Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Don't you understand what the "Right of return" actually is? The Palestinians have an inherent right to return to their country as a condition of Israel's creation. The government of Israel has no right to seize the property of the Palestinians without compensation as they have done. And that is something you need to learn to accept. They have no right to displace a nation and drive out an entire people and later suggest they "chose to leave". Nobody chose to leave, they fought for their country, yet you do not understand how the "Right of return" works. An international human right which exists.
Yes Right of return means Jews have inherent rights to return to Arabs countries where they were violently expelled by murderous arabs. Yet arabs countries refued to give those rights to jews while they cried and begged for the same rights for palestinian refugees created by arab invasion of Israel.

No. By illegitimate I ofcourse mean a nation that was created Illegitamately. Where a bible/torah was used to Justify driving out a people in order for another people to displace them. Where a bible/torah was used to violently oppress the people. Where a bible/torah was used to seperate a people in between three states. That is what I mean by Illegitimate.
Israel was created legally by United Nations, granted independence by its colonial ruler UK, and the land was granted to jews by God as written in Torah, Bible and Quran. Arabs have no legitimacy whatsoever in their claim on Israel whether on legal, politcal or religious grounds where as Israel have all rights available in this world to support them.
No. By inhumane I mean a nation that was willing to displace an entire nation to be created. A nation that has made a total of 5,000,000 people refugees, and forced them to live in dangerous condition. By Inhumane I mean a nation that was willing to indiscriminately attack anybody which approached its borders. By inhumane I mean a nation that not only attacks civilian infrastructure, but attacks schools, hospitals, and then claims it is just and fair.
Exactly, isnt it brutal for arabs countries to invade peaceful country such as Israel and Paslestine simply to create 7000000000000 refugees so they can use them as slave labour in Lebanon and Syria? Thats Inhumane to me.
Practice what you preach, come back when you have an ounce of insight or intelligence on the Palestinian/Israel conflict, and when you're a little less biased.
Yeah practice what you preach and come back when you are less biased.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Drop those arguments – anyone with an ounce of intelligence only needs to go back to previous posts to see I have defeated them all; repeating the same thing over again is not a sign of intelligence, quite the opposite.
LOL!!!!!!! You never defeated anything :rofl: :rofl:
Israel illegally occupies the Palestinian peoples land --> true, Israel forcefully took land from Palestinians. Israel now consists of 78% of Palestine, rather than the 55% that were allocated to it under the UN partition plan.

They deny Palestinians "The right of return"-->true
They have seperated the Palestinians and deny them "Freedom of Movement" instead trapping them within three states. -->

Of course I know and understand what ‘right of return’ is. Do you understand demographic suicide, judging by your posts, I think not. The Palestinians who left the land out of their own free will have no right to return to that land and claim it as theirs. The Arabs who stayed with their land kept it, e.g. Israeli-Arabs. The government of Israel does not ‘seize’ land, however, when other countries start a war and Israel gets this land in a defensive war then Israel has full right to that land. You seem to not understand that many of the Arab countries told the majority of Arabs to leave ‘So the blood bath could begin’, the goal was the destruction of Israel. Many people indeed chose to leave, did you miss that part when researching this history of the area? Obviously.
And no you obviously dont know what right of return for Palestinians mean, otherwise you wouldnt post that extremely ridiculous post of yours.

Palestinians did not leave their country and land according to their free will. They were brutally forced out of their homes, Israeli terrorist groups like irgun, committed the most vicious, fierce and brutal massacres in the worlds history against the Palestinians. I'l repeat myself again, deir yassin massacre, lod massacre, jenin massacre, ramla massacre, etc, etc, were all done to butcher the Palestinians and force Palestinians outta their homes.
Israeli trucks with speakers used go to Palestinian villages and threaten the Palestinians that if they dont evacuate the place they will do another massacre.
The practically terrified the Palestinians, and they forced them to leave. The palestinians that unwillingly fled to protect their children and wives, tried to go back to their home and land, but the israelis wont let them which is why they are now trapped and which is why they are refugees.

Lol, the UN and the majority of the rest of the world proved you long about 59 years ago, accept it.

Keep posting your lies about the 5 million refugees, whatever… As attacking indiscriminately, once again I assume you’re talking about telling people where they will bomb, I also assume you mean the massed Arab armies on its border, or the shelling of villages by the Syrians prior to he 6 day war.

Not really, they actually did prove him right, because they were justifying their acts based on the torah/bible. which is why 5000000 million plaestinians are displaced, and they are still being displaced up to this very day. Dont be a shallow person, your the one who should learn to accept these world wide known facts ;)

Ah, Maniella, I am blessed with another opportunity to rip your arguments to shreds. This will be fun.

Haha, its actually a privilege for you to physically have the opportunity to read and to reply to my posts. You should be honoured that im actually posting here :)

To but it bluntly it is false and you are an idiot to believe it.
And you're a retard for denying it :)

Actually these roads are constructed because the Palestinians did not want to use these roads, so Israel at its own expense constructed these roads for Jews and for Palestinians as well. So if you bothered to research the topic you would know that as well. BTW, the link didn’t work…
I researched enough about this issue, and those roads were constructed only for jewish people, because they are linked to settlements that are only for jewsih people too.

Try the link again it works perfectly well with me, if it doesnt work again, tell me and i'l attatch a screen shot of the web-site for you.

Have you ever heard of the Muslim and Christian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem? You are an idiot if you really believe that. I admit it is much harder for these people, but, only because Israel wants to stay a Jewish state; which was why it was formed in the first place.
Oh alright, I now get how this is supposed to make israel a civil libertised country. Lawl!! :D

Tell me, is this guy part of the government? No… Does his opinion have any authority, no. Dumbass…
Umm the guy is actually the army commander, you imbecile he was describing Sharon's overall goal of "disengagement" between Israel and the Palestinians. He was actually talking about sharons plans, so his opinions are taken seriously, because his quoting Sharon. You'd realize that if you bothered to read the article.

Also Tuesday, the Israeli army commander, Lt. Gen. Moshe Yaalon, gave a glimpse of Israel's long-range goals when he addressed a security conference in Tel Aviv. He said Israel aimed to phase out Palestinian employment, in keeping with Sharon's overall goal of "disengagement" between Israel and the Palestinians.

