My choices are:
- Economics (2 Unit)
- Business Studies (2 Unit)
- Legal Studies (2 Unit)
- Advanced English (2 Unit)
- English Extension 1 (1 Unit)
- English Extension 2 (1 Unit)
- Modern History (2 Unit)
- Mathematics (2 Unit)
- Japanese (2 Unit)
So in total, that's 16 Units.
My questions are:
- How many units did you do? (Or are doing now)
- I'm really excelling in Commerce at the moment, but 3 commerce studies?!?
Which commerce subject should I drop...
- Should I also take science? Would physics go well with law?
I'm in Yr10, by the way 
Any help from you seniors is much appreciated (^__^)y
er, while you definitely can take 16 units, i do hope you realise what you're getting yourself into, you would be taking 2 or 3 or more subjects than most other people, which is a hell of a lot.
If you plan to keep on with this many units through year 12 (regardless of whether you drop a commerce and pick up a science) just know that you would be doing almost double the work of everyone else and that it would be extremely difficult to maintain very high marks across the board. I'm not saying you can't do it, but you would be working your ass off 24/7.
Also, something to keep in mind is that 6 of your units (thats 3 subjects) will not count for anything at the end of it all, you may want to think about that. Of course, if you cant deal with the workload you can always drop subjects.