Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)

Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla, i used more than one source, and i from the one i used a Christian site, i quoted something, which is on many other sites. If it offends you all so much i'll just delete it and give you another source :|

As for the sources, well i just used them for Aryan, coz he is so obsessed with Islam, and said no religion did anything like us.. Others coz the people of Israel [some] are Jews. ..wanted to know if that had anything to do with their hatred to arabs.

No need to go nuts:p


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine


That is the only source that you listed on that post. My point stands.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

What was your point again?

The Torah is a source, wikipedia had something, , that one, and the guys quote [a few guys]

Theyre all sources:)

as i said there were more, but i thought they were way too bad [seemed real bad, so i thought they mustve been wrong]

Is that all?


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
the Gaza Strip and the West Bank areas under PA control is a religious (on the point of Zealot) democracy.
Lets get some facts straight. Israel is a zealot state, it is a religiously, fanatical, perverted, embodiment of Judaism in the world. They have stolen the Palestinian peoples land under the pretence of their religious beliefs, pointing to the torah for justification of displacing and driving the Palestinian people out of their homes.

Israel does not advocate Judaism nor does it use religion to justify its actions
That is such a lie. Did you overlook the "commentary", and the Halakhah that was sent to the president of Israel as justification to kill Palestinian bystanders. Did you completely omit that from your memory?

Hamas does. I my self have no problem with Islam or any other religions
That is a filthy lie, and that can be seen in your double standards. Your disregard for the Palestinian peoples lives and land. And your biased support for the zionist state of Israel.

its only when one uses religion for murderous purposes
How about when somebody uses it to steal another peoples country?

(Islamo-fascism for example Iran).
Completely imbecilic. Iran is a democracy, and the president was elected. (much like Israel is a democracy.)

Using a Christian source to analyse a Jewish sacred text
Do you mean "Using a Christian sacred text, to analyse a Jewish sacred text"?
Because your friend over there did the exact same thing, but I did not see you tell him anything. Another example of your double standards. It's so blindingly obvious that you're a zionist that cares 'more' about Jews than Muslims or Christians. To the point where their sacred texts become "texts" and where double standards exist.

It is almost impossible to find good commentary from "Hebrew" sources of the Torah (or Old testament.) But a professor of the Old Testament Dr John D. Currid, explains Deutoronomy 22:22 as such:

Deuteronomy 22:22 says, 'If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, then they shall die: the man who lay with the woman and the woman. Thus, you shall purge the evil from Israel.'

In both societies the ultimate punishment required for the crime of adultery is death.

The principle of lex talionis ('the law of retaliation') is as foundational to the Code of Hammurabi as it is to the Mosaic legislation. Lex talionis is based on the principle that the punishment for the crime is found within the crime itself. It is a law of equivalency. The Bible puts it this way: 'But if there is harm, you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, blow for blow' (Exod. 21:23-25). The law of retaliation is seen in the Code of Hammurabi in the following passage, for instance:

'If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand' (Law no. 195).
Seriously stop with this bullshit, read the commentary from the Tanakh
We're not bullshiting.

22. If a man is found lying with a married woman, even both of them shall die the man lying with the woman and the woman. So shall you clear away the evil from Israel.

both of them shall die [The words “both of them” come] to exclude unnatural acts in which the man makes contact with the woman wihout intercourse], from which the woman derives no pleasure [thus not including“both of them” in the act]. — [Sifrei 22:102, San. 66b]

even גַּם, lit., also. This comes to include those who have relations after them. [I.e., after these two people have already been tried and sentenced to death for adultery, and before they are put to death, other people commit further adultery with them, these new people are also to be put to death for adultery, and we do not consider this couple as dead people.] Another explanation [of the expression גַּם-שְׁתֵיהֶם]: To include the fetus. [I.e.,] if she was pregnant, they do not wait for her until she gives birth [but put her to death immediately, while still pregnant]. — [Arachin 7a]

Regardless, I want this religious discussion to end now. We're discussing the illegal occupation of Palestine by the Israelis, and not the religions involved. Heba responded to Britney's posts and since you haven't condemned any of his posts as you have to hers, we can assume that you're either neutral towards the discussions of religions or supported his use of religions to divert attention to the actual issue we're discussing.
Last edited:


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Nathan said it first:shy: i was only telling him to tell Aryan, instead of telling others to stop [since its against him]

Sorry i got one thing i forgot

Nathan-Would you at least answer my questions in another thread? Or if i PM you?
Yeh I'd be more glad to but probably in a pm as opposed to a thread cos they might close it. Also I forgot your question so could you include that in the PM.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Where's your source that israelis admitted that gov told them to kill innocents? is it pulled outta your Sheikh's arse again?
heba already posted a source, and i already posted one in another post of mine, learn how to read idiot. But anyway, here you go you filthy, disgusting, hate mongering liar.,3604,1563476,00.html


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“What was your point again?

