Redfern Racial Rioting (3 Viewers)


so don't even ask me
Nov 30, 2003
Originally posted by ...
hmm..i agree that the aboriginals suffered a lot due to many reasons..but the fact that if u work hard, that rewards will come by...i mean, even asians have to face hard times in australia when theyr first came over

i mean, theres a few successful aboriginal stoies that can motiviate them like Freeman and such

but ising violence with the behaviour in that riot is probably the lowest form of expression
i really think asians have it easier in metropolitan sydney than aboriginals do. at this point in time.of course, i don't mean that they *always* do, because of course that's a sweeping generalisation, and nothing is ever *always* right.

i don't condone violent behaviour, however people do have to consider what drove them to riot. usually, it wasn't one isolated incident. what about the L.A. riots? etc


so don't even ask me
Nov 30, 2003
Originally posted by routemarker
ban alcoholic consuption in redfern - simple

id hate growing up in a booze filled home with my parents smashed every night.

not every aboriginal person is an alcoholic, just as not every white person is sober. that's a sweeping fucking generalisation. i live in what is probably a 90% peaceful, 10% rough area... there is a busstop right outside my house... people have fights there fueled by alcohol, people throw their empty bottles into my garden, etc...the fact that you're not allowed to sit around the streets drinking is irrelevant to them at 3am, (as is, usually, the fact that the buses stop between 2am-5am or whatever).


Oct 12, 2003
Originally posted by spin spin sugar
hey Egg_666 you stole my sig pic you fuck!
yeh HEY, that pic roxors...

i wanted to ask if i could use it but, couldnt find where i got it from


Looking for the Way out ?
Nov 28, 2002
4 floors above Earth
Originally posted by glycerine
not every aboriginal person is an alcoholic, just as not every white person is sober. that's a sweeping fucking generalisation. i live in what is probably a 90% peaceful, 10% rough area... there is a busstop right outside my house... people have fights there fueled by alcohol, people throw their empty bottles into my garden, etc...the fact that you're not allowed to sit around the streets drinking is irrelevant to them at 3am, (as is, usually, the fact that the buses stop between 2am-5am or whatever).
acctually i live in waterloo my place is equidistant between the biggest trouble spots eveligh st in the north and elizabeth in the west so alcohol plays a huge part in why the cycle of poverty is extremely hard to break.

ban the booze because its not making anything better...


Sep 5, 2003
Originally posted by Egg_666
The message that they live in crap...

i love this...

1. "they dont like it, do something about it, like WE all do"

when was the last time YOU lived in a gutter... when was the last time YOU have to fight your way out of a ghetto to make money with no education... when was the last time YOU had no future, and rose out of the doldrums to make yourself respectable... not recently...

2. "My town is completely boring, and i dont go on rampages"

there is a difference between boring and hell hole, nuff said

3. "wait for the government to deal with it"

done that... obviously hasnt worked... irresponsible spending of money, no thought, no idea how to combat problem so just throws money at it...

4. COPS fuckin treat aboriginals like shit... this is just another example, therfore "the fact that he's aboriginal" SHOULD count for something...

5. "They shouldnt take it out on decent police officers"

I finally agree with you, but then its simply the job of the police to defend the government (who is being attacked)

i dont know what you were implying and cant be bothered going back to chase up some hidden meaning...

white collar crime... kills hundreds of jobs... leading to poverty... leading to all the things that THAT leads... which is a lot... i cant really be bothered explaining it, cos its long... but its pretty obvious which is worse... one assault crime or Enron crime
Alrighty then.
1. There are many many people who have achieved success after a very hard life. Yes, not everybody in the history of the universe is born disadvantaged, but there are those who are and make a life for themselves. I do not believe that they have 0 options.. for gods sake they're not living in a poor African country.

2. The girls words were not 'hell hole' they were 'boring'. I was responding to her words, not yours.

3. Yes, giving them money to spend on education and better conditions.. how very mean of the government. The poor way in which some of them spend the money is their own fault.

