Lynny wants to be a healthy cat! - Day 8
Was babysitting my next door neighbour's 2-yr-old today. After she got back, we were chatting about her job (a wellness franchise) and it was fascinating... I used to go to a naturopath a few years back (big big big thumbs up from me for alternate therapies), and she's into similar stuff but two huge steps ahead. They have this awesome filter thing, and I sampled it and it's so much "softer" than regular tap water. She tells me she uses it in cooking and gives it to her cat, too (wish my house had one, so cool!). Then there's this "Ciarga" juice which is a bit like the Immune Tonic I got from my naturopath - it's basically a potent mix of lots of good things, and a) you rarely get sick, and b) if you do you get over it A LOT quicker (wish my house had one, so cool!). She also talked about special sleep pad things with magnets in them (not the dud ones you buy off tv), and also told me all this stuff is avaliable for PETS TOO! (wish my house had some, so cool!)
My new resolution for the end of the year is to get REALLY healthy again. Once upon a time I used to take Immune Tonic and vitamin C powder twice a day, and had a pinprick blood test each month... was very very healthy back then. Would be good to get back into it
Oh, and I want to get one of those magnetic sleep pads for my dog Shadow. She used to be really good at Obedience and Agility tests before her knee screwed up (well, on top of the fact she hates human males in general), would be great to see her do it again
Breakfast: Skipped :/
Lunch: Skipped :/
Afternoon Tea: Orange and Poppyseed Muffin
Dinner: gnocci with bolognese sauce
Supper: Steak and mashed potatoes
Study: Went into library to get stuff for cul207 essay. Now have seemingly way too much information on Japanese cuteness. Also did some work on my cul202 story at babysitting (wow I've been productive today!!!)
Exercise: Ok, none

I lose!
Singing: I actually did quite a lot of this today
Stretching: none...
Strengthening: If you count lugging a 2-yr-old around a house (he's pretty heavy), then yes? Why toddlers want you to carry them so much, I'll never know
Meow Meter: 1.5/10 (1 for singing + 0.5 for taking on Alastair's weight!)