The Torah is a source, wikipedia had something, , that one, and the guys quote [a few guys]

Theyre all sources

as i said there were more, but i thought they were way too bad [seemed real bad, so i thought they mustve been wrong]

Is that all?”

My point was that you used a Christian source to analyse a Jewish text and obviously that doesn’t work because of different perceptions of the religion and Christian bias (same with Muslims and Islam, etc). As two that hyperlinked source, personally I have 2 criticism, it looks dodgy (creating your own [not specifically you but in general] and then posting as if it were fact doesn’t do it for me) and secondly there was no commentary from the Tanakh to support these verses. I don’t know enough about the Torah to explain these verses but I can assure many Jews take on a modern perspective of the Torah.

“Lets get some facts straight. Israel is a zealot state, it is a religiously, fanatical, perverted, embodiment of Judaism in the world. They have stolen the Palestinian peoples land under the pretence of their religious beliefs, pointing to the torah for justification of displacing and driving the Palestinian people out of their homes.”

Lets get some facts straight, Israel is the only secular democratic country in the Middle east. To say that it is fanatic and a zealot state is just ridiculous as well as generalizing and insulting to so many people. As to the second part of that statement, grow up Samo, you’ve lost that argument convincingly, I laugh every time you post your bull crap.

“That is such a lie. Did you overlook the "commentary", and the Halakhah that was sent to the president of Israel as justification to kill Palestinian bystanders. Did you completely omit that from your memory?”

Do you want to provided a source for that? And at the same time has the President of Israel actually used it as justification to kill Palestinian bystanders. Give me a statement of him saying that Israel wants to kill bystanders. Come on, give me one – oh wait you can’t, because he hasn’t said any of that shit.

“That is a filthy lie, and that can be seen in your double standards. Your disregard for the Palestinian peoples lives and land. And your biased support for the zionist state of Israel.”

And that has what to do with Islam or any other religions? You really have to stop twisting my words around, I in way disregard the Palestinian people – I mourn innocent civilian deaths as I do in any conflict. Unlike you I have even given a solution as to how the Palestinian people can move out of the situation they are in. I personally interact with my inter-faith dialogue groups for example for two years running I have been involved with interfaith-dialogue between Jewish, Christian and Muslim schools in Sydney – so don’t go saying I lie about have no problems with other religions.

“How about when somebody uses it to steal another peoples country?”
Give it up with your lies.

Completely imbecilic. Iran is a democracy, and the president was elected. (much like Israel is a democracy.)

You’re trying to tell me that the person in charge of Iran is the President? Don’t be naïve, it is the Ayatollah, it is he who controls the president and it is he who chooses the President ultimately. Iran uses fear to control it citizens for example the enforced use of extreme sharia law. 1 religious Muslim leader in charge of a country = Islamo-fascist country.

“Do you mean "Using a Christian sacred text, to analyse a Jewish sacred text"?

No I mean using a Christian source (in this case a website) to analyse a Jewish sacred text. Can you read?

“It's so blindingly obvious that you're a zionist that cares 'more' about Jews than Muslims or Christians. To the point where their sacred texts become "texts" and where double standards exist.”

Stop twisting my words, I have never said anything about anybodies sacred texts becoming texts or whatever the hell your saying.

“It is almost impossible to find good commentary from "Hebrew" sources of the Torah (or Old testament.) But a professor of the Old Testament Dr John D. Currid, explains Deutoronomy 22:22 as such:”
I’m not going to bother reading it until you use a Tanakh.

"22. If a man is found lying with a married woman, even both of them shall die the man lying with the woman and the woman. So shall you clear away the evil from Israel.

both of them shall die [The words “both of them” come] to exclude unnatural acts in which the man makes contact with the woman wihout intercourse], from which the woman derives no pleasure [thus not including“both of them” in the act]. — [Sifrei 22:102, San. 66b]

even גַּם, lit., also. This comes to include those who have relations after them. [I.e., after these two people have already been tried and sentenced to death for adultery, and before they are put to death, other people commit further adultery with them, these new people are also to be put to death for adultery, and we do not consider this couple as dead people.] Another explanation [of the expression גַּם-שְׁתֵיהֶם]: To include the fetus. [I.e.,] if she was pregnant, they do not wait for her until she gives birth [but put her to death immediately, while still pregnant]. — [Arachin 7a]"

And has anyone been put to death over it? No, go read the Tanakh and come back to me.

“Regardless, I want this religious discussion to end now. We're discussing the illegal occupation of Palestine by the Israelis, and not the religions involved. Heba responded to Britney's posts and since you haven't condemned any of his posts as you have to hers, we can assume that you're either neutral towards the discussions of religions or supported his use of religions to divert attention to the actual issue we're discussing.”

I personally couldn’t give a shit what you think, I have HSC so unless the topic was specifically on I & P and/or was addressed to me, I just went back to doing work.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Aryan--->>>Where's your source that israelis admitted that gov told them to kill innocents? is it pulled outta your Sheikh's arse again?

Nope i posted it before, the pilot said they were meant to aim at everything [in Leb] and he tried to aim only at some places [on of few] want me to post it again?