4. That is a huge generalisation. People I know who are white are treated like shit by certain police officers, so it's not just an aboriginal thing.

There is no hidden underlying meaning. There are police officers who do great work everyday and put their lives at risk, so don't portray the behaviour of a few bad ones as the big picture. Thats it.


Oct 12, 2003
Originally posted by ND
Firstly, i was only calling you a racist by your definition, which was an incorrect definition.
my response on excuses/reasons was aimed at everybody who talked about it...

Secondly, to say that aboriginals are disadvantaged simply because of their race is completely rediculous. I had two aboriginals in my year at school, they had exactly the same oportunities as i did. Noone stopped them from getting a UAI of above 99 and getting into any course they wanted... Anyway both of these guys will probably do something decent with their lives, and they're aboriginal! *gasp* :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]

2 whole aboriginals? like wow... 2 WHOLE ONES?... were they adopted? because i dont need to defend this one... its just true, simple fact... aboriginals have it fuckin tough... i am not talking about those who grow up in richer households... (richer than redfern) but those who are forced to live in those dumps (most of them)

fuckin good on em for doing so well, but there is a hell of a lot to go, if we can only mention 2...

Again, you and i both know that i wasn't being literal, stop nit picking. I was obvisouly referring to the way that our tax dollars (and yes, when i'm an actuary i'll be paying a shitload of tax) are wasted on keeping scum like this in jail when they could be better spent on health of education.[/QUOTE]

so you tell us that YOUR OPINION, that this person is better dead... and when you mention YOUR DOLLARS you're talking about all of us...


if you have money you dont want to spend, then dont... cheat taxes skip the country... there is a lot worse shit the government is spending money on, (llike border protection)

and wtf is with SCUM??? serious, if that aint a personal attack then i dont know what is.... NO WAIT... sorry i got it.... thats a wide ranging GENERAL attack targetted at no one particular... definitions of stereotype dont come much clearer...

Resorting to personal attacks, really intelligent ... :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]

replying in kind darling...

Originally posted by poloktim
That's a load of bollocks. Of course there was a choice. Like the choice of not rioting. Not destroying Redfern station, not injuring those police officers, not endangering their own children by having them throw fire. If they wanted a riot, the most sensible thing to do would be to keep their children out of it.
firstly... if every parent sent out their kids to do the throwing and "rioting" the police would still be there trying to quell it... the fact is the majority DIDNT... and those that did probably went out there themselves... or didnt even know their kid was involved until it was too late...

it was almost definately organised by his mates (the kid who died)... and if you think for one second that the adults planned a riot sending out their kids a foot soldiers your extremely naive, ignorant and tolerant...

Now, with a country condemning the actions of those kids, and their own parents, neighbours encouraging their actions, those children are going to wind up confused and frightened. For lack of a better word, everyone who encouraged the children to riot, abused them. They exploited them. They had the choice to do it themselves, or hide behind their own children. No matter what the reason, the cause, the problems, nothing justifies sending your own children, as young as ten, into that sort of situation. That's nothing more than cowardly abuse. [/QUOTE]

I'd rather look at those that directly abuse these kids every day, by not giving them proper healthcare, by not providing them with proper housing.... thats where i wanna look, and so my eyes are directly staring at howard and associates...

of course those kids are going to wind up confused and frightened... there gonna think... "look what we did, and still no one listened" hard not to grow up confused with that...

Originally posted by ...
u r saying that apart from causing riots with burning cars and wrecking buildings and trying to hurt police..that theres no other way to express their feeling or opinions?
there are other ways, but none that have worked... none that have given them the slightest bit of attention in years

Originally posted by ...
hmm..i agree that the aboriginals suffered a lot due to many reasons..but the fact that if u work hard, that rewards will come by...i mean, even asians have to face hard times in australia when theyr first came over

i mean, theres a few successful aboriginal stoies that can motiviate them like Freeman and such

but ising violence with the behaviour in that riot is probably the lowest form of expression
haha the trump card of every racist...

