one of which was pushed by arafat for the entirity of his life.

1. Open up the borders, and reunite the muslims divided in between 3 borders. Recreate the one country with two national languages and religions. (people don't necessarily have to move or anything. Majority of people would probably not move at all.)

2. Make a link between Gaze, Israeli-Arabs and West Bank. (A strip of land which connects all 3, so that the Palestinians atleast have the "Right to movement" which is an internationally accepted U.N movement.) Having a country and people split in 3 places has no functionality. There needs to be a link between Gaza and West Bank.

It's not asking for much anyways, only for justice and equality. (Anybody who can't agree with either of these are imbecilic, zionist, and against U.N human rights.)


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

ok, so assuming that they are then happy with the strip and it will mean peace, thats cool. my only issue is that they've been given land in the past, and there still isn't peace. so it's a little hard to believe them when they ask for it. its like a bad credit rating on a loan.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
:confused: Are they really that stupid? There are only two feasible solutions, one of which was pushed by arafat for the entirity of his life.

1. Open up the borders, and reunite the muslims divided in between 3 borders. Recreate the one country with two national languages and religions. (people don't necessarily have to move or anything. Majority of people would probably not move at all.)

2. Make a link between Gaze, Israeli-Arabs and West Bank. (A strip of land which connects all 3, so that the Palestinians atleast have the "Right to movement" which is an internationally accepted U.N movement.) Having a country and people split in 3 places has no functionality. There needs to be a link between Gaza and West Bank.

It's not asking for much anyways, only for justice and equality. (Anybody who can't agree with either of these are imbecilic, zionist, and against U.N human rights.)
Once again: where is the compromise?


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Are you normal? This is rape, no matter who the female was or where she came from its still rape, and 6 years please! It doesnt show that the Israel is perfect only that it consists of murderers and rapists, who both deserved to be in gaol.
yeah he was jailed for his crime, if it was in lebanon, or palestinian areas he would be praised for violence against women as usual. But the Perfect israeli court does not discriminate women whether they are israeli citizens or not. It always punishes criminals and brings justice to those who deserve it. Another Role model Court for the World. Do you know that NSW Court let a lebanese rapist free 2 weeks ago and that is why there is talk of a whole lot of reform going on in NSW and Australia.

And how are women oppressed in Islam?
Got any other source other than this womans one??? Why dont you get me a source which actually says men marry young women because the prophet did so.
Even if you witnesses a 4 yrs old raped by a 50 yrs old muslim man because she is his wife, you are going to defend the man anyways. Ayaan Hirshi Ali lived in Somalia, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Netherlands, she had more experience of living under islamic Law more than you ever will and you have no ground to judge what she said. here are some short story for you to satisfy your visual lust as you asked.

[SIZE=-1]by Ann Louise Bardach[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Readers' Digest, March 1994[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]In April 1991, a 22-year-old Saudi woman arrived at Montreal's Mirabel Airport and requested asylum on the ground of "gender-related persecution." She told authorities that if Canada forced her to return to Saudi Arabia, her life would be in danger. Her crime? Walking outside her home without being enveloped from head to toe in a black chador.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Initially, the woman's request was rejected. Canadian officials were apparently reluctant to believe that women in Saudi Arabia today live as third-class citizens. In fact, they do: Saudi women are not allowed to drive, to marry whom they want or to travel without written permission from a male guardian, and they are the target of frequent searches by the Mutawwai'in, dreaded religious police.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Following an outcry, Canada finally granted the woman asylum. However, some people feared that the decision would lead to an influx of women asylum-seekers. One official commented, "There are one billion Muslims in the world, so we're talking hypothetically about 500 million who might want out."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]As Islamic fundamentalists seize the social agenda of one country after another, women have been the greatest sufferers. By selectively interpreting the Koran, Hadith (the sayings of the Prophet) and Shariah (a code of religious law), regimes in certain Muslim countries have severely restricted the rights of women. Many have legalised polygamy and repudiation - whereby a man divorces his wife simply by announcing, "I divorce you." At the same time they have denied women the right to divorce, child custody and community property.[/SIZE]