Um, they are two separate countries. If someone doesn’t hold a citizenship to that country then they can’t live permanently in that country. BTW, what does that have to do with democracy?
thats racism they're just trying to prevent arab-israelis from uniting with their families in other parts of palestine and the whole world knows that!! and they are also indirectly trying to prevent arab israelis from marrying. Thats why the UN had to butt in and try to convince the israeli goverment to give the israeli arabs that right. what a shame!!
Last edited:


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
As you just said with your own foul lying mouth israel is a "jewish state" it implements, liberal democracy, political rights, civil liberties, freedon of press, and human developments for jewish people only.
Including 1.4 million arabs israelis who are better off than any other arabs in the middle east. who are not threatened by islamic religious zealots and where muslim women are protected israeli LAW from oppressive islamic Sharia law :D

You know what, israel is sooo westernised with its liberal laws, to the extent that itis the only country in the world which refuses to define its own borders, and is the only country in the world that has no clear borders till now after 60 years of its invasion of Palestine!!
Yeah thanks to arabs who invaded israel more than 5 times and lose it all! Your lose is their gain :D

It is sooo liberal that it deprives arab non-jewish Israelis of the land they own.
The land is OWNED by the govt and leased to citizens either arabs or jews unlike arabs countries it does not confiscate property of arabs or jews.
- it is soo democratic that jewish-only road networks are constructed, who no one except jewish people are allowed to use. Even the Israeli arabs are not allowed to use these roads because they are linked to settlements only for jewish people.
What does an arab do in a road linking to jewish settlement? to commit suicide bombings or to shoot a settler?
- is this why its civil libertise allow any jewish person from any part of the world to become a Israeli citizen. While, Christians or Muslims, or people from any other religion from any country are not allowed to be Israeli citizens?
is this why Moshe Yaalon said "Israel plans to terminate employment opportunities for Palestinians by 2008." so that only jewush people can work in israel?
What does civil liberties have anything to do with citizenship? A country is free to make its citizenship Laws at its own will and Switzerland have one of the most stringent citizenship laws in the world yet it is among the worlds most democratic and liberal country just like Israel.

By the way why don't you arabs countries give employment to those palestinians since you fervently support them? Arent you ashamed that you made them begging to work and prostitute themselves to border guards to enter israel illegally to work, in a country they wanted to destroy. Isnt it a bit irony :D

- Israel is also so democratic that arab Israelis are not allowed to bring their spouses from the west bank to live with is so democratic that the UN human resources, tried to persuade Israel to revoke this law and to allow family unification for arab israelis (which Israel refused)?

ROFLMAO, :rofl: :rofl: i can clearly see the liberal democracy, the political rights, and the civil libertise, lol.
What does bringing spouse have to do with democracy? yeah it is very funny that you dont even know what liberaql democracy, politcal rights and civil liberties means. Crossing border from Westbank to israel is entirely a matter of immigration. Just as Australian consulate regularly refused visa to your arab families from lebanon( who could well be terrorists) israel have the right to refuse visa to arabs from west bank. Does that effect the civil liberties,? I dont think so :rofl::rofl:

I think that you meant "gay parade". But im not surprised that you used "gay pride" eh, indian princess/chica ;) (nudge nudge, wink wink ;)) and with all that pink ;) Shame you had to miss such a important event :) you seem to be so proud that such a event was going on in jerusalem, some "gay pride" you've got there ;)
Well educated and articulate people like me use the word gaypride which is widely used in vernacular english and the press. I specifically choose pink and gaypride as an example to contrast the liberties in israel and arabs countries. I use Pink because I heard that you muslims are banned from wearing colourful clothes by your stoneage era religious law in some arabs/islamic countries to cheer up your gloomy life.:D

yes gaypride is much better than what you have in arabs countries stoning death of women and beheadings and hangings of gays. That probably make you :rofl::rofl: as well since muslim fundamentalists are ruthless murderers who love violence and killings.

lol, i can see how your sick, twisted mind works. so you finally admitted that it is perfectly fine to shoot children who are un-armed, who were standing on balconies, in the street, on the roof and kneeling according to you these innocent civilians deserve to be killed in such a vicious, violent, brutal way.
It happened during 2nd Intifada in which your so called innocent civilians played a big part in killing israelis. And yes you know how palestinian terrorists shoot from balconies, and from the roof as well as using children to plant bombs. What is more sick is you supported those terrorists who abuse and use children and women suicide bombers.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
How is that good? If Israel declined, then whatever happens from now on is coz of them.
so all those dead people ...they were in fact only a few thanks sooo much for making that clear!!!
Oh right!!!!!! How did i forget something so important. All those dead people were terrorists, they were like the people YOU posted about. As i see it, this guy is saying its wrong, and its those peoples fault his brother got into it etc. So this guy is also a terrorist?
Where does it say all dead Palestinians were child/women suicide bombers?
yeah the kind of response i got from you is all i expect, no sympathy for palestinians whatsoever, but just further your typical hatred against jews in general. I was right all along, arabs dont care about palestinians they only use it as a tool to propagate their hatred against jews. Not surprisingly, they support terrorists who oppress women and use children as suicide bombers. treat them as slaves in their country. no need to repeat.

Whats with the ..;) ? I will repeat myself for you [coz i know you dont seem to understand]

Me wonders why you muslims are scared shitless to talk about islam, didnt your boyfriend Sam04U regularly called its a religious war against islam?

Evidence? Last i checked Mani posted a site which went on about a rape which occuried by the Israeli, not Palestinian. So either show your evidence or shut up and stop wasting my time!
Essentially, victims of physical and sexual violence pay the price for the abuse they suffer, while the perpetrators usually get off scot-free. Few cases of sexual violence are ever prosecuted in the West Bank and Gaza. According to the PCBS, in 2004 the PA courts reportedly convicted only one person of rape in Gaza and convicted no one in the West Bank.These numbers are not consistent with reported levels of rape in the OPT. :mad1: read that since you love rape stories, there are plenty from palestinian/arabs countries. Chilling is the woman is almost always punished not the rapist. Convicted only one person? Not surprising, given under Sharia law a woman needs 4 male witness to press rape charges.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
LOL!!!!!!! You never defeated anything :rofl: :rofl:
Israel illegally occupies the Palestinian peoples land --> true, Israel forcefully took land from Palestinians. Israel now consists of 78% of Palestine, rather than the 55% that were allocated to it under the UN partition plan.

They deny Palestinians "The right of return"-->true
They have seperated the Palestinians and deny them "Freedom of Movement" instead trapping them within three states. -->
Did nt you arabs rejected the UN partition plan? Why use it as a basis for your claim if you rejected it? You cant have it both way. Either way you lose. You are too greedy, you wanted it all and lose almost all of it. Even Allah hates greedy people like you, thats why he helped jews defeat arabs countries who wanted to steal lands from jews and kill them all.

And no you obviously dont know what right of return for Palestinians mean, otherwise you wouldnt post that extremely ridiculous post of yours.