Cathy Freeman...

same story in the US... but there are hundreds and hundreds more black athletes that are hundreds of times better than the white athletes...

the first thing to deal with is that african americans are a much larger percentage of the population than aboriginals... and so whilst black americans can have heaps of role models... aboriginals have very few due to their small percentage...

secondly cathy freeman is a CHAMPION, to do what she did is nigh impossible... and very unlikely...

and nevertheless, where is the motivation for aboriginals to move into other areas such as education, law, politics, higher skilled positions... with very few people to follow in the footsteps of...

and then asians... sure they were discriminated against and had it tough, but they havent had anything like what aboriginals have had... i wont go into a historical comparison, unless i need to

listen the riots werent great, but they werent left with any other option (before when i had said this i assumed that i had already ruled out the other options they had that didnt work... obviously that wasnt smart)


Oct 12, 2003
i forgot to say this, i think,

but that stupid idea about banning alcohol in redfern.....

they cant bring it in from outside?

or are you thinking of cutting off redfern altogether... you know making it its own country, banning any visitors and never speaking of it again... we are doing that to a lot of places now... *cough* christmas island (cept the banning bit)


Oct 12, 2003
Originally posted by Epiphany
Alrighty then.
1. There are many many people who have achieved success after a very hard life. Yes, not everybody in the history of the universe is born disadvantaged, but there are those who are and make a life for themselves. I do not believe that they have 0 options.. for gods sake they're not living in a poor African country.

2. The girls words were not 'hell hole' they were 'boring'. I was responding to her words, not yours.

3. Yes, giving them money to spend on education and better conditions.. how very mean of the government. The poor way in which some of them spend the money is their own fault.

4. That is a huge generalisation. People I know who are white are treated like shit by certain police officers, so it's not just an aboriginal thing.

There is no hidden underlying meaning. There are police officers who do great work everyday and put their lives at risk, so don't portray the behaviour of a few bad ones as the big picture. Thats it.

1. from CNN "Repeated and costly government policy failures have turned Aborigines into a community with Third World health problems cast adrift in one of the Western world's wealthiest societies.

Aborigines now number 400,000 in the 20 million population. The Australian Bureau of Statistics said in 2002 that Aboriginal men have a life expectancy of just 56 years -- 21 years less than the national average. Aboriginal women's life expectancy is 63 years -- 20 years less than other Australian women.

Aboriginals are 10 times more likely to suffer blindness than other Australians, mainly as a result of trachoma, a bacterial infection eradicated in most of the developed world. "

and on the other thing you said... some people have achieved greatness from disadvantaged positions... but aboriginals not only face an EXTREMELY "disadvantaged position" but other factors such as racism... i am also remindind you that it is very few (the VERY talented) who make their way up the social and economic ladder...

2. you fool... read what i said... then respond....

SHE mentioned that her town was boring.... i am TELLING you that where the aboriginals live is a Hell hole....

SHE said that she is not gonna riot cos her town is boring... I am TELLING you that there is a difference between where she lives and where the aboriginals pictured on the news live...

sigh normally i dont say these pointless "you idiot, you fool" things but dam man... cmon its pretty darn easy to see whats going on and you keep missing it...

3. you give cash to a child with no knowledge of fashion or clothes to go to a shop and buy you clothes... dont be surprised if they come abck with some shorts a tshirt and heaps of ice cream

giving money to a people who dont know how to spend it properly.... is just a waste... but then again giving them a little and blaming them for spending it wrongly and then using that as an excuse not to give them more is cruel...