Australian women seek embassy help to flee Lebanese marriages

Khaleej times
CANBERRA - Australian women and teenage girls of Lebanese descent have approached their embassy in Beirut seeking help to escape arranged marriages and to return to Australia, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.
The Australian embassy had been approached in the past two years by 12 females - seven of them under 18-years-old - fleeing their new husbands, The Australian newspaper reported.
“The cases that come to our attention are very serious,” Australian ambassador Stephanie Shwabsky told the newspaper. “The young people involved are very upset and want our assistance and protection.”
Shwabsky said it appeared many teenagers were unaware that they were going to be married when they traveled to Lebanon, where the legal age for marriage is 16, the newspaper said.
Prime Minister John Howard said he had requested a briefing on what he described as the “disturbing claim” that young Australian women were being forced to marry against their will.
“It’s always the case that people who come to this country should understand that it is different in many ways from the countries from which they come,” Howard told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio.
“The values of this country are universal values ... that all Australians should hold in common and they should embrace them,” he added.
In one case, a 14-year-old arrived alone at the embassy claiming her father had brought her to Lebanon on the promise of a vacation, the newspaper said.
She was forced to marry a man who effectively kept her imprisoned in his home. Consular staff contacted her mother in Australia who organized her flight home, the newspaper said.

This is a reminder for you that your next holiday to lebanon could be your last. You may never see australia again ;) just a warning ya know.

Karachi, May 28: Eleven-year old Sassi is currently hiding at a shelter home located in a slum area of Pakistan's
southern port city of Karachi.
She is not hiding from police, but from her own drug-addict father, who had sold her in the name of marriage to a 70-year
old man when she was 9 in 2005."I had no idea what did marriage mean? I remember my mother was crying, and
fighting with my father, who was forcing me to go with them (her husband and family)," Sassi told in the corridor of her
shelter house.
"They beat up my mother who was trying to save me."

'My father sold me'
SHABANA, A pretty Afghan teenager with a modern haircut, was 12 years old when she was forced to marry a man 38 years her senior to settle her father's 600-dollar gambling debt. Two years later, she is unhappy and angry. She doesn't like her husband, 52-year-old farmer Mohammad Asef.
"He is wild - he destroyed my hopes," she said in their humble mudbrick home in the northern province of Balkh, speaking out only when Asef went into another room to take a call. She doesn't get on with her husband's first wife, who is aged 42 and lives with them. And she is disgusted with her father. "He sold me," she told AFP.

Yeah now come and defend those old pervert as much as you like. We all know what you are gonna say.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
:confused: Are they really that stupid? There are only two feasible solutions, one of which was pushed by arafat for the entirity of his life.

1. Open up the borders, and reunite the muslims divided in between 3 borders. Recreate the one country with two national languages and religions. (people don't necessarily have to move or anything. Majority of people would probably not move at all.)
Wrong, palestinians dont want One nation, two people system. They want and asked for the land all for themselves and demand complete subjugation of jews under arabs which is NOT acceptable for jews who have been independent for 50 years.

2. Make a link between Gaze, Israeli-Arabs and West Bank. (A strip of land which connects all 3, so that the Palestinians atleast have the "Right to movement" which is an internationally accepted U.N movement.) Having a country and people split in 3 places has no functionality. There needs to be a link between Gaza and West Bank.
End terrorism first, then there will be free movement of people on all territories. Terrorists from Gaza often sneak into Israel as already proven by the sheer number of suicide bombings they committed, there will be no relaxation of borders nor movements until terro activities against israel is abandoned by Palestinian.

It's not asking for much anyways, only for justice and equality. (Anybody who can't agree with either of these are imbecilic, zionist, and against U.N human rights.)
Since Arabs and palestinians cannot agree with your two points, they must be imbellic zionist and against UN humanrights eh? The only thing acceptable to THEM is complete destruction of Jews. Have you ever read the mission statement of Hamas, the people who form current Palestinian Government?
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
yeah he was jailed for his crime, if it was in lebanon, or palestinian areas he would be praised for violence against women as usual. But the Perfect israeli court does not discriminate women whether they are israeli citizens or not. It always punishes criminals and brings justice to those who deserve it. Another Role model Court for the World. Do you know that NSW Court let a lebanese rapist free 2 weeks ago and that is why there is talk of a whole lot of reform going on in NSW and Australia.
Why dont you get a scource where it statses that in Lebanon/Palestine they praise violence against women.

