Tolerance (2 Viewers)



natstar said:
When are you gonna GET IT that just becuase you get a high UAI, doesent mean you have to go for a course with a low cutoff. You go to the uni and do the course that is best for you. A lot of UWS courses are offered at no other uni in the state.

and i think also, peopel forget that the cutoff just means that (generally) that's the lowest mark of anyone accepted into the course..

so take law this yr at uws, i think it was a 90 cut off? well..theoretically (i know it doesnt actually happen this way but work with me here:p), theoretically everyone who got 100 could apply for the uws law course but then if the last person who applies and sucessfully was accepted had a UAI of 85, then the UAI cut off would be 85

so cut offs aren't necessarily a good indicator:)


Oct 31, 2004
but a lower cutoff is an accurate indicator of the level of either intelligence, or application to ones studies. Also a reflection on the popularity of a particular university to an extent.

think about it this way, a university with people whome largely have lower UAI's means that many people enrolled in that particular course are either unintelligent (they got a shit uai cause they are stupid) or b they got a lower uai because they lacked the application to there studies for what ever reason. Yes its fair that they get a chance at higher education, but to a large extent it does effect you as a learner.

What are tutes all about? you are learning off your peers. I would much rather be in a tute class with people who got 97 then a tute class with people who got <60 why? because they are more likely to facilitate my learning by offering insightful opinions. I can assume this because there high UAI shows that they are either very intelligent, or have high levels of application to studies

Taking all this into mind, it leads me to the conclusion that a university with a lower UAI cutoff in a particular course would be a reason against going to that particular university. Call it academic elitism, but its true for the above reason.


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Thanks LazyBoy, I'm unintelligent. :mad:

The UAI doesn't have anything to do with intelligence. University is different than memorising the hsc. :mad: I rather like having discussions with people who got uai's in the 60s. Atleast they have valid opinions and aren't bloody snobby about everything.


Oct 31, 2004
read my post. i cleared up what the UAI is.

Lower UAI cutoff = too much supply vs too little demand

What does that mean? not many people want to go the university


What does getting a high UAI mean vs a low UAI?

A high UAI means you are very intelligent, or applied yourself well in school.
A low UAI means you are either unintelligent, or you didnt apply yourself in school.


What im sayuing therefore is UWS because of its lower UAI's will have a higher percentage of people who are either unintelligent or didnt apply themselfs in school for a variety of reasons. Im not saying all UWS students are stupid, im jsut saying logic dictates that more of them are compared to universities with higher cutoffs.


UAI does not mean jack shit, it simply is somethign that either says your intelligent, OR you applied yourself in school extremly well.


LazyBoy said:
but a lower cutoff is an accurate indicator of the level of either intelligence, or application to ones studies. Also a reflection on the popularity of a particular university to an extent.

think about it this way, a university with people whome largely have lower UAI's means that many people enrolled in that particular course are either unintelligent (they got a shit uai cause they are stupid) or b they got a lower uai because they lacked the application to there studies for what ever reason. Yes its fair that they get a chance at higher education, but to a large extent it does effect you as a learner.

Im sorry - i didnt realise that a UAI showed your intelligence! wow all those psych students and practioners and teachers are really wasting their time! if only they knew it could be determined by the hsc

What are tutes all about? you are learning off your peers. I would much rather be in a tute class with people who got 97 then a tute class with people who got <60 why? because they are more likely to facilitate my learning by offering insightful opinions. I can assume this because there high UAI shows that they are either very intelligent, or have high levels of application to studies

since when did intelligence (as you define it - by uai score) - indicate an ability for success transition an dthus success at university? since when did a UAI indicate your ability to communicate with peers ideas?

Taking all this into mind, it leads me to the conclusion that a university with a lower UAI cutoff in a particular course would be a reason against going to that particular university. Call it academic elitism, but its true for the above reason.

no it isnt "true" it is just your opinion which is one of many


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Like I said Lazyboy, I really accpreciate being called unintelligent ... and I'm sure my friends at uni will appreciate it as well.

Once again, you know nothing about what actually happens at the uni. You have no idea why the course cut offs are so low.

So before you make the assumption that we are stupid, dumb and unintelligent, I'd like to see you spend just one day at uws and experience it for yourself.


LazyBoy said:
read my post. i cleared up what the UAI is.

Lower UAI cutoff = too much supply vs too little demand

What does that mean? not many people want to go the university
that doesnt prove a thing - ANU has low UAI cut offs compared to UNSW and USYD but who says its coz no one wants to go there ie its unpopular?
i know heaps! or people, myself included who's first preference would have been ANU if it was logistically possible...

low cuts off doesnt mean peopel dont wanna go there

and besides, uws is a relatively new uni, it hasnt got the so called "reputation" or usyd for example and a lot of people mistake prestige for gurantee of good marks at uni or a lack of equally shitty marks....
a lot of people are pressured into going to/not going to certain unis for this reason by parents/teachers/friends/family..

its not all about UAi and how 'intelligent' or 'studious' you are


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Natstar - if this uai is ranked on our intelligence, I'm dumber than you :p I got 69.15. I did low scaling subjects as well. st eng, gen maths, earth and environmental science, biology, and tourism. 1 band 3, 2 band 4's and 2 band 5's.