Palestinians did not leave their country and land according to their free will. They were brutally forced out of their homes, Israeli terrorist groups like irgun, committed the most vicious, fierce and brutal massacres in the worlds history against the Palestinians. I'l repeat myself again, deir yassin massacre, lod massacre, jenin massacre, ramla massacre, etc, etc, were all done to butcher the Palestinians and force Palestinians outta their homes.
Israeli trucks with speakers used go to Palestinian villages and threaten the Palestinians that if they dont evacuate the place they will do another massacre.
The practically terrified the Palestinians, and they forced them to leave. The palestinians that unwillingly fled to protect their children and wives, tried to go back to their home and land, but the israelis wont let them which is why they are now trapped and which is why they are refugees.
Wrong. Most arabs left on their free will. yes there was violence on both sides, All started by arabs and jews retaliation. Arabs left, because they have arabs countries to go (where they belong). Jews stayed despite arabs massacre of jews in tel aviv, jerusalem, haifa, hebron, nazareth etc, because they have no where else to go except their rightful country Israel. They endured 50 years of arabs hostilities and violence.

This shows arabs left on their free will
The Arab Liberation Army embarked on a systematic evacuation of non-combatants from several frontier villages in order to turn them into military strongholds (Gelber, p. 79). By the end of March 1948 around 100,000 Palestinian Arabs had fled to other parts of Palestine such as Nazareth, Nablus and Bethlehem or had left the country altogether (Morris, p. 67) to settle in Transjordan or Egypt. Many of these were Palestinian Arab leaders, middle and upper-class Palestinian Arab families from urban areas In 1951 the United Nations gave the final estimate of their number as 711,000.

By 1951, about 30 percent of the population in Israel was accounted for by Jews from Arab countries and about 850,000 Jews emigrated from Arab countries between 1948 and 1952. During this time 586,269 Jews came to Israel from Arab countries, and 3,136,436 people live in Israel today including their offspring, which account for about 41 per cent of the total population.

The fact is there are more jews who were forced to leave their country by arabs countries 850,000 compared to a mere 711,000 palestinians who willingly left palestine. Palestinians do so at their own choice where as jews were expelled.

Not really, they actually did prove him right, because they were justifying their acts based on the torah/bible. which is why 5000000 million plaestinians are displaced, and they are still being displaced up to this very day. Dont be a shallow person, your the one who should learn to accept these world wide known facts ;)
You always flip flop on your so called facts, earlier you claimed 7 million now just 5 million, probably lebanese soldiers killed another 2 million palestinians? :rofl::rofl:

I researched enough about this issue, and those roads were constructed only for jewish people, because they are linked to settlements that are only for jewsih people too.
Try the link again it works perfectly well with me, if it doesnt work again, tell me and i'l attatch a screen shot of the web-site for you.
Oh alright, I now get how this is supposed to make israel a civil libertised country. Lawl!!
And what does an arab needs to go in a jewish settlent road? to commit suicide bombings? By all means israel must protect its citizens.

Umm the guy is actually the army commander, you imbecile he was describing Sharon's overall goal of "disengagement" between Israel and the Palestinians. He was actually talking about sharons plans, so his opinions are taken seriously, because his quoting Sharon. You'd realize that if you bothered to read the article.
What are you complaining about Israel phasing out palestinian employments who are NOT inside Israel and are not its citizens while you lebs actually banned them for 50 years from most employment eventhough they live INSIDE lebanon?

thats racism they're just trying to prevent arab-israelis from uniting with their families in other parts of palestine and the whole world knows that!! and they are also indirectly trying to prevent arab israelis from marrying. Thats why the UN had to butt in and try to convince the israeli goverment to give the israeli arabs that right. what a shame!!
if they wanted to be united they can go to palestine and live with them. israel does not have a problem with that, it only have problems with terrorists using and abusing the trust and sympathy of Israeli government by allowing them into israel, then blew themselves up to kill innocent people. if they stopped their terrorists activites, ther would be no restrictions. End your violent terrorism before you beg for israeli visa.


Jun 4, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

We must not forget that 5th June 2007 is the 40th anniversary of 6 days war of 1967. A decisive and turning point in Middle East History as Israel decisively defeated Arabs in just Six Days. The war is also called the An-Naksah (the Setback) by Arabs because it's a war they never recovered from.

To those who don't know what 6 days 1967 war was all about: It was a war fought between Israel vs Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Algeria (1 country vs 7 countries).

Day by Day progress of the war is illustrated here

Congratulations to Israel on this unforgettable moment and anniversary.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
LOL!!!!!!! You never defeated anything
MaNiElla said:
Israel illegally occupies the Palestinian peoples land --> true, Israel forcefully took land from Palestinians. Israel now consists of 78% of Palestine, rather than the 55% that were allocated to it under the UN partition plan.

They deny Palestinians "The right of return"-->true
They have seperated the Palestinians and deny them "Freedom of Movement" instead trapping them within three states. --> true

Whatever, if you want to stop using logic in your arguments, that’s fine by me * it should be clear to anyone who has been following this debate that I have clearly shown how this is wrong..

MaNiElla said:
Palestinians did not leave their country and land according to their free will. They were brutally forced out of their homes, Israeli terrorist groups like irgun, committed the most vicious, fierce and brutal massacres in the worlds history against the Palestinians. I'l repeat myself again, deir yassin massacre, lod massacre, jenin massacre, ramla massacre, etc, etc, were all done to butcher the Palestinians and force Palestinians outta their homes.
MaNiElla said:
Israeli trucks with speakers used go to Palestinian villages and threaten the Palestinians that if they dont evacuate the place they will do another massacre.
The practically terrified the Palestinians, and they forced them to leave. The palestinians that unwillingly fled to protect their children and wives, tried to go back to their home and land, but the israelis wont let them which is why they are now trapped and which is why they are refugees.

No, it was actually the Arabs who warned about supposed IDF massacres in those cities. The rest has already been addressed previously, stop the rhetoric.

MaNiElla said:
Not really, they actually did prove him right, because they were justifying their acts based on the torah/bible. which is why 5000000 million plaestinians are displaced, and they are still being displaced up to this very day. Dont be a shallow person, your the one who should learn to accept these world wide known facts

Actually Zionism was created as a response to anti-Semitism, or did you not bother researching it? If it was only based on the Torah (not Bible) then why didn’t they move back earlier? Palestinians were displaced because they started a war and lost and now refuse the many peace offers that Israel has tried.

MaNiElla said:
I researched enough about this issue, and those roads were constructed only for jewish people, because they are linked to settlements that are only for jewsih people too.