About the whole religion thing, when Jews have their own country ie all laws following Judaism, then we'll talk about it.
See you cannot even quote your source. The govt did not decide who to kill or who is not to be killed on the battle ground. Decisions are made by military commanders, only the govt give authorisation of a particular operation.

Jews already have their own country. Israel is called Jewis State. It is the world's only Jewish state.Israel is the only country in the Middle East considered to be aliberal democracy, having a broad array of political rights and civil liberties present.In addition, Israel is considered the most advanced in the region in terms of freedom of the press,business regulations, economic competition,economic freedom,and overall human development.

Israel does not force its jewish religious laws on its people, because they are not religious zealots and backward people like muslims in islamic countries. They have western liberal laws which binds all people whether they are religious,jewish,christians,muslims or atheist. They are wise enough not to force 3000 years old era laws upon civilized people unlike muslim countries.

Sam04U said:
Lets get some facts straight. Israel is a zealot state, it is a religiously, fanatical, perverted, embodiment of Judaism in the world. They have stolen the Palestinian peoples land under the pretence of their religious beliefs, pointing to the torah for justification of displacing and driving the Palestinian people out of their homes.
If Israel is religiously fanatical and perverted, islamic countries are embodiments of all evils of religion in this world. Israel a religious zealot country is so liberal that Jerusalem has had various gay pride :D which is a natural warrant for death sentence and beheading, hanging in your so called Islamic democracy in Iran, as well as in various islamic countries. Israel a religious fanatic country is so liberal that people can say whatever they want and cirticise anyone including the Prime Minister or even Jewish God or Muhammad or Allah or anyone without any fear. Where as in islamic countries those things are natural death sentence and freedom for other religion except islam is almost non existent.

Because your friend over there did the exact same thing, but I did not see you tell him anything. Another example of your double standards. It's so blindingly obvious that you're a zionist that cares 'more' about Jews than Muslims or Christians. To the point where their sacred texts become "texts" and where double standards exist.It is almost impossible to find good commentary from "Hebrew" sources of the Torah (or Old testament.) But a professor of the Old Testament Dr John D. Currid, explains Deutoronomy 22:22 as such:Quote:
Deuteronomy 22:22 says, 'If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, then they shall die: the man who lay with the woman and the woman. Thus, you shall purge the evil from Israel.'In both societies the ultimate punishment required for the crime of adultery is death.The principle of lex talionis ('the law of retaliation') is as foundational to the Code of Hammurabi as it is to the Mosaic legislation. Lex talionis is based on the principle that the punishment for the crime is found within the crime itself. It is a law of equivalency. The Bible puts it this way: 'But if there is harm, you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, blow for blow' (Exod. 21:23-25). The law of retaliation is seen in the Code of Hammurabi in the following passage, for instance:'If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand' (Law no. 195). Quote:Seriously stop with this bullshit, read the commentary from the Tanakh We're not bullshiting.Quote:22. If a man is found lying with a married woman, even both of them shall die the man lying with the woman and the woman. So shall you clear away the evil from Israel.both of them shall die [The words “both of them” come] to exclude unnatural acts in which the man makes contact with the woman wihout intercourse], from which the woman derives no pleasure [thus not including“both of them” in the act]. — [Sifrei 22:102, San. 66b]even גַּם, lit., also. This comes to include those who have relations after them. [I.e., after these two people have already been tried and sentenced to death for adultery, and before they are put to death, other people commit further adultery with them, these new people are also to be put to death for adultery, and we do not consider this couple as dead people.] Another explanation [of the expression גַּם-שְׁתֵיהֶם]: To include the fetus. [I.e.,] if she was pregnant, they do not wait for her until she gives birth [but put her to death immediately, while still pregnant]. — [Arachin 7a]
Regardless, I want this religious discussion to end now. We're discussing the illegal occupation of Palestine by the Israelis, and not the religions involved. Heba responded to Britney's posts and since you haven't condemned any of his posts as you have to hers, we can assume that you're either neutral towards the discussions of religions or supported his use of religions to divert attention to the actual issue we're discussing.
You pathetically failed to counter any of my argument. No you are wrong, once again, neither in Jewish nor christian societies that Adultery is a crime. It was a crime more than a century ago, Jews and christians no longer live in stoneage, they live in 21st century where they are free to make love as they wishes.

No one is punished by Jewish or Christian Laws for the past century. Not to talk of stoning adulterer.

ompare that with Islam which still use more than 1000 years old text as a law today using it to abuse women with primitive punishment such as stoning death of women, discriminating women with all kinds of restrictions with Sharia Law.

Completely imbecilic. Iran is a democracy, and the president was elected. (much like Israel is a democracy.)
Yeah a democracy where Ayatollah (islamic cleric) have more power than the elected President! :rofl: So much democracy that these unfortunate gay teens are hanged in public for nothing! Here is a pic to satisfy your islamic blood lust.