Even if you witnesses a 4 yrs old raped by a 50 yrs old muslim man because she is his wife, you are going to defend the man anyways. Ayaan Hirshi Ali lived in Somalia, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Netherlands, she had more experience of living under islamic Law more than you ever will and you have no ground to judge what she said. here are some short story for you to satisfy your visual lust as you asked.
That has nothing to do with Islamic laws, why dont you actually go search up on it, and learn what Islam is on about instead of bitching about it to the rest of us?

This woman, only knows what her cutlure allows.

This is a reminder for you that your next holiday to lebanon could be your last. You may never see australia again ;) just a warning ya know.

Never been to Lebanon. Are yo warning me that you wil bomb the place?

Yeah now come and defend those old pervert as much as you like. We all know what you are gonna say.
Why would i defend a prevert? You have issues you need to deal with off the internet.

Jay how do you expect peace when there are people like Aryan around?

nathan said:
So your idea of negotiation is give them everything and compromise nothing...

Didn't you just say that Palestinians should not do this:
"Please they have been dying since Israel was created, why give in now and get nothing in return?"

Israel has been accussed of double standards in previous posts......

Nope, i said make a deal. What do they want? What do the Israelis want? Spilt the land in two, give whoever whatever. If this mkes them both happy, then why not?

Jay-If they do still dont like the 'agreement' in having all they want, they nobody can blame Israel, correct?


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

thats more or less my point shifty. s'all im trying to say.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

The last part?

lol ok

can you people stop calling me shifty:mad1:

Jay answer my question!!!

how do you expect peace when there are people like Aryan around?

You realise that he IS the sterotyped Israeli right? [obviously not all are like him] but if some Israelis are like Aryan, how could someone negotiate with someone like this?


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
The last part?

lol ok

can you people stop calling me shifty:mad1:

Jay answer my question!!!

how do you expect peace when there are people like Aryan around?

You realise that he IS the sterotyped Israeli right? [obviously not all are like him] but if some Israelis are like Aryan, how could someone negotiate with someone like this?
Negotiation is about compromise. You will agree with me that there are Palestinian terrorists just as I agree there are people like Aryan around. What are you saying here? Just because there are difficult people around should we not try to negotiate? No the problem with negotiating is that whenever Israel makes an offer, the requirements change as we can see in Camp David 2000 (yes I am brining it up again because when I posted sources about it which no one refuted their validity). What has been stated on this forum and what is the root of the matter: the Palestinians do not wish to negotiate, they want what they desire without compromise. No human rights organisation, not even B'tselem, would be willing to accept this (giving something without a return) so why would Israel?


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Something in return? How about the wilfull disaramament of groups like Hamas? Peace and Stability? Reverse of the De-humanisation which is occuring in the ranks of the Israeli state?

I think that's enough in return in order to follow atleast basic human rights principles. The idea which almost everybody will agree with was that "Israel should never have been created." But since it has been created, and now exists, it needs to treat the Palestinian people who were displaced by its policies with dignity and respect. It needs to recognise that the Palestinian people are as much apart of the land as they are. It needs to create the foundations for basic human rights (Which includes freedom of movement, freedom of life and liberty, and freedom to elect their own government without consequences.)

Finally, in return the Palestinians need to recognise Israel exists (whether they become apart of it or live alongside it with a strip of land which links Gaza, Israeli Arabs and West-Bank .) They need to recognise the danger of terrorist attacks and groups in both Palestine and Israel are dangerous to the both of them. They need to recognise that coexisting is possible. (Which for the most part they already too)

As was said earlier reparations need to be made, where schools/houses and infrastructure will need to be supported/established in Gaza/West Bank. (As many of these institutes were destroyed under Israel's oppression.)

Untill everyone can learn to accept that either two of the Policies I suggested should be implemented, there will be no peace.

