i've done 130 a couple of times on the F3. first time was on my L's, i was stuck behind a dickhead learner wearing a turban (lol) doing 70 on the freeway! Mum said to overtake, so I go over into the overtaking lane and he speeds up to 100! Then a huge truck decided to tailgate me, so I just sped up to over take and then once I've merged back over, he decides to slow down again!
a few other times i've done 130 on my green p's. I drive home from Sydney Uni and when I get to the freeway I have to overtake dicks that decide to sit on 90 for the past 10 hours and then speed up to 110 when u go into the overtaking lane, and dad always yells at me lol
i also think alot of hoo haa about p platers is just sensationalism, the amount of times i've been tailgated, high-beamed and been cut off by four wheel drives (driven by crazy bitches, swerving from side to side, when i'm in the left hand lane!), and older men in commodores, utes and falcons is ridiculous. i'm obeying the road rules, most of the time they are doing at least 140 and nothing is ever written about these idiots!