Another example of islamic Justice, a girl killed her rapist with a knife, but according to Islamic Law she is punished by hanging not her rapist! :uhoh:

Three Muslims "pushed her and her 16-year-old niece Somayeh onto the ground and tried to rape them." She then took a knife, stabbing one of the men’s hand. The men continued with the attack.
As the girls attempted to run from the park, the men bodily got hold of them again. Nazanin then stabbed one of the men in the chest. "The teenage girl broke down in tears in court as she explained that she had no intention of killing the man but was merely defending herself and her younger niece from rape."
The decision of the court? Nazanin will be hanged to death.
Such is life and death in Iran

maniella said:
heba already posted a source, and i already posted one in another post of mine, learn how to read idiot. But anyway, here you go you filthy, disgusting, hate mongering liar.,00.html
Your source clearly said it was during 2nd Intifada in which Palestinians targetted and killed Israeli civilians. Killing a specific target during war time is perfectly fine, especially when civilians are active participants (such as women hiding bombs behind their burka and underwear :eek: and blew themselves up in cafe and buses). When these terrorists are killed they were portrayed as innocent civilians but hey we knew too well. Terrorists will be killed whether they are women or children as longas they are terrorists.



Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Uncovered women 'beheaded' By Abraham Rabinovich
June 04, 2007 08:29am
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AN underground Islamic group has threatened to behead female news presenters on the official Palestinian Authority television station who do not wear strict Islamic dress.

"If necessary we will behead and slaughter to preserve the spirit and morals of our people," the Righteous Swords of Islam said. The group said the women presenters were corrupting Palestinian society by appearing on television with their faces uncovered.

The group is one of three al-Qaeda-affiliated organisations that have emerged in Gaza in the past two years. These groups have taken responsibility for bombing more than 30 internet cafes, music shops and pool halls.

"These are extremely dangerous groups that are trying to take Palestinian society back to the dark ages," a Palestinian Authority official in Ramallah, on the West Bank said. The official warned that existing radical groups could be replaced by even more extremist groups.

"The day will come when we will miss Hamas."

The threat to women announcers was condemned by the armed wing of the secular Fatah, the al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades. "We reject the lies of the so-called Righteous Swords of Islam," a brigades spokesman said.,10117,21844464-401,00.html?from=public_rss
Where is the freedom Shiftylilbrat? :mad1:
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

eports that Hamas leaders were inclined to seek a renewal of the ceasefire with Israel, broken two weeks ago by the massive launching of rockets from Gaza at Israel, were apparently confirmed by the Hamas deputy political leader, Moussa Abu Marzouk, from his headquarters in Damascus.

"We may agree to a one-year ceasefire," he told the Egyptian newspaper al-Aharam at the weekend.
they MAY stop

The threat to women announcers was condemned by the armed wing of the secular Fatah, the al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades. "We reject the lies of the so-called Righteous Swords of Islam," a brigades spokesman said.

Aryan said:
Killing a specific target during war time is perfectly fine, especially when civilians are active participants (such as women hiding bombs behind their burka and underwear and blew themselves up in cafe and buses). When these terrorists are killed they were portrayed as innocent civilians but hey we knew too well. Terrorists will be killed whether they are women or children as longas they are terrorists.

If these women and children have...had weapons in their clothes etc why werent any found?

Why dont you listen to your friend and stop talking about religion, as i ALREADY said, post it in the other tread [thats about Islam]

Not answering any of your crap..

Atilla said:
I personally couldn’t give a shit what you think, I have HSC so unless the topic was specifically on I & P and/or was addressed to me, I just went back to doing work.
If you dont care you wouldnt have replied. :)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Well, if you read what I wrote you would realise I only bother to reply to posts unless they are on I & P or if they are directed at me.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Well, if you read what I wrote you would realise I only bother to reply to posts unless they are on I & P or if they are directed at me.
Yet, you responded to Heba's post which used reference to Deut (Old Testament). Aren't you contradicting yourself there? Since you responded to her post?

Contrary to your claims you have portrayed double-standards in 'criticising' Heba, but not responding to Britney. (This was not directed at you or on topic and you bothered to reply.)

Anyways, back on topic. What has Israel done to reconcile the Palestinian people it has displaced? According to U.N sanctions they were supposed to reconcile the Palestinian people by compensating those whom have lost their homes (Possibly at the same rate that the Israelis charged the U.S tax payers for selling off Gaza or possibly higher due to inflation.)

The facts remain.

Israel illegaly occupies the Palestinian peoples land. (At the expense of displacing them.)
They deny Palestinians "The right of return"
They have seperated the Palestinians and deny them "Freedom of Movement" instead trapping them within three states.

All for the security of an Illegitimate nation. Heba has provided ample evidence of Israel indiscriminately kiling or savagely raping innocent Palestinians. And evidence of the indiscriminate demolition of Palestinian infrastructure is readily available.

I conclude that it is totally unfair to the Palestinian people.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Yet, you responded to Heba's post which used reference to Deut (Old Testament). Aren't you contradicting yourself there? Since you responded to her post?

