i havent had time to write for a long time but i have more questions

1) is dekakeru a verb of motion...
like if i say koohii o kai ni dekakemasu. is that rite? and is the place followed by ni if u used dekakemasu?
2) is it konpuutaa o shimasu?
3) and why is it that for some durations u dun need kan...is that the custom ? i no for min u dun need kan but...
an san wa ichinen nihon ni imashita.
4) and if u say "i've heard lots about her"
u wld just say : kanojo no koto o takusan kikimashita rite?
u wldnt use the sou desu pattern rite?
5) if u say
watashi no uchi to tomodachi no uchi ga blah blah...
u can say watashi no uchi to tomoodachi no ga blah blah
or is it the other way round... like watachi no to tomodachi no uchi ga...
6) if u say only this and that...
u can say something to soemthign shika....neg. rite? or is shika only reserved for only one thing?
if u use dake u can say soemthing to soemthing dake rite?
7) why not some na adj have no na beofre a noun?
eg. onaji gakkou? and i saw this sentence where the adj weren't connected either ...
ok if someone can kindly untangle these probs for me i will gladly appreciate it

thank you