Aryan, I don't know what gives you the right to make threats. You're a gender confused imbecile. Aryan = BritneySpears.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

mmm, but it does. and for thousands of years everybody has agreed that the jews are a menace and shouldn't exist. but we do. and everybody in africa agreed that the blacks were subhuman and should be treated as such, but they were wrong. and lets not forget the two wars, and god forbid the trappings of several arabic states. to say something about everybody does not make it right. common sense is inversely proportional to the ammount of people involved.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

JayB said:
shifty i showed you earlier, the palestinians wants have been considered in the peace process. they now control gaza and the west bank. how much more do you want israel to give them? the keys to jerusalem so they can ban jews and christians from the western wall again?
oh talk about banning, its the isreali's who are banning young men and women from praying in the aqsa mosque in jerusalem, and you speak about banning.


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

haha, oh man have you got it wrong.

no.1 - The government of Israel has granted a Muslim Council, Waqf, full administration of the site. Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000, all non-Muslims are barred from entering the site. the palestinians ban people from it, not the other way around. convenient when i have facts on my side hey?

no.2 - they refused to allow a burial that was going to take place along side the mosque that is part of an israeli national park. they don't ban anyone from going to a mosque.

and you accuse others of propaganda and lying?

fyi, Jews were banned from the Western Wall 1948 - 1967 by the arab nations. so yeah i talk about banning.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
Negotiation is about compromise. You will agree with me that there are Palestinian terrorists just as I agree there are people like Aryan around. What are you saying here? Just because there are difficult people around should we not try to negotiate? No the problem with negotiating is that whenever Israel makes an offer, the requirements change as we can see in Camp David 2000 (yes I am brining it up again because when I posted sources about it which no one refuted their validity). What has been stated on this forum and what is the root of the matter: the Palestinians do not wish to negotiate, they want what they desire without compromise. No human rights organisation, not even B'tselem, would be willing to accept this (giving something without a return) so why would Israel?
I need to read past posts...i got no idea what half of you are on about :S

Well why should they hen until now they dont have what they want? Give them what they want make an agreement, Israelis get what they want, and lets see how it works.

Simples, if Israel wants more people dying [Israelis and Palestinians] then they could go ahead with whatever it is they are currently doing.

Jay that site you posted, the mosque is one of the most known are a few things about these Israelis and how they treat it -look at the picture, the rest may be bias . -this ones old..but read it...shows us once again the love these Israelis have

i could go on for ages with these...

Why shouldnt they ban people from it? Its one of the most known mosques in Islam. As for burying people there, the place is huge, why cant they bury people somewhere else? Why does it have to be near a mosque?

Nathan i dont need to agree with you since the pictures i posted speak for themselves. They show loving these Israeli children shall turn out to be.

The place is like a recreation of Sparta for gods sake!


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

ok, temple mount, holiest place for jews. does that give them the perogative to ban all non jews from it? by your logic there, yes.

you're right, the palestinians should bury elsewhere, there is more than enough room in otherplaces. that was my point.
Last edited:
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

It's funny though, because all of these places are connected to the Jews, Christians and Muslims, and all three keep fighting over them, each saying it is theirs and only theirs :|


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
I need to read past posts...i got no idea what half of you are on about :S

Well why should they hen until now they dont have what they want? Give them what they want make an agreement, Israelis get what they want, and lets see how it works.

Simples, if Israel wants more people dying [Israelis and Palestinians] then they could go ahead with whatever it is they are currently doing.

Jay that site you posted, the mosque is one of the most known are a few things about these Israelis and how they treat it -look at the picture, the rest may be bias . -this ones old..but read it...shows us once again the love these Israelis have

i could go on for ages with these...

Why shouldnt they ban people from it? Its one of the most known mosques in Islam. As for burying people there, the place is huge, why cant they bury people somewhere else? Why does it have to be near a mosque?

Nathan i dont need to agree with you since the pictures i posted speak for themselves. They show loving these Israeli children shall turn out to be.

The place is like a recreation of Sparta for gods sake!

"Well why should they hen until now they dont have what they want? Give them what they want make an agreement, Israelis get what they want, and lets see how it works."