No, if you read what I wrote; Heba posted "Why is it, that once i start talking about Judaism its wrong, when someone talks about Islam its on the topic?" And then I replied by saying In relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - Israel is a secular democracy…

sam04u said:
According to U.N sanctions they were supposed to reconcile the Palestinian people by compensating those whom have lost their homes (Possibly at the same rate that the Israelis charged the U.S tax payers for selling off Gaza or possibly higher due to inflation.)

But those who have left their homes freely rightly deserve nothing from Israel because it was their choice. It may seem brutal but that is how the world works – people don’t get rewarded for their mistakes.

sam04u said:
The facts remain.
sam04u said:

Israel illegaly occupies the Palestinian peoples land. (At the expense of displacing them.)
They deny Palestinians "The right of return"
They have seperated the Palestinians and deny them "Freedom of Movement" instead trapping them within three states.

Your ‘facts’ (more like lies intended to demonize Israel) are not worth the toilet water that I shit into. I have already defeated these arguments stop posting them.

sam04u said:
All for the security of an Illegitimate nation. Heba has provided ample evidence of Israel indiscriminately kiling or savagely raping innocent Palestinians. And evidence of the indiscriminate demolition of Palestinian infrastructure is readily available.

By illegitimate you of coarse mean a nation that is recognised by the UN and the clear majority of countries? By inhumane you mean the only country that actively publishes were they bomb? By indiscriminate you of coarse mean the IDF calling off strikes because of the civilians in the area and of coarse you mean the faultless record of Hamas and PELP who haven’t targeted innocent civilians (sarcastic)? Get a life and a brain and then come back to this thread.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
eports that Hamas leaders were inclined to seek a renewal of the ceasefire with Israel, broken two weeks ago by the massive launching of rockets from Gaza at Israel, were apparently confirmed by the Hamas deputy political leader, Moussa Abu Marzouk, from his headquarters in Damascus.

"We may agree to a one-year ceasefire," he told the Egyptian newspaper al-Aharam at the weekend.
they MAY stop
What a Joke, they started the current conflict and they said they will never seek ceasefire, now they are begging for ceasefire :rofl::rofl:. Well Done to Israeli soldiers for killing 50+ Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists.

Israel have an answer for you

NEW: Israel says no cease-fire negotiations; "military pressure" will continue
• Israeli airstrike hits Gaza, killing 2 members of Hamas' military wing
• Israel has been pounding Gaza to stop Hamas militants from firing on Israel
• Israel PM Olmert, Palestinian Authority President Abbas to meet next week


If these women and children have...had weapons in their clothes etc why werent any found?
On March 24, 2004, one week after capturing a bomb in the bag of 12-year-old Abdullah Quran, Hussam Abdo, a 16-year-old Palestinian (who initially claimed he was 14), was captured in a checkpoint near Nablus wearing an explosive belt. The young boy was paid by the Tanzim militia to detonate himself at the checkpoint. IDF soldiers manning the checkpoint were suspicious of him and told him to stay away from people. Later, an EOD team arrived and by using a police-sapper robot, removed the explosive belt from him. . Hussam explained that he was offered 100 NIS and sex with virgins if he would perform the task. He said his friends mocked him in class. :rofl:

Palestinian militant groups such as Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and Islamic Jihad, have recently used children as militants and suicide bombers. On March 31, 2004, Raed Khuweir blamed Islamic Jihad for attempting to recruit his younger brother, aged 15, to commit a suicide attack. He said, "They crushed my brother.

From wiki

And when those child and women suicide bombers are killed they became innocent women and children killed by Israel according to You. Not so innocent after all.

Why dont you listen to your friend and stop talking about religion, as i ALREADY said, post it in the other tread [thats about Islam]

Not answering any of your crap..
Ok I win, I know you are scared that I might expose more evils from Islam. So I will not go further unless otherwise;)
Sam04u said:
Anyways, back on topic. What has Israel done to reconcile the Palestinian people it has displaced? According to U.N sanctions they were supposed to reconcile the Palestinian people by compensating those whom have lost their homes (Possibly at the same rate that the Israelis charged the U.S tax payers for selling off Gaza or possibly higher due to inflation.)
Wrong once again. The UN General Assembly resolution is NOT a sanction nor binding resolution as in the resolution itself clearly said at the very beginning Resolution 194 begin by noting that General Assembly Resolutions are not binding, and asserting that they have no effect in International Law. They also note the resolution's provision regarding "refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours." Returning home is predicated on wishing to live at peace, and they argue that there is no evidence that Palestinian refugees wish to live at peace with Israelis. here

Furthermore, ALL ARABS countries voted against that resolution:rofl:

If there are any compensations to be given, it SHOULD also include jews expelled by Lebs, Syrians, Egypt and all arabs countries.

Israel illegaly occupies the Palestinian peoples land. (At the expense of displacing them.)
They deny Palestinians "The right of return"
They have seperated the Palestinians and deny them "Freedom of Movement" instead trapping them within three states.