No, they were constructed because the Palestinians in the West Bank refused to use the roads that Jews used. As well as this in response to shootings by Palestinians, some highways, especially those leading to Israeli settlements, are completely inaccessible to cars with Palestinian license plates, while many other roads are restricted only to public transportation and to Palestinians who have special permits from Israeli authorities. Due to numerous shooting assaults targeting Israeli vehicles, the IDF bars Israelis from using most of the original roads in the West Bank. Israel's longstanding policy of separation-to-prevent-friction dictates the development of alternative highway systems for Israelis and Palestinian traffic.

MaNiElla said:
Umm the guy is actually the army commander, you imbecile he was describing Sharon's overall goal of "disengagement" between Israel and the Palestinians. He was actually talking about sharons plans, so his opinions are taken seriously, because his quoting Sharon. You'd realize that if you bothered to read the article.

You idiot, he is not part of the Israeli government. Therefore he doesn’t reflect their opinions. What he says is different to those in power.

MaNiElla said:
Thats racism they're just trying to prevent arab-israelis from uniting with their families in other parts of palestine and the whole world knows that!! and they are also indirectly trying to prevent arab israelis from marrying. Thats why the UN had to butt in and try to convince the israeli goverment to give the israeli arabs that right. what a shame!!
My point stands.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
yeah the kind of response i got from you is all i expect, no sympathy for palestinians whatsoever, but just further your typical hatred against jews in general. I was right all along, arabs dont care about palestinians they only use it as a tool to propagate their hatred against jews. Not surprisingly, they support terrorists who oppress women and use children as suicide bombers. treat them as slaves in their country. no need to repeat.
Jay and Nathan are Jews do i hate them? No, it has NOTHING to do with religion, its just that you are a very irritating human being!

As i said, either prove this is happening to all women & chilren as a whole or else shut up.

What country?
Me wonders why you muslims are scared shitless to talk about islam, didnt your boyfriend Sam04U regularly called its a religious war against islam?
Nope, he's my husband, i get bashed 2 hours a day, im not allowed to drive, i dont go outside, and when i go on the internet i get a special beating, and i aint allowed to talk about it or else i'll be stoned... :uhoh:

Go find something more important to do with your life other than making bullshit..kk

ok, you really MUST be blind!

What religious war? The fact that they were kicked out, and the Palestinians want their land back, and they kill Israeli soldiers. Well thats cool, since theyre in the right, unlike the Israelis whom target civilians then claim there was a terrorist in the country so they had to kill this civilian or else the terrorist would have gotten away..and we dont want that!

Essentially, victims of physical and sexual violence pay the price for the abuse they suffer, while the perpetrators usually get off scot-free. Few cases of sexual violence are ever prosecuted in the West Bank and Gaza. According to the PCBS, in 2004 the PA courts reportedly convicted only one person of rape in Gaza and convicted no one in the West Bank.These numbers are not consistent with reported levels of rape in the OPT. :mad1: read that since you love rape stories, there are plenty from palestinian/arabs countries. Chilling is the woman is almost always punished not the rapist. Convicted only one person? Not surprising, given under Sharia law a woman needs 4 male witness to press rape charges.
In Sharia law, it needs 4 people to see what happened [normal sex] and that is the punishment, as for these people well they will be punished for what they have done, and for punishing the victim.

You are too greedy, you wanted it all and lose almost all of it. Even Allah hates greedy people like you, thats why he helped jews defeat arabs countries who wanted to steal lands from jews and kill them all.
And i thought you couldnt get any was i wrong!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How are they 'greedy' when they want their land back?

Allah loves Jews and hates Muslims, when you people dont even believe in Allah, you're too stupid to be true.

The fact is there are more jews who were forced to leave their country by arabs countries 850,000 compared to a mere 711,000 palestinians who willingly left palestine. Palestinians do so at their own choice where as jews were expelled.
The final UN estimate was 711,000,[1] but by 1950, according to UNRWA, the number of registered refugees was 914,000

Today that number has grown to over 4 million, one third of whom live in the West Bank and Gaza; slightly less than one third in Jordan; 17% in Syria and Lebanon (Bowker, 2003, p. 72) and around 15% in other Arab and Western countries. Approximately 1 million refugees have no form of identification other than an UNWRA identification card (Bowker, 2003, pp. 61-62).

from your source.

As for them going by themselves, well can you quote that bit. And the part which says the Jews were kicked out.


Feb 25, 2007


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

yeah the kind of response i got from you is all i expect, no sympathy for palestinians whatsoever
The majority of her participation in this thread has been out of sympathy to the Palestinians. So, I've no idea what you're talking about. Care to elaborate where she has not show sympathy? Was she pro or against Palestinians returning to their homes? (A human right?) Was she pro or against Palestinians being compensated for losing their homes? (A condition of Israels formation.) Was she pro or against the indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians at the border? (Told by soldiers not under duress, but rather out of sympathy to the people they were trained to hate.)

but just further your typical hatred against jews in general.
You are a moron. I'll enlighten you on a famous quote. "Anti-Semite used to be a label for people who hated Jews. Now, It's a label for people who neo-cons/zionists hate."

I was right all along, arabs dont care about palestinians they only use it as a tool to propagate their hatred against jews.
Untill the illogical and unfair displacement of Palestinians from their homes, Jews had coexisted with Muslims for many years. Including in Palestine, where they coexisted. When did this "hatred" form? Is this a case of "We hate you, so we say you hate us?" as a justification to commit injustice? Just face it. Heba has more than proven Israel's injustice. She has ruined your credibility (Which you now do not even have nuance of) So basically, keep spreading lies it's gotten you far in the past. (Sarcasm)

Not surprisingly, they support terrorists who oppress women and use children as suicide bombers. treat them as slaves in their country. no need to repeat.
Israel is a terrorist state. Therefore, everybody who supports Israel "supports terrorists." Incorrect, because unlike Israel we're not so vain as to think (if it goes on for a few more years they'll just give up, their arguments will be null. The right of return will be void.) They're the epitome of the zionist created state.

Me wonders why you muslims are scared shitless to talk about islam
I'll debate you on Islam any day of the week. (As long as you're using proper context, religious texts and will accept me making comparisons to your religion or lack of religion.) This is merely an incorrect venue. But even as you were trying to divert attention from this discussion and bring in religon. We were quick to reply and respond as it was an attack on Islam. Infact it was your boyfriend Atilla89 who was telling us we should not discuss sacred religious texts. And the whole while you were telling us about how there is "gay pride" in Israel, while displaying your very gender confused side and typing in feminine colours such as pink.

didnt your boyfriend Sam04U regularly called its a religious war against islam?
Firstly, I blushed. Having an intelligent girl like Heba as a girlfriend would be quite overwhelming. ( Lol, she's way better than any of us at making arguments. I mean, sure you use your conjured facts. I use my rhetoric. But she just uses the Truth. Raw, and unedited. Getting into a relationship argument with her would be like running into a train. :rofl: )

I did not say that. I said the broader perspective where there is a war against Islamic people on many different fronts could create the illusion.