4. percentages baby... mostly its teenagers that get treated like crap... but its always going to be the ones that give the police the most crap are the ones that are going to receive it... from the policemans point of view its just his/her nature... and i aint blaming the police for that... but, like i said before, they are just in the middle of the clash between those that are disadvantaged and the government, unwilling to respond...

i dont blame the police at all... i blame the larger issue (the governments unwillingness to help) for putting them (the police, and the aboriginals in redfern) at this position, forcing nothing else but what happenned..


Jun 15, 2003
Originally posted by Egg_666
firstly... if every parent sent out their kids to do the throwing and "rioting" the police would still be there trying to quell it... the fact is the majority DIDNT... and those that did probably went out there themselves... or didnt even know their kid was involved until it was too late...

it was almost definately organised by his mates (the kid who died)... and if you think for one second that the adults planned a riot sending out their kids a foot soldiers your extremely naive, ignorant and tolerant...

I don't ever recall mentioning parents. The words their kids don't necessarily mean I'm referring to their parents. I could be, and am, referring to other people in the neighbourhood. If other seventeen year olds encouraged the younger ones to riot. They should be punished.

I'd rather look at those that directly abuse these kids every day, by not giving them proper healthcare, by not providing them with proper housing.... thats where i wanna look, and so my eyes are directly staring at howard and associates...
Strange? You'd rather?
So, as long as the government offers proper healthcare and housing, the community can abuse the children. Well that's what you'd rather. Frankly, pull your head out of your arse. If the government isn't providing what it should than it should be punished too, not instead.

of course those kids are going to wind up confused and frightened... there gonna think... "look what we did, and still no one listened" hard not to grow up confused with that...
Violence is a fine way to get someone's attention. It's also a fine way to get yourself condemned. When somebody attempts to use violence to get me to see their side, I try to ignore them.

Malazn Pleasure

External Auditor
Feb 3, 2004
a long long time ago in a land far far away man has built ever lasting civilisations that stand before time.

the Egyptsians built pyramids

the romans built coloseums

the inca's built ancient cities


the aboriginals built..........redfern


is a roflcopter
May 17, 2003
i like malazn
he looks like my friend :eek:
sazabi > nu


is a roflcopter
May 17, 2003
i think they should get rid of housing commisions.......

like that one next to the harbour bridge
what a total waste of real estate
NYE fireworks there would have been megawow :D

teh winnar!

Feb 9, 2004
Originally posted by Ragerunner
Remember, this is not a flame war.....if it turns out to be one, this whole thread is going be be sent to the next dimension.
but what if it creates an event horizon and bos collapses into a single point in space?! :eek:


May 15, 2003
Originally posted by teh winnar!
but what if it creates an event horizon and bos collapses into a single point in space?! :eek:
Then I won't keep coming back here and it'll be a good thing.


Your friendly HSC guide
Apr 12, 2003
Originally posted by teh winnar!
but what if it creates an event horizon and bos collapses into a single point in space?! :eek:
Worry about that later :)

Hi Nu Gundam

黄金聖闘士ハイニ ー
Jul 7, 2002
聖城, ギリシア
Originally posted by Newbie
i like malazn
he looks like my friend :eek:
sazabi > nu
Yeah, he looks like my friend too. :rolleyes:
(We went to the same school, ages past.)

(I'm not that much of a crazy Hi Nu or Nu fan as I was 4 years ago. I'm more into RGM-79C GM Kai and Powered GM now. Mmmmmmmmm, sexy panellining.)


stuck in a moment
Aug 4, 2003
Originally posted by Egg_666
i thought this one was put to bed last night...

ok, your trying to justify racism on the fact that it is natural for us to pick our own "race" (at the same time i would like to remind you that we are all humans, and that there IS NO RACE, just people who have developed differently due to their location). There are many THINGS that are natural to us?... eating with our hands, burping, farting, and killing a race so they dont bother us anymore, and a hundred other things that we dont do everyday, particularly in front of other people.... WHY? because we dont want to offend other people... we want to put our best foot forward and show how thoughtful we are of others feelings and opinions... and i for one am thankful that we do that...