All for the security of an Illegitimate nation. Heba has provided ample evidence of Israel indiscriminately kiling or savagely raping innocent Palestinians. And evidence of the indiscriminate demolition of Palestinian infrastructure is readily available.

I conclude that it is totally unfair to the Palestinian people.
Yes the facts remain.

Palestinians are oppressed as slaves in lebanese refugee camps. Now they are ruthlessly bombed by Lebanese Soldier:(

They are restricted of movements by racist govt of Lebanon.

They have no basic rights in lebanon, no health care, no education and are banished to the job of garbage collector and toilet cleaner in slave like condition.

They were expelled from their lands by greedy arabs such as Lebs, Egypt and Syria who invaded Palestine and Israel making them refugees for 50 years.

In Gaza, women are raped, abused and killed by muslim terrorists and under islamic law, threatened with beheading if they wear normal dress.

Yes it is totally unfair that how palestinians are treated by their so called arabs brothers. Its beyond disgusting.



Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Wow, I can't believe you're too stupid to use the "Color" function, yet you think you can call me stupid?


Your ‘facts’ (more like lies intended to demonize Israel) are not worth the toilet water that I shit into. I have already defeated these arguments stop posting them.
They are not lies, and you have not ever nor will you defeat those facts.

Israel illegaly occupies the Palestinian peoples land. (At the expense of displacing them.)
They deny Palestinians "The right of return"
They have seperated the Palestinians and deny them "Freedom of Movement" instead trapping them within three states.

But those who have left their homes freely rightly deserve nothing from Israel because it was their choice.
Don't you understand what the "Right of return" actually is? The Palestinians have an inherent right to return to their country as a condition of Israel's creation. The government of Israel has no right to seize the property of the Palestinians without compensation as they have done. And that is something you need to learn to accept. They have no right to displace a nation and drive out an entire people and later suggest they "chose to leave". Nobody chose to leave, they fought for their country, yet you do not understand how the "Right of return" works. An international human right which exists.

By illegitimate you of coarse mean a nation that is recognised by the UN and the clear majority of countries?
No. By illegitimate I ofcourse mean a nation that was created Illegitamately. Where a bible/torah was used to Justify driving out a people in order for another people to displace them. Where a bible/torah was used to violently oppress the people. Where a bible/torah was used to seperate a people in between three states. That is what I mean by Illegitimate.

By inhumane you mean the only country that actively publishes were they bomb?
No. By inhumane I mean a nation that was willing to displace an entire nation to be created. A nation that has made a total of 5,000,000 people refugees, and forced them to live in dangerous condition. By Inhumane I mean a nation that was willing to indiscriminately attack anybody which approached its borders. By inhumane I mean a nation that not only attacks civilian infrastructure, but attacks schools, hospitals, and then claims it is just and fair.

Get a life and a brain and then come back to this thread.
Practice what you preach, come back when you have an ounce of insight or intelligence on the Palestinian/Israel conflict, and when you're a little less biased.
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
See you cannot even quote your source. The govt did not decide who to kill or who is not to be killed on the battle ground. Decisions are made by military commanders, only the govt give authorisation of a particular operation.

Jews already have their own country. Israel is called Jewis State. It is the world's only Jewish state.Israel is the only country in the Middle East considered to be a liberal democracy, having a broad array of political rights and civil liberties present.In addition, Israel is considered the most advanced in the region in terms of freedom of the press,business regulations, economic competition,economic freedom,and overall human development.

Israel does not force its jewish religious laws on its people, because they are not religious zealots and backward people like muslims in islamic countries. They have western liberal laws which binds all people whether they are religious,jewish,christians,muslims or atheist. They are wise enough not to force 3000 years old era laws upon civilized people unlike muslim countries.
As you just said with your own foul lying mouth israel is a "jewish state" it implements, liberal democracy, political rights, civil liberties, freedon of press, and human developments for jewish people only.

You know what, israel is sooo westernised with its liberal laws, to the extent that itis the only country in the world which refuses to define its own borders, and is the only country in the world that has no clear borders till now after 60 years of its invasion of Palestine!!

- It is sooo liberal that it deprives arab non-jewish Israelis of the land they own.

- it is soo democratic that jewish-only road networks are constructed, who no one except jewish people are allowed to use. Even the Israeli arabs are not allowed to use these roads because they are linked to settlements only for jewish people.

- is this why its civil libertise allow any jewish person from any part of the world to become a Israeli citizen. While, Christians or Muslims, or people from any other religion from any country are not allowed to be Israeli citizens?

is this why Moshe Yaalon said "Israel plans to terminate employment opportunities for Palestinians by 2008." so that only jewush people can work in israel?

- Israel is also so democratic that arab Israelis are not allowed to bring their spouses from the west bank to live with is so democratic that the UN human resources, tried to persuade Israel to revoke this law and to allow family unification for arab israelis (which Israel refused)?

ROFLMAO, :rofl: :rofl: i can clearly see the liberal democracy, the political rights, and the civil libertise, lol.