From herein your argument makes an assertion using few cases as evidence. The discussion is not the living conditions in Israel, and how the Israelis have better living arrangements. But rather that Israel has displaced the palestinian people.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
About the comment of Jews being kicked out from Arab lands:

So many results, pick a few and read about it.

Wiki has got stuff on it but since it is not relibable --> go to this

There are many other sources including multiple books and internet articles, check them out if your interested. As you can see it is fact.
And this proves?

I dont see how this is any worse than what has and is happening to the Palestinians.

It says some left on their own ie they were NOT kicked out, some may have been, which is kinda like the Palestinians, even thought there were more Palestinians who 'left' compared to the Jews.

I was reading the wikipedia one, and the Jews were alright it wasnt until Israel was 'bought' that the Arabs/Muslims changed their treatement towards them.

As for the second source, only talks about Iraq :|


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Jay and Nathan are Jews do i hate them? No, it has NOTHING to do with religion, its just that you are a very irritating human being!

As i said, either prove this is happening to all women & chilren as a whole or else shut up.

What country?
Why does all women and children have to be abused for you to cause it a concern? That clearly shows you have no grasp of the gravity of the situation for oppressed women and children, abused by islamic terrorists. It shows you have no sympathy nor empathy for thos victims of abuse just because you live in Australia and protected by Australian LAW from the abuse of Islamic Sharia Law.

ope, he's my husband, i get bashed 2 hours a day, im not allowed to drive, i dont go outside, and when i go on the internet i get a special beating, and i aint allowed to talk about it or else i'll be stoned... :uhoh:

Go find something more important to do with your life other than making bullshit..kk

ok, you really MUST be blind!
Yes those things happened to more than 200 million women oppressed under islamic Sharia Law, and no its no concern to you because you are not a victim thanks to Australia being a secular country free from islamic Sharia law. You condone those violence and in fact you support them.

What religious war? The fact that they were kicked out, and the Palestinians want their land back, and they kill Israeli soldiers. Well thats cool, since theyre in the right, unlike the Israelis whom target civilians then claim there was a terrorist in the country so they had to kill this civilian or else the terrorist would have gotten away..and we dont want that!
if they want their land why did they left it voluntarily even though israel begged them to stay? Most victims of palestinian terrorists are israeli civilians, most victims of Israeli strike are palestinian terrorists. Yeah it is cool seeing 50+ palestinian terrorists obliterated with missiles and bombs in Gaza.:D

In Sharia law, it needs 4 people to see what happened [normal sex] and that is the punishment, as for these people well they will be punished for what they have done, and for punishing the victim.
That means a woman cant get justice from islamic court because she needs 4 witnesses. Extremely unfair while mere accusation of adultery is enough for stoning death of a woman.

nd i thought you couldnt get any was i wrong!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How are they 'greedy' when they want their land back?

Allah loves Jews and hates Muslims, when you people dont even believe in Allah, you're too stupid to be true.
UN allocated them about 45 % of the best parts of Israel, they rejected and want the whole area, declared war on israel trying to steal lands from the jews allocated by UN, OH yes they lose, and their land is gone :D

The final UN estimate was 711,000,[1] but by 1950, according to UNRWA, the number of registered refugees was 914,000

Today that number has grown to over 4 million, one third of whom live in the West Bank and Gaza; slightly less than one third in Jordan; 17% in Syria and Lebanon (Bowker, 2003, p. 72) and around 15% in other Arab and Western countries. Approximately 1 million refugees have no form of identification other than an UNWRA identification card (Bowker, 2003, pp. 61-62).

from your source.

As for them going by themselves, well can you quote that bit. And the part which says the Jews were kicked out.
See how you people flip flopped all over the number, one said 4 million, one said 5 million, one said 7 million :rofl: I dont even know which one to believe.

In 1948, approximately 265,000 Jews lived in Morocco. Between 5,000 and 8,000 live there now, mostly in Casablanca, but also in Fez and other cities.In June 1948, soon after Israel was established and in the midst of the first Arab-Israeli war, riots against Jews broke out in Oujda and Djerada, killing 44 Jews. In 1948-9, 18,000 Jews left the country for Israel.

In 1948, approximately 75,000 Jews lived in Egypt. About 100 !!!!!!!!!!!!:uhoh: (only HUNDRED) remain today, mostly in Cairo. In 1948, Jewish neighborhoods in Cairo suffered bomb attacks that killed at least 70 Jews. Hundreds of Jews were arrested and had their property confiscated. The 1954 Lavon Affair, in which Israelis and Egyptian Jews were arrested for bombing Egyptian and American targets served as a pretext for further persecution of the remaining Jewish community in Egypt. After the 1956 Suez Crisis, Egypt expelled over 25,000 Jews, confiscated their property, and about 3,000 were imprisoned. About 1,000 more were imprisoned or detained. In 1967, Jews were detained and tortured, and Jewish homes were confiscated.

(everything you accused of Jews doing to arabs in palestine had already been done to jews in arabs countries such as massacre, riot, murder, attack, espulsion, confiscate property, false imprisonment on a MUCH larger scale)


In 1948, approximately 105,000 Jews lived in Tunisia. About 1,500 !!!!!!!:angry:remain today, mostly in Djerba, Tunis, and Zarzis. Following Tunisia's independence from France in 1956, a number of anti-Jewish policies led to emigration, of which half went to Israel and the other half to France. After attacks in 1967, Jewish emigration both to Israel and France accelerated.

Including Aden, there were about 63,000 Jews in Yemen in 1948. Today, there are about 200 !!!!!!!!:mad1:left. In 1947, riots killed at least 80 Jews in Aden. Increasingly hostile conditions led to the Israeli government's Operation Magic Carpet, the evacuation of 50,000 Jews from Yemen to Israel in 1949 and 1950.


In 1948, there were approximately 150,000 Jews in Iraq. The community was concentrated in Baghdad, was well established and felt no urge to leave. However by 2003, there were only approximately 100 !!!!!!:burn: left of this previously thriving community.
In 1941, following Rashid Ali's pro-Axis coup, riots known as the Farhud broke out in Baghdad in which approximately 200 Jews were murdered (some sources put the number higher), and up to 2,000 injured.


