Tolerance (1 Viewer)


Oct 31, 2004
See thats my entire point Natstar, you simply just pretending im saying all this shit im not.

I did not say all students who go to UWS are dumb. I merely said a small proportion (granted one slightly higher then other universities) are stupid.

Im not calling people who transfer to UWS stupid either, t hey are obviously transfering because UWS offers them something the uni they went to didnt.

And im certainly not saying that UWS students who transfer to other unis are dumb. Obviously they arnt if they got the marks to transfer.

Yes it does all that matter that your getting distinctions in your course natstar, the uai is only a prediction on intelligence OR application. A low uai doesnt necessarily mean you are stupid. (if you bothered to read my posts which im begginging to think you just choose to pretend im saying all this shit i havnt because everytime you criticise what i say you make up that i said something i didnt, like the above threee points). IF thats the case your just a very ignorant and careless person.


Oct 31, 2004
i see the good in what UWS has to offer, if you read some of my posts i do agree that UWS provides flexibility for certain people. I just also see certain flaws that you just refuse to admit.

And yes the uai is a rank. But im saying that rank is an indication on how intelligent you are and/OR how much application you put into your school. Natstar did you spend every waking hour of the day studying? Why didnt you get all band 6's? not because you got scaled down, because you didnt learn approx 10-20% of the course properly (the 20% you got wrong). Now that doesnt meane your unintelligent, it could mean you didnt spend every hour studying rather then balancing social and life commitments in there.

Yes there are numerous factors such as scaling that affect a UAI. BUT what im mainly talking about is the difference between people who got <70 and people who got 90> no ammount of scaling etc will account for that different. That difference in that case will fall to either a lack of intelligence or a lack of application (or alot of intelligence or a lot of application)


Feb 9, 2005
69 Penis Avenue, Dickton Pussyville 6969.
natstar said:
But for the record, I do have a girl in one of my groups that got a UAI of 95, and she got a HD for a subject that I bearly passed,
Welp, I agree that when u leave high skool, ur UAI means jack shit, infact it's a good idea when u start a convo or trying 2 pick up a chick or wateva 2 not bring up the question..."ohhh ummm what UAI did u get?"...cuz no1 gives a shit and may even give the chick a wrong impression that ur still stuck in high skool and a complete geek.

Anywayz Nat, ur uncanny knack of SELF CONTRADICTION is yet again apparent 2 all.
If u disagree 2 the claim that..."UAI is a measure of intelligence or hard work"...then u have juz proven ur claim 2 be wrong by giving the example..."I do have a girl in one of my groups that got a UAI of 95, and she got a HD for a subject that I bearly passed...

Now the fact that she had a 95 UAI and the fact that she is smarter than u and the fact that she GOT a HD and u BEARLY PASSED only serves 2 show that sometimes/most times UAI is an indication of intelligence.

So since u disagreed 2 the claim that..."UAI is an indication of intelligence/hardwork"...then u have indeed contradicted urself. :cool:
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Feb 9, 2005
69 Penis Avenue, Dickton Pussyville 6969.
natstar said:
Maybe you shouldent read so much into peoples posts

lol that's wat u wish would happen cuz in the past u will contradict urself and no1 has actually picked it out or corrected u, so luckily I thrive on being able 2 rehabilitate and make individuals a better person.


LazyBoy said:
tell me how certain subjects dont scale better or worse than others?

tell me how being naturally gifted at english isnt more advantageous than the same at say, geography given english HAS TO count for a UAI? (easy, that falls to intelligent. that person is more intelligent then someone who isnt that great at english)

tell me how teachers who teach you material unthrufully/incorrectly doesnt cause you to not do as well even tho you worked your ass off conscientiously all year 12? Teachers facililate, that is why resources such as BOS, texts books and extended reading will fix, therefore this falls under application towards studies

tell me how illness doesnt effect performance in hsc or school assessments?If you are sick it affects how you can apply yourself to studies

tell me how learning by correspondanec if your school doesnt offer a subjcet you need for ui doesnt often mke it harder than an ordinary class environment? yet another problem that affects how well you can apply yourself to your studies.

Im not saying that there arnt valid reasons why people cannot totally apply themselfs to there studies. Often in not its never impossible for people to give there 100% in school. Im just saying all these reasons do account for lower uai's. But for someone who is just not that intelligent can try as hard as they possibily can and still achieve a low mark, there is no other explanation other then a lack of academic intelligences. But i would bet they have a higher intelligence in one of the other 6 (i think theres 7 by memory) intelligences.

* being better at english doesnt make your e more intelligent, it just means that is your strength wherease some peopel have strengths in other subjects etc

* if you trust your teachers, and have never had reason not to before, you wouldnt second guess them and go and redo the course and check every point they told you... so this has nothing to do with the students applications to study/intelligence - teachers in high school are not facilitators - they are teachers

* you may be sick and still be applying yourself to your studies as much as ever, but say for example, you fall sick on the day or your hsc exam, how does that have anything to do with how you applied yourself? and dont say appeal it because few appeals get accepted...

you've changed from saying just plain that UAI indicated how well you applied yourself to your studies / your intelligence to saying that the things i raised effect how you aply yourself to your study and therefore how you apply yourself = UAI...

if you deinf what it means to say "how you apply yourself to your studies" how you apply yourself to something is largely how much effort you put in etc.... if you are still studying everyday, doing practice essays everday, asking teachers for help everyday etc...but are doing the subject by correspondance, responses to any queries you ahve are delaye,d you dont have the benefit of peers to helps study etc - this has nothing to do with how you apply yourself to your studies, but has to do with available resourcse and assistance which is a separate issue from how you apply yourself an dhow you apply yourself if what you do/try to do...not who helps you and the materials you h ave to do it with....

i think you've kinda overlapped the two...


Oct 9, 2003
hiphophorray123 said:
Let the nerds look down on us for no reason, it's their fault they're socially retarded, not ours, let's just keep laughing at them.
I've been sitting @ lecture in UNSW for some reasons, came to realisation that the students are quite passaive in responding questions.
Lacking of communication skills would be nicer term of "socially retarded".


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
lol alot of communication at uws i've found, at least in my subjects.. but lack of communication doesn't mean lack of intelligence.
Remember, "It is better to say nothing and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and confirm it".

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