But I did subjects that I liked and I was going to use at uni. The uai doesn't even matter now. What matters is the fact that I'm at uni doing the course that I wanted to do.


Mar 19, 2004
Where the citi never sleeps.
natstar said:
So i got a UAI of 75.75. Are you saying im unintelligent, or didnt apply myself at school? WRONG. 3 of my subjects were in the 80's and 2 in the high 70's. I was ranked in the top 5 for all my subjects sep 2 which was top 12 and top 9.Are you saying that anyone who gets these types of marks are dumb and didnt apply themselves. I also wento to a government school thats ranked somewhere in the 300's. My subjects also included standard eng, textiles and design, business studies, visual arts, and modern history, all in all- LOW SCALING SUBJECTS.

ALSO- remember UWS has offered a whole heap of extra spaces in most of its courses which affects cutoffs.

For the last time. UAI is not a measure of individual intelligence. Its a RANK.
ermm, so?


Oct 31, 2004
no i didnt say you were unintelligent, you then fall in to the other category where you didnt apply yourself like others do. Many of the people who get UAI's 99+ are people who just study there arses off and dont have social lifes.

I said the UAI is made up by two groups, stop assuming that im placing everyone in one group. I know from my own experience that my UAI doesnt reflect my true ability, instead it reflected the fact that i chose not to work my butt of during the HSC.


And LaraB it is very much true, Someone who gets a UAI of 90+ is either very intelligent or focused there life towards there studies.

People who didnt get a good uai are either less intelligent, eg they studied all they could and still didnt do well OR they didnt study to what they could, and didnt do well.

i.e. its made up of intelligent and application towards studies.

---- Can someone else explain the UAI then? its all well and good to blame the school one goes to, or things outside of there own control. But in the end it goes to how much effort you need to, or care to put in to your HSC. In the end all the scaling in the world wont help you if your an idiot, or if you dont apply yourself when you need to.

---- Cape im not saying that everyone is unintelligent at UWS its probably far from it as there are people with high UAI's who go there, im just saying that there is a higher level of the unintelligent because of the lower cutoffs comapred to the other universities with higher cutoffs.

I woudl appreciate if you read my post in its entirety rather then just selecting the controversial parts that help you vilafy the point of view that is logical but doesnt fit in with your own twisted truths.


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
natstar said:
lol i was oblivious to how scaling and all that came into it, i just picked subjects i was good at and enjoyed
same here. I would have died doing subjects that I hated. No point in wasting 2 years of my life.


Oct 31, 2004
velox said:
ermm, so?
Im saying yes in that case you didnt apply yourself. Why didnt you get in the 90's? why didnt you get all band 6's. Maybe you should have studied more. Im not asaying anyone who doesnt get 99.99 doesnt apply themselfs, im just saying that obivously didnt apply themselfs to what they could.

Ideally its simple, if you are really intelligent and spend all your time studying you will get a high UAI. If the less intelligent you are + the less time you spend studying = the lower uai. So when you get to the lower uais like 69 and below (which are the main people im talking about) you will find there is a correlation between intelligence and or effort put in.

Blaming things on scaling etc is just a cop out. Its blambing the subject on your shitty UAI rather then blambing yourself. I got 75.25 in my uai, it doesnt make me stupid. It makes me lazy. Yes i cruized my entire way through the HSC. Do i blame my shitty uai on the fact that i didnt do subjects that scaled? no. I take responsibility. Blambing your school, your subjects etc is just a complete copout.


Oct 31, 2004
natstar said:
Oh FFS. Who are you to say I didnt apply myself at school?????????? Thats just stupid. If you care to know, i was sick during year 12, very sick, when i wasent sick i was studying my arse off, i got sick becuase i was studying so much. You are such a fucktard that you only assume what you wana assume.
Im not saying why you didnt apply yourself at school, no matter what the reason if you were sick, or you had to work to provide for family etc. Its still affects the time you can study, which means affects how you apply yourself to your study. Im not saying you were a lazy fuckwit who spent your time drinking and smoking dope. (at least i can say i didnt do that) lol. There are many good reasons that explain UAI's. I know manyu intelligent people with reasons such as yours. Again see my opinion for what it is, its not a critciism.


LazyBoy said:
And LaraB it is very much true, Someone who gets a UAI of 90+ is either very intelligent or focused there life towards there studies.

People who didnt get a good uai are either less intelligent, eg they studied all they could and still didnt do well OR they didnt study to what they could, and didnt do well.

i.e. its made up of intelligent and application towards studies.
ok then - tell me how the capping of subjects doesnt limit your score?

tell me how you dont get scaled better or worse depedning on your school eg my in school assessment for maths was 62, but as i went to Baulko and our school does well, this supposedly equated to 80 which is what my scaled assessment mark became, whereas my friend who went to picnic point high, not renowned for academics, got a well entruly deserved 95 - she knew like almost everything about everything about maths - which then became an 82 - she got 95 again in the hsc exam, but due to the inschool rank, her mark was scaled back to an 88 - how does this reflect her effort or intelligence?

tell me how certain subjects dont scale better or worse than others?

tell me how being naturally gifted at english isnt more advantageous than the same at say, geography given english HAS TO count for a UAI?

tell me how teachers who teach you material unthrufully/incorrectly doesnt cause you to not do as well even tho you worked your ass off conscientiously all year 12?

tell me how illness doesnt effect performance in hsc or school assessments?

tell me how learning by correspondanec if your school doesnt offer a subjcet you need for ui doesnt often mke it harder than an ordinary class environment?

geez...i think thats enoughto show it aint as simple as ur are smart/hard working if you get a high UAI.....