Rioters in Aleppo in 1947 burned the city's Jewish quarter and killed 75 people.[18] In 1948, there were approximately 30,000 Jews in Syria. The Syrian government placed severe restrictions on the Jewish community, including on emigration. Over the next decades, many Jews managed to escape, and the work of supporters, particularly Judy Feld Carr,[19] in smuggling Jews out of Syria, and bringing their plight to the attention of the world, raised awareness of their situation. Following the Madrid Conference of 1991 the United States put pressure on the Syrian government to ease its restrictions on Jews, and on Passover in 1992, the government of Syria began granting exit visas to Jews on condition that they do not emigrate to Israel. At that time, the country had several thousand Jews; today, under a hundred remain !!!!!!:confused:


Almost all Jews in Algeria left upon independence in 1962. Algeria's 140,000 Jews had French citizenship since 1870 (briefly revoked by Vichy France in 1940), and they mainly went to France, with some going to Israel.


In 1948, there were approximately 5,000 Jews in Lebanon, with communities in Beirut, and in villages near Mount Lebanon, Deir al Qamar, Barouk, and Hasbayah.

In the 1980s, Hizballah kidnapped several Lebanese Jewish businessmen, and in the 2004 elections, only one Jew voted in the municipal elections. By all accounts, there are fewer than 100 !!!!!! :eek:Jews left in Lebanon.


The area now known as Libya was the home of one of the oldest Jewish communities in the world, dating back to at least 300 BCE. In 1948, about 38,000 Jews lived there.[citation needed]
A series of pogroms started in November 1945, when more than 140 Jews were killed in Tripoli and most synagogues in the city looted. The pogroms continued in June 1948, when 15 Jews were killed and 280 Jewish homes destroyed.[20]
Upon Libya's independence in 1951, most of the Jewish community emigrated from Libya. After the Suez Crisis in 1956, another series of pogroms forced most of the remaining Jews to flee.
In 1967, the Jewish population of 7,000 was again subjected to pogroms in which 18 were killed, and many more injured, sparking a near-total exodus that left fewer than 100 Jews in Libya.{fact}}
When Muammar al-Qaddafi came to power in 1969, all remaining Jewish property was confiscated and all debts to Jews cancelled.
Although the main synagogue in Tripoli was renovated in 1999, it has not reopened for services. The last Jew in Libya, Esmeralda Meghnagi died in February of 2002.

Bahrain Bahrain's tiny Jewish community, mostly the descendants of immigrants who entered the country in the early 1900s from Iraq, numbered 600 in 1948. Over the next few decades, most left for other countries, especially England; some 36 remain (as of 2006.)

All from

And this is just what happened since 1st WW. Arabs history is bloodbath by the massacre of jews since the founding of islam. It is hard to believe Israel actually still allowed 1.4 arabs to live inside its territory while almost all jews in arab lands are reduced to 100 or even zero.

If I want to be unbiased, and want justice for both sides, Arabs must allow return of these jews and give back their property confiscated from them. Since that is not gonna happen (given arabs hatred against jews) Israel have NO obligations to give back the land to arabs nor compensate them.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Aryan=See how you people flip flopped all over the number, one said 4 million, one said 5 million, one said 7 million I dont even know which one to believe.

Wahhh??? I got no idea what you go on about, please be a little more 'normal' :)

As for the stuff you posted your friend just said that it aint reliable [wiki] and you posted from there, and so did i ... so why are you telling me my stuff arent reliable when i got it from the same source as you?

The part about the Jews 'kicked' out, i see it said that some left by themselves, and you still havent showed me the stuff about the Palestinians leaving by thmselves:)

I dont know whats wrong with you, you went on about how women in Islamic countries are treated, and i told you im being why didnt you believe me? You think i was being sarcastic? Now why would you think that? <<<--- go there and post WHATEVER you want about Islam.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
And this proves?

I dont see how this is any worse than what has and is happening to the Palestinians.

It says some left on their own ie they were NOT kicked out, some may have been, which is kinda like the Palestinians, even thought there were more Palestinians who 'left' compared to the Jews.

I was reading the wikipedia one, and the Jews were alright it wasnt until Israel was 'bought' that the Arabs/Muslims changed their treatement towards them.

As for the second source, only talks about Iraq :|
And why should the creation of Israel make Arab countries even more hostile to Jews? BTW I gave you two sources stating that wiki was unreliable although accurate, I then provided a link showing the mass of these events of Jews being kicked out of Arab countries. This proves that the Jews were kicked out of these countries.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Don't be vain. Because of the instability different sects clash. (It's how it happens in smaller communities.)

Iran for instance the country you so vocally have been attacking did not mistreat Jewish people as they were seen to be Iranian.

At the time of the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, there were approximately 140,000–150,000 Jews living in Iran, the historical center of Persian Jewry. Over 85% have since migrated to either Israel or the United States. At the time of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, 80,000 still remained in Iran. From then on, Jewish emigration from Iran dramatically increased, as about 20,000 Jews left within several months after the Islamic Revolution.[21] In mid- and late 1980s, the Jewish population of Iran was estimated at 20,000–30,000. The reports put the figure at around 35,000 in mid-1990s[24] and at less than 40,000 nowadays, with around 25,000 residing in Tehran. However, Iran's Jewish community still remains the largest among the Muslim countries.[25]

Ayatollah Khomeini met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris and issued a fatwa decreeing that the Jews were to be protected. In the Islamic republic Jews have become more religious. Families that had been secular in the 1970s started keeping kosher and strictly observing rules against driving on Shabbat. They stopped going to restaurants, cafes and cinemas and the synagogue perforce became the focal point of their social lives. [2] As Haroun Yashyaei, a film producer and former chairman of the Central Jewish Community in Iran has quoted[26]:

"Khomeini didn't mix up our community with Israel and Zionism - he saw us as Iranians,"
And why should the creation of Israel make Arab countries even more hostile to Jews?
They weren't any more hostile than the Jews in Palestine were to the Palestinians. Except, the neighbouring countries were at the brink of war, the creation of Israel was seen as unjust and as undermiming the neighbouring countries.

Why should Israel be created at the expense of the Palestinians?

This proves that the Jews were kicked out of these countries.
Incorrect, most Jews migrated to Israel on their own. The creation of Israel made it more dangerous for a Jew to live in Europe than to live in the Middle-East. The mortality rates prove this, and this still does not justify their occupation of the Palestinian peoples land.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

And why should the creation of Israel make Arab countries even more hostile to Jews? BTW I gave you two sources stating that wiki was unreliable although accurate, I then provided a link showing the mass of these events of Jews being kicked out of Arab countries. This proves that the Jews were kicked out of these countries.
Good question. why is it that if there is one Muslim terrorist then *most of* the whole world view ALL Muslims as terrorist??