If Israel is religiously fanatical and perverted, islamic countries are embodiments of all evils of religion in this world. Israel a religious zealot country is so liberal that Jerusalem has had various gay pride :D which is a natural warrant for death sentence and beheading, hanging in your so called Islamic democracy in Iran, as well as in various islamic countries. Israel a religious fanatic country is so liberal that people can say whatever they want and cirticise anyone including the Prime Minister or even Jewish God or Muhammad or Allah or anyone without any fear. Where as in islamic countries those things are natural death sentence and freedom for other religion except islam is almost non existent.

I think that you meant "gay parade". But im not surprised that you used "gay pride" eh, indian princess/chica ;) (nudge nudge, wink wink ;)) and with all that pink ;) Shame you had to miss such a important event :) you seem to be so proud that such a event was going on in jerusalem, some "gay pride" you've got there ;)

Your source clearly said it was during 2nd Intifada in which Palestinians targetted and killed Israeli civilians. Killing a specific target during war time is perfectly fine, especially when civilians are active participants (such as women hiding bombs behind their burka and underwear :eek: and blew themselves up in cafe and buses). When these terrorists are killed they were portrayed as innocent civilians but hey we knew too well. Terrorists will be killed whether they are women or children as longas they are terrorists.
Nah, my source didnt say that.

this is what my source said.

criminal investigations following allegations by soldiers that they carried out illegal shoot-to-kill orders against unarmed Palestinians.
so according to you --> Killing a specific target during war time is perfectly fine

you mean like this:

soldiers say they acted on standing orders in some parts of the Palestinian territories to open fire on people regardless of whether they were armed or not, or posed any physical threat.
lol, i can see how your sick, twisted mind works. so you finally admitted that it is perfectly fine to shoot children who are un-armed, who were standing on balconies, in the street, on the roof and kneeling according to you these innocent civilians deserve to be killed in such a vicious, violent, brutal way.

The soldiers say that in some situations they were ordered to shoot anyone who appeared on a roof or a balcony, anyone who appeared to be kneeling to the ground or anyone who appeared on the street at a designated time. Among those killed by soldiers acting on the orders were young children.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
What a Joke, they started the current conflict and they said they will never seek ceasefire, now they are begging for ceasefire :rofl::rofl:. Well Done to Israeli soldiers for killing 50+ Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists.

Israel have an answer for you

NEW: Israel says no cease-fire negotiations; "military pressure" will continue
• Israeli airstrike hits Gaza, killing 2 members of Hamas' military wing
• Israel has been pounding Gaza to stop Hamas militants from firing on Israel
• Israel PM Olmert, Palestinian Authority President Abbas to meet next week
How is that good? If Israel declined, then whatever happens from now on is coz of them.

On March 24, 2004, one week after capturing a bomb in the bag of 12-year-old Abdullah Quran, Hussam Abdo, a 16-year-old Palestinian (who initially claimed he was 14), was captured in a checkpoint near Nablus wearing an explosive belt. The young boy was paid by the Tanzim militia to detonate himself at the checkpoint. IDF soldiers manning the checkpoint were suspicious of him and told him to stay away from people. Later, an EOD team arrived and by using a police-sapper robot, removed the explosive belt from him. . Hussam explained that he was offered 100 NIS and sex with virgins if he would perform the task. He said his friends mocked him in class. :rofl:
so all those dead people ...they were in fact only a few thanks sooo much for making that clear!!!

Palestinian militant groups such as Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and Islamic Jihad, have recently used children as militants and suicide bombers. On March 31, 2004, Raed Khuweir blamed Islamic Jihad for attempting to recruit his younger brother, aged 15, to commit a suicide attack. He said, "They crushed my brother.

From wiki

And when those child and women suicide bombers are killed they became innocent women and children killed by Israel according to You. Not so innocent after all.
Oh right!!!!!! How did i forget something so important. All those dead people were terrorists, they were like the people YOU posted about. As i see it, this guy is saying its wrong, and its those peoples fault his brother got into it etc. So this guy is also a terrorist?

Where does it say all dead Palestinians were child/women suicide bombers?

Ok I win, I know you are scared that I might expose more evils from Islam. So I will not go further unless otherwise;)
Whats with the ..;) ? I will repeat myself for you [coz i know you dont seem to understand]


Palestinians are oppressed as slaves in lebanese refugee camps. Now they are ruthlessly bombed by Lebanese Soldier:(
Awww you feel sorry for them? What about when you said they deserved it? What about the innocents always get caught in the middle of wars?

One soldier did it all...awww And

They are restricted of movements by racist govt of Lebanon.
Evidence? and all the other crap you said about Lebanon...

In Gaza, women are raped, abused and killed by muslim terrorists and under islamic law, threatened with beheading if they wear normal dress.
Evidence? Last i checked Mani posted a site which went on about a rape which occuried by the Israeli, not Palestinian. So either show your evidence or shut up and stop wasting my time!