Oct 31, 2004
natstar said:
See my above post before you embaress youself. Maybe it would do you good to read some of the HSC/UAI forums, before you express your limited knowledge about how the UAI works in a university forum
I know very well how the UAI works. So there is no embarassment on my behalf. If you feel ive made a horrible mistake, then correct me.


Oct 31, 2004
LaraB said:
ok then - tell me how the capping of subjects doesnt limit your score?

tell me how you dont get scaled better or worse depedning on your school eg my in school assessment for maths was 62, but as i went to Baulko and our school does well, this supposedly equated to 80 which is what my scaled assessment mark became, whereas my friend who went to picnic point high, not renowned for academics, got a well entruly deserved 95 - she knew like almost everything about everything about maths - which then became an 82 - she got 95 again in the hsc exam, but due to the inschool rank, her mark was scaled back to an 88 - how does this reflect her effort or intelligence?

tell me how certain subjects dont scale better or worse than others?

tell me how being naturally gifted at english isnt more advantageous than the same at say, geography given english HAS TO count for a UAI?

tell me how teachers who teach you material unthrufully/incorrectly doesnt cause you to not do as well even tho you worked your ass off conscientiously all year 12?

tell me how illness doesnt effect performance in hsc or school assessments?

tell me how learning by correspondanec if your school doesnt offer a subjcet you need for ui doesnt often mke it harder than an ordinary class environment?

geez...i think thats enoughto show it aint as simple as ur are smart/hard working if you get a high UAI.....
tell me how certain subjects dont scale better or worse than others?

tell me how being naturally gifted at english isnt more advantageous than the same at say, geography given english HAS TO count for a UAI? (easy, that falls to intelligent. that person is more intelligent then someone who isnt that great at english)

tell me how teachers who teach you material unthrufully/incorrectly doesnt cause you to not do as well even tho you worked your ass off conscientiously all year 12? Teachers facililate, that is why resources such as BOS, texts books and extended reading will fix, therefore this falls under application towards studies

tell me how illness doesnt effect performance in hsc or school assessments?If you are sick it affects how you can apply yourself to studies

tell me how learning by correspondanec if your school doesnt offer a subjcet you need for ui doesnt often mke it harder than an ordinary class environment? yet another problem that affects how well you can apply yourself to your studies.

Im not saying that there arnt valid reasons why people cannot totally apply themselfs to there studies. Often in not its never impossible for people to give there 100% in school. Im just saying all these reasons do account for lower uai's. But for someone who is just not that intelligent can try as hard as they possibily can and still achieve a low mark, there is no other explanation other then a lack of academic intelligences. But i would bet they have a higher intelligence in one of the other 6 (i think theres 7 by memory) intelligences.


Oct 31, 2004
natstar said:
If im so dumb, why am i getting disctinctions and HD's at uni? And dont say UWS HD's equivilate to USYD Pass's cuz they dont.
Natstar here you go again, you seem to beleive that i think EVERYONE from UWS is dumb including yoruself. I never said that because you got a shit uai that you are dumb. I said that the uai accounts for TWO groups. You yourself said that you coped with sickness which affected your grades. What does that mean? it means you fit into group B the intelligent people who had outside influences affecting how much they can apply to there studies.


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
Oh ffs. Just because everyone doesn't do 4 unit maths, 4 unit english and whatever other subjects, doesn't mean that they are dumb. Every person is unique in their capability of what subjects that they can do well in.

If you want to measure intelligence, go and do an IQ test. The uai is just a rank on how well you basically memorise stuff in the hsc. Plus, its only a sample anyway, cause its only for people in nsw.

You have no bloody idea how anything works. Once again, usyd people have come in here and screwed up our whole subforum. Go back to your own snobby forum and stay in there!


Oct 31, 2004
your the one screwing it up. You must be fucking stupid you cannot read, or participate in a single argument. If you actually bother to read my posts proberly, and something that ive repeated several times now. Im not just saying that UAI is a measure of intelligence. Im saying its a measure of intelligence OR application (application which is affected by many outside reasons). There is nothign you can say otherwise because unless you show me someone who is really intelligent, and spends all there time studying but still gets a uai of 60, then my argument is completely sound by definition.


Forza Ferrari!
May 1, 2003
Not here!
I'm intelligent in my own ways. Natstar is intelligent in her own ways. And so are other people who go to uws, we are all intelligent, just cause we got "low" uais (actaully, I got a higher UAI than I would have ever imagined), doesn't mean anything.

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