That link you showed was about the Jews in Iraq. So what te hell are you on about?

Really? That proves that jews were kicked out of those countries? Are we talking ALL the Jews who lived there? ALL the Jews who lived there?
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Aug 17, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Incorrect, most Jews migrated to Israel on their own. The creation of Israel made it more dangerous for a Jew to live in Europe than to live in the Middle-East. The mortality rates prove this, and this still does not justify their occupation of the Palestinian peoples land.
Very true. That quote simply states simple logic.

From the Jewish perspective, they can either stay in Egpyt, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc, where they are constantly discriminated, and fear for their lives, OR they could go to a country, right next door (in most cases) to their current country of residence, and live in a country created by Jews, for Jews.

Now which option do you think that Jewish persons would choose?


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Aryan=See how you people flip flopped all over the number, one said 4 million, one said 5 million, one said 7 million I dont even know which one to believe.

Wahhh??? I got no idea what you go on about, please be a little more 'normal' :)

As for the stuff you posted your friend just said that it aint reliable [wiki] and you posted from there, and so did i ... so why are you telling me my stuff arent reliable when i got it from the same source as you?

The part about the Jews 'kicked' out, i see it said that some left by themselves, and you still havent showed me the stuff about the Palestinians leaving by thmselves:)
You do not really want to read by yourself until shoved on to your face do you?

Here they are:
t turns out that there was a series of orders issued by the Arab Higher Committee and by the Palestinian intermediate levels to remove children, women and the elderly from the villages. So that on the one hand, the book reinforces the accusation against the Zionist side, but on the other hand it also proves that many of those who left the villages did so with the encouragement of the Palestinian leadership itself. Morris and other historians agree, moreover, that Arab radio-propaganda which inflated casualty figures and atrocities (real and alleged alike) contributed to this flight. Although intended to arouse hatred against the Jewish state, it caused a good deal of fear and flight on the part of Arabs in Israel.

Historian Efraim Karsh writes that not only had half of the Arab community in Haifa community fled the city before the final battle was joined in late April 1948, but another 5,000-15,000 left apparently voluntarily during the fighting while the rest, some 15,000-25,000, were ordered to leave, almost certainly on the instructions of the Arab Higher Committee. Karsh concludes that there was no Jewish grand design to force this departure, nor was there a psychological 'blitz', but that on the contrary, both the Haifa Jewish leadership and the Hagana went to great lengths to convince the Arabs to stay.. The mayor of Haifa, Shabtai Levy, and the labour leader Abba Hushi, as well as Haganah high command, intervened to try to convince Arabs to stay, but the leadership explained that Arab Higher Committee members had left. The community was disintegrating as they talked, and there was nothing they could do.

After the war, a few Arab leaders tried to present the Palestinian exodus as a victory by claiming to have planned it. The prime minister of Iraq, Nuri Said, declared: "We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down." (Sir Am Nakbah”, Nazareth, 1952). (bwa ha ha ha, they failed to smash the country instead, made their own refugee :rofl:)

More here:

Furthermore Katz says that "as late as 1952, the charge had the official stamp of the Arab Higher Committee. In a memorandum to the Arab League states, the Committee wrote" (Schechtman, pp. 197-198):"Some of the Arab leaders and their ministers in Arab capitals -- declared that they welcomed the immigration of Palestinian Arabs into the Arab countries until they saved Palestine. Many of the Palestinian Arabs were misled by their declarations [...] It was natural for those Palestinian Arabs who felt impelled to leave their country to take refuge in Arab lands -- and to stay in such adjacent places in order to maintain contact with their country so that to return to it would be easy when, according to the promises of many of those responsible in the Arab countries (promises which were given wastefully), the time was ripe. Many were of the opinion that such an opportunity would come in the hours between sunset and sunrise".

MORE: The Arab National Committee in Jerusalem, following the March 8, 1948, instructions of the Arab Higher Committee, ordered women, children and the elderly in various parts of Jerusalem to leave their homes and move to areas 'far away from the dangers. Any opposition to this order [...] is an obstacle to the holy war [...] and will hamper the operations of the fighters in these districts.

Morris also documented that the Arab Higher Committee ordered the evacuation of "several dozen villages, as well as the removal of dependents from dozens more” in April-July 1948. "The invading Arab armies also occasionally ordered whole villages to depart, so as not to be in their way."

The Secretary of the Arab League Office in London, Edward Atiyah, wrote in his book, The Arabs:
"This wholesale exodus was due partly to the belief of the Arabs, encouraged by the boastings of an unrealistic Arabic press and the irresponsible utterances of some of the Arab leaders that it could be only a matter of weeks before the Jews were defeated by the armies of the Arab States and the Palestinian Arabs enabled to re�*enter and retake possession of their country. But it was also, and in many parts of the country, largely due to a policy of deliberate terrorism and eviction followed by the Jewish commanders in the areas they occupied, and reaching its peak of brutality in the massacre of Deir Yassin.

You can examine all from here

It is quite clear that Arabs leaders ordered plaestinians to leave so they can destroy the jews completely without harming the arabs. Their expectations never materialise as arabs armies fell like a pack of cards in front of brave Jewish soldiers who were fighting for their survival.

And Once again, your country Lebanon (for sam04u) and Egypt (for S1m0) were responsible for creating a war that you cannot won, creating millions of jewish as well as palestinian refugee.
I dont know whats wrong with you, you went on about how women in Islamic countries are treated, and i told you im being why didnt you believe me? You think i was being sarcastic? Now why would you think that? <<<--- go there and post WHATEVER you want about Islam.
I know women abuse are a joke for you, you laugh at looking at that women stoned to death for what? Adultery!! which is NOT even a crime in the west. Typical of you.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Don't be vain. Because of the instability different sects clash. (It's how it happens in smaller communities.)