I am happy to see that we share a common ground: an agreement where both sides benefit.

But, while I see that you really do wish for a peaceful solution and you support what you do because you truthfully believe they are the victims, please recognise that Israel has tried to satisfy the wants of the Palestinians. In history they have had the Peel Partition, they gave back the sinai, (once again!) Camp David 2000 and the disengagement from Gush Katif. But the Palestinians are not coming to the table. They will not accept these attempts at peace. If you are not for bilateral peace but for unilateral peace for your side then you have the situation that is today. The only thing is I argue Palestine is the obstacle t opeace and you argue it's Israel.


Aug 14, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza


Talkbacks for this article: 205

All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.

The letter, published in Olam Katan [Small World], a weekly pamphlet to be distributed in synagogues nationwide this Friday, cited the biblical story of the Shechem massacre (Genesis 34) and Maimonides' commentary (Laws of Kings 9, 14) on the story as proof texts for his legal decision.

According to Jewish war ethics, wrote Eliyahu, an entire city holds collective responsibility for the immoral behavior of individuals. In Gaza, the entire populace is responsible because they do nothing to stop the firing of Kassam rockets.

The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or killing Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza.

Eliyahu could not be reached for an interview. However, Eliyahu's son, Shmuel Eliyahu, who is chief rabbi of Safed, said his father opposed a ground troop incursion into Gaza that would endanger IDF soldiers. Rather, he advocated carpet bombing the general area from which the Kassams were launched, regardless of the price in Palestinian life.

"If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand," said Shmuel Eliyahu. "And if they do not stop after 1,000 then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000, even a million. Whatever it takes to make them stop."

In the letter, Eliyahu quoted from Psalms. "I will pursue my enemies and apprehend them and I will not desist until I have eradicated them."

Eliyahu wrote that "This is a message to all leaders of the Jewish people not to be compassionate with those who shoot [rockets] at civilians in their houses."




lawrence - canada
05/31/2007 04:03

finally some common sense! that is what is needed to make the pals pay for their decision to elect a genocidal hate mongering leadership. but now watch how the liberal press, especially the british will spin this story.


You don't have to be a learned rav...
Josh - midbar
05/31/2007 04:06

to understand this. Gaza must be destroyed.


Carpet Bombing Gaza
Tommy - USA
05/31/2007 04:19

God's word say that you eventually will have to do it, is the only solution to this problem Palestinians are enemies of Israel the only and they will always be enemies of Israel as long as Israel exist, eventually you will destroy Jordan, Egipt and Syria as in Ezekial, Isaiah, Joel ect. I am doing a good study about this is all in God's word


Carpet Bombing Gaza
Brian - USA
05/31/2007 04:22

Both Gaza and the West Bank. Let the palestinians have Jordan. Not one IDF troop life for 1,000,000 palestinians. USA supporter of Israel. God says smite your enemies and save your women and children.


Whatever it takes to make them stop
Saint Augusto - USA
05/31/2007 04:28

Finally, a sane man. Finally, a true rabbi.


Works for me.
Len the davidide - USA
05/31/2007 04:34


carpet bomb Gaza
Paul - USA
05/31/2007 04:39

Put him in charge!! The only way to defeat Israels enemies is to completely destroy them. Then, peace.


There is a better way!
Saint Augusto
05/31/2007 04:40

Simply put: They must go!


listen, olmerd to the rabbi's wisedom
05/31/2007 04:41

do that what rabbi advised, olmerd, or vacate the PM office, weak soul


Carpet Bombing Gaza
05/31/2007 04:49

iT IS FAIR. And afterwards, don't appologize for protecting yourselves! You have a right to LIVE in peace. If they don't want to, then let THEM live with the consequences. Enough Already!!!


Now That's A Genuine Manhig Yisrael!
05/31/2007 04:54

Kol hakavod to Rabbi Eliyahu for speaking clearly with a Jewish voice at a time when fools rule in Israel. The halachic proofs he brings to support his ruling are unambiguous in their relevance to our present untenable situation in the south. I pray we soon have a leader that will follow his advice.


I read somewhere...
David - Israel
05/31/2007 04:57

That one who is compassionate with the cruel will end being cruel with the innocent.