secondly... there is a HUGE difference between those differences in an asian and an australian or an aboriginal and an american than those between you or i and a calf... the idea of relying on other species to survive has become acceptable, because nature's whole system works on organisms relying on other organisms...


we dont need to hate someone who is different to survive... we dont need to segregate them to survive... that is why racism is so stupid... its discriminating against someone who is only minorly different to you... a process which does not need to happen... but unfortunately does..

as for me... i couldnt imagine being put in a situation of choosing between the life of 2 people... it would be impossibly hard... and its a stupid concept anyway... in what way does SAVING the life of anyone over another person provide an argument for racism? like i said, just because something is natural doesnt mean its proper to exercise that... and who knows who you would choose... i would reckon i would choose the nicest looking person... but that doesnt mean shit...

haha MOST PEOPLE... because you know MOST PEOPLE... genius ozgirl.... THERE ARE VERY VERY VERY few people that have started from as low down as a baby born into an aboriginal family in Redfern is at... SO VERY FEW...

the fact that a very small amount of people have risen out of that (which is doubtful to say the least) is sheer numbers... aboriginals make up 1-2% of the population... the chance that someone as remarkable as is needed to rise out of that slum... is very small... but with more Australians it becomes a larger number by sheer multiplication

"they have made their bed"

WHEN WAS THIS?? YOU F***** IDIOT? they didnt make any F***** bed??? it was made for them and they were forced into it.... so dont give me that shit...

"most of the are too F****** lazy"

yeh... like u know...

"they are lucky they are getting some help"

they were removed from their homes and never returned to almost all of their land... they are not LUCKY they are getting payment... they are unlucky it ever happened to them, and they are getting tuppence in return



CALL THEM EXCUSES IF YOU LIKE, but for me its another word for REASONS....

i am not being racist against my self (but funny idea tho... stupid but funny)

i am treating another person differently because of what his RACE has implied for him... BECAUSE his race is the reason for his terrible situation... i am indirectly supporting one race above another... but that is not the same as me saying that his race is superior to ours... and then going onto say that he deserves sympathy because of that... there is a difference... if you want i can explain...

"one less gaol (your not even speaking english, your a fuckin american, you know what that means... DISCRIMINATION) cell I have to pay for"

how old are you? how much tax do you pay? now divide the cost of a month in gaol by 10 million tax payers, almost all of which would pay more than you... now tell me if you cant pay that to keep a criminal off the street or give a disadvantaged person better accomodation and food for a month? dont complain about cost...

"Anyway, I'm glad he's dead"

dont worry, we will be glad when your dead too...

i'll teach you what white collar crime does later... now i'm hungry...
geez you always have to have the last say don't you.
If your so passionate about aboriginals go and help then yourself.
First of all i am not a F***** IDIOT... you don't even know me. I was just expressing my opinion as you seem to be doing. I'm not out on the street rioting and causes a fuss and trouble am i?I'm posting on a forum...
If people make the effort to try and make something out of themselves they will suceed..
They are not forced or secluded to stay and sleep where they are.. They do have a choice so don't give me that bs..everyone has oppurtunities and choices,steps need to be taken to explore these choices...They just don'tmake the effort in the majority of circumstances. They are lucky they are receiving payment, sitting on their backsides contributing nothing to the community... they can get an education from a public school ,then go on to tafe -where they are exempt from paying tafe fees, then gain a qualification to make something out of themselves.
you are taking this way too seriously,so chill


Aug 12, 2003
Originally posted by ND
Whether the police were chasing him or not is not an issue. If he wants to run away, and be so retarded that he impales himself on a fence, it's not their fault.
did anyone call for an invitation to flame?

seems that way

either way, the loss of a human life is a tragedy. That kid was loved, he had family, he had friends. Don't generalise and just dismiss him, he was a human - no different to you, ND

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