Iran for instance the country you so vocally have been attacking did not mistreat Jewish people as they were seen to be Iranian.
Incidentally, Iran is NOT an ARAB country. They are far more civilized than arabs and their only problems with as usual a few Islamic cleric oppressing the rest of the iranians of course with brutality and fear.

needless to say, Jews in Iran are severely restricted from all kinds of social life, religious life, politcal life, employment: Only if you decide to read further down from where you quote your source you will see things like this:

  • Like other religious minorities in Iran, Jews suffer from officially sanctioned discrimination, particularly in the areas of employment, education, and housing. According to the U.S. Department of State, Jews may not occupy senior positions in the government or the military and are prevented from serving in the judiciary and security services and from becoming public school heads. (the same discrimination palestinians suffered at the hands of arabs in lebanon :mad1:)
  • The anti‑Israel policies of the Iranian government, along with a perception among radical Muslims that all Jewish citizens support the State of Israel, create a hostile atmosphere for the Jewish community. In 2004, many Iranian newspapers noted the one-hundredth anniversary of the publishing of the anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
  • Jews often are the target of degrading caricatures in the Iranian press. Jewish leaders reportedly are reluctant to draw attention to official mistreatment of their community due to fear of government reprisal.
  • The legal system also discriminates against religious minorities who receive lower awards than Muslims in injury and death lawsuits and incur heavier punishments. In 2002, the law was passed that made the amount of "blood money" (diyeh) paid by a perpetrator for killing or wounding a Christian, Jew, or Zoroastrian man the same as it would be for killing or wounding a Muslim.
  • it strongly discourages the distribution of Hebrew texts, in practice making it difficult to teach the language. Moreover, the Iranian government has required that several Jewish schools remain open on Saturdays, the Jewish Sabbath, in conformity with the schedule of other schools in the school system. Since working or attending school on the Sabbath violates Jewish law, this requirement has made it impossible for observant Jews both to attend school and adhere to a fundamental tenet of their religion
  • Jewish citizens are permitted to obtain passports and to travel outside the country, but they often are denied the multiple-exit permits normally issued to other citizens. With the exception of certain business travelers, the authorities require Jewish persons to obtain clearance and pay additional fees before each trip abroad. The Iranian government is concerned about the emigration of Jewish citizens and permission generally is not granted for all members of a Jewish family to travel outside the country at the same time.:uhoh:
  • Jews in Iran are not allowed to communicate with Jewish groups outside of Iran unless the group is opposed to the existence of Israel, such as Neturei Karta:eek:
  • At least 13 Jews have been executed in Iran since the Islamic revolution, most of them for either religious reasons or their connection to Israel. For example, in May 1998, Jewish businessman Ruhollah Kadkhodah-Zadeh was hanged in prison without a public charge or legal proceeding, apparently for assisting Jews to emigrate :hammer:
They weren't any more hostile than the Jews in Palestine were to the Palestinians. Except, the neighbouring countries were at the brink of war, the creation of Israel was seen as unjust and as undermiming the neighbouring countries.

Why should Israel be created at the expense of the Palestinians?
Because arabs are greedy and the world hates them. They are not satisfied with land allocated to them, they want it all and lose it all :D

Incorrect, most Jews migrated to Israel on their own. The creation of Israel made it more dangerous for a Jew to live in Europe than to live in the Middle-East. The mortality rates prove this, and this still does not justify their occupation of the Palestinian peoples land.
It does not justify arabs expulsion of jews from arab lands either.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Including 1.4 million arabs israelis who are better off than any other arabs in the middle east. who are not threatened by islamic religious zealots and where muslim women are protected israeli LAW from oppressive islamic Sharia law :D.
no they are not, all forms of racism are exerted on the palestinians in israel every single day. Even israelis know that

this article is about a british jewish lady, who is living in israel, she explains how arab-israeli's face racism in israel every single day of their life.

Yeah thanks to arabs who invaded israel more than 5 times and lose it all! Your lose is their gain :D
Israel allied with the U.S, U.N, and France the strongest army forces of that time and till this day, helped israel fight the arabs, who didnt have as much weapons as they did.

-The land is OWNED by the govt and leased to citizens either arabs or jews unlike arabs countries it does not confiscate property of arabs or jews.
israel did confiscate land owned by arab-israelis, it also forcefully stole it from them, and they are not even allowed to rent the land, even the land that once belonged to them.

What does an arab do in a road linking to jewish settlement? to commit suicide bombings or to shoot a settler?
Do you see christian only suburbs, muslim-only suburbs or jewish only suburbs in australia? israel is the only place that has such a system of jewish only suburbs/settlemnts and jewish only roads. Even christian reporters from the U.S or U.N arent allowed to use the "jewish-only" roads.

What does civil liberties have anything to do with citizenship? A country is free to make its citizenship Laws at its own will and Switzerland have one of the most stringent citizenship laws in the world yet it is among the worlds most democratic and liberal country just like Israel.
yes Switzerland does have tough citizenship laws, but they still allow anyone from any religion to become a citizen, unlike israel. The only people who are allowed to become israeli citizens are jewish people only.

By the way why don't you arabs countries give employment to those palestinians since you fervently support them? Arent you ashamed that you made them begging to work and prostitute themselves to border guards to enter israel illegally to work, in a country they wanted to destroy. Isnt it a bit irony :D
lol, plenty of palestininas work in any part of the world, its only israel who doesnt allow that. in israel employment is only for jewish people, no one else can work there.
As for the border guards, they are sick perved men/women (like yourself) who are willing to rape anyone, and when i say anyone, im talking about, women, men, babies, infants, boys, girls, you name them!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

What does bringing spouse have to do with democracy? yeah it is very funny that you dont even know what liberaql democracy, politcal rights and civil liberties means. Crossing border from Westbank to israel is entirely a matter of immigration. Just as Australian consulate regularly refused visa to your arab families from lebanon( who could well be terrorists) israel have the right to refuse visa to arabs from west bank. Does that effect the civil liberties,? I dont think so :rofl::rofl:
Lol, you are such a retard ;)
do you see the UN human resources, here in australia, trying to persuade the government to allow family unification for people. Well thats what the UN human resources, are doing up in israel. Israel is denying palestinians to unite with their family at all expenses, which is why the UN is trying to persuade Israel to revoke this law and to allow family unification for arab Israelis

Well educated and articulate people like me use the word gaypride which is widely used in vernacular english and the press. I specifically choose pink and gaypride as an example to contrast the liberties in israel and arabs countries. I use Pink because I heard that you muslims are banned from wearing colourful clothes by your stoneage era religious law in some arabs/islamic countries to cheer up your gloomy life.:D
yes gaypride is much better than what you have in arabs countries stoning death of women and beheadings and hangings of gays.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ROFL @the 1st sentence :rofl::rofl:
Actually, the word gay pride and pink, are used by you, to represent yourelf, and to represent your deep hidden desire that you can only express in a forum ;)

That probably make you :rofl::rofl: as well since muslim fundamentalists are ruthless murderers who love violence and killings.

It happened during 2nd Intifada in which your so called innocent civilians played a big part in killing israelis. And yes you know how palestinian terrorists shoot from balconies, and from the roof as well as using children to plant bombs. What is more sick is you supported those terrorists who abuse and use children and women suicide bombers
My source says that the israeli's were ordered to shoot anyone, whether they are armed or unarmed, dont try to cover up for the actions of the cold-blooded, savage, blood-thirsty israeli soldiers. Their vicious treatment of the palestinians are one of the worlds most horrifying actions.
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