Morally correct!
David - USA
05/31/2007 04:58

The Rabbi is not talking about bombing peace loving civilians, he is talking about a relentless, savage and violent enemy that does its best to kill civilians. Going against these terrorists as though performing a civilian SWAT rescue endangers Israeli lives. The terrorists want an endless war of attrition, this is unacceptable! The morally correct way is to bomb them until they desire peace.


here i totally agree with orthodox position
05/31/2007 05:01


Eliyahu letter
Sam Klein - USA
05/31/2007 05:02

The Rabbi is 1,000 percent correct.This rocket situation will never stop untill they are destroyed by ihe military


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Why dont you get a scource where it statses that in Lebanon/Palestine they praise violence against women.
I do not need to post further sources as you already seen my post earlier. Yet you try to deny the very existence of women opression while women are regularly killed for the so called honour killing. You are the people who actually aggravate the rights of women in islamic society, by supporting violence against women through denial.

That has nothing to do with Islamic laws, why dont you actually go search up on it, and learn what Islam is on about instead of bitching about it to the rest of us?

This woman, only knows what her cutlure allows.
CUTLURE? are you trying to say culture? You obviously do not know what islam is about, again, why are 14 years old australian women forced to marry some old men in lebanon by their parents, why are some 10 years old afghan or pakistani men forced to marry some 50 years old. Islam is not only a religion but also a culture in itself. That is the so called Islamic culture.

Never been to Lebanon. Are yo warning me that you wil bomb the place?
Thas what I thought, you talked as if you know the place or lived there and always tried to speak on their behalf, you tried to portray them as supporting terrorism and hizbollah where as many of them just want peace , free from hizbollah terrorists, proven by the fact that many of them welcomes Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 or 2006.

Young australian lebanese origin women risked being married off to people they've never known or seen as witnessed by Australian Embassy. That was for your safety. You must thank me for that.

Why would i defend a prevert? You have issues you need to deal with off the internet.
You already did.

Sam04u said:
I think that's enough in return in order to follow atleast basic human rights principles. The idea which almost everybody will agree with was that "Israel should never have been created." But since it has been created, and now exists, it needs to treat the Palestinian people who were displaced by its policies with dignity and respect. It needs to recognise that the Palestinian people are as much apart of the land as they are. It needs to create the foundations for basic human rights (Which includes freedom of movement, freedom of life and liberty, and freedom to elect their own government without consequences.)
Don't shove your imbecile (in your own words) idea as the idea of rest of the world. The world overwhelmingly voted infavour of creating A ZIONIST state. Only Arabs/islamic/quasi islamic countries opposed the creation. 33 countries voted while only 13 countries opposed.

Finally, in return the Palestinians need to recognise Israel exists (whether they become apart of it or live alongside it with a strip of land which links Gaza, Israeli Arabs and West-Bank .) They need to recognise the danger of terrorist attacks and groups in both Palestine and Israel are dangerous to the both of them. They need to recognise that coexisting is possible. (Which for the most part they already too)
How about Palestinian factions such as Hamas recognise Israel first? Israelis and Arabs already co exist inside Israeli territories where as Israelis are targets of terrorists inside Palestinian areas. You already mentioned that All Israelis are valid target of terrorists attacks inside west bank and Gaza. You must teach Palestinians about peaceful co-existence, Israel already have one and is more successful than any where else.

As was said earlier reparations need to be made, where schools/houses and infrastructure will need to be supported/established in Gaza/West Bank. (As many of these institutes were destroyed under Israel's oppression.)
I agree, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan should pay reparation to Israel as well as Palestinians for starting unprovoked attack and all wars against Israel and causing untold miseries to israelis and palestinians.

Untill everyone can learn to accept that either two of the Policies I suggested should be implemented, there will be no peace.
There will be no peace as long as Palestinian continue their terrorists attacks against israeli civilian as they are doing it right now to the people of southern israel for no reason.
Aryan, I don't know what gives you the right to make threats. You're a gender confused imbecile. Aryan = BritneySpears.
If you refers to my previous post what threat did I made you terrorists supporting imbecile.

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