Yes it is totally unfair that how palestinians are treated by their so called arabs brothers. Its beyond disgusting.
LOL. Only time i hear that being using, is when they say 'brothers in ISLAM' either way, Arab is a word you can use it, you dont have to say Arabs:)
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Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Israel illegaly occupies the Palestinian peoples land. (At the expense of displacing them.)
They deny Palestinians "The right of return"
They have seperated the Palestinians and deny them "Freedom of Movement" instead trapping them within three states.
Drop those arguments – anyone with an ounce of intelligence only needs to go back to previous posts to see I have defeated them all; repeating the same thing over again is not a sign of intelligence, quite the opposite.

sam04u said:
Don't you understand what the "Right of return" actually is? The Palestinians have an inherent right to return to their country as a condition of Israel's creation. The government of Israel has no right to seize the property of the Palestinians without compensation as they have done. And that is something you need to learn to accept. They have no right to displace a nation and drive out an entire people and later suggest they "chose to leave". Nobody chose to leave, they fought for their country, yet you do not understand how the "Right of return" works. An international human right which exists.
Of course I know and understand what ‘right of return’ is. Do you understand demographic suicide, judging by your posts, I think not. The Palestinians who left the land out of their own free will have no right to return to that land and claim it as theirs. The Arabs who stayed with their land kept it, e.g. Israeli-Arabs. The government of Israel does not ‘seize’ land, however, when other countries start a war and Israel gets this land in a defensive war then Israel has full right to that land. You seem to not understand that many of the Arab countries told the majority of Arabs to leave ‘So the blood bath could begin’, the goal was the destruction of Israel. Many people indeed chose to leave, did you miss that part when researching this history of the area? Obviously.

sam04u said:
No. By illegitimate I ofcourse mean a nation that was created Illegitamately. Where a bible/torah was used to Justify driving out a people in order for another people to displace them. Where a bible/torah was used to violently oppress the people. Where a bible/torah was used to seperate a people in between three states. That is what I mean by Illegitimate.
Lol, the UN and the majority of the rest of the world proved you long about 59 years ago, accept it.

sam04u said:
No. By inhumane I mean a nation that was willing to displace an entire nation to be created. A nation that has made a total of 5,000,000 people refugees, and forced them to live in dangerous condition. By Inhumane I mean a nation that was willing to indiscriminately attack anybody which approached its borders. By inhumane I mean a nation that not only attacks civilian infrastructure, but attacks schools, hospitals, and then claims it is just and fair.
Keep posting your lies about the 5 million refugees, whatever… As attacking indiscriminately, once again I assume you’re talking about telling people where they will bomb, I also assume you mean the massed Arab armies on its border, or the shelling of villages by the Syrians prior to he 6 day war.

MaNiElla said:
As you just said with your own foul lying mouth israel is a "jewish state" it implements, liberal democracy, political rights, civil liberties, freedon of press, and human developments for jewish people only.
Ah, Maniella, I am blessed with another opportunity to rip your arguments to shreds. This will be fun.

MaNiElla said:
You know what, israel is sooo westernised with its liberal laws, to the extent that itis the only country in the world which refuses to define its own borders, and is the only country in the world that has no clear borders till now after 60 years of its invasion of Palestine!!
MaNiElla said:
The borders of Israel are disputed, until a solution is reached these borders will remain fluid. But if your suggesting that Israel should refine its borders then I think the Golan Heights and the West Bank will be no longer disputed…

- It is sooo liberal that it deprives arab non-jewish Israelis of the land they own.
To but it bluntly it is false and you are an idiot to believe it.

MaNiElla said:
- it is soo democratic that jewish-only road networks are constructed, who no one except jewish people are allowed to use. Even the Israeli arabs are not allowed to use these roads because they are linked to settlements only for jewish people.
Actually these roads are constructed because the Palestinians did not want to use these roads, so Israel at its own expense constructed these roads for Jews and for Palestinians as well. So if you bothered to research the topic you would know that as well. BTW, the link didn’t work…

MaNiElla said:
- is this why its civil libertise allow any jewish person from any part of the world to become a Israeli citizen. While, Christians or Muslims, or people from any other religion from any country are not allowed to be Israeli citizens?
Have you ever heard of the Muslim and Christian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem? You are an idiot if you really believe that. I admit it is much harder for these people, but, only because Israel wants to stay a Jewish state; which was why it was formed in the first place.

MaNiElla said:
Is this why Moshe Yaalon said "Israel plans to terminate employment opportunities for Palestinians by 2008." so that only Jewish people can work in Israel?
Tell me, is this guy part of the government? No… Does his opinion have any authority, no. Dumbass…

MaNiElla said:
- Israel is also so democratic that arab Israelis are not allowed to bring their spouses from the west bank to live with is so democratic that the UN human resources, tried to persuade Israel to revoke this law and to allow family unification for arab Israelis (which Israel refused)?
Um, they are two separate countries. If someone doesn’t hold a citizenship to that country then they can’t live permanently in that country. BTW, what does that have to do with democracy?

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