Ive read most of the books here and have been recommended the rest.
However, a few that i would recommend are:
Raymond E Feist's Magician series
Robert Jordan's Wheel of time
David edding's Belgariad series
Diana Wynne Jones's Chrestomanci series
Eoin Coifer's Artemis Fowl series
George R. Martin's A song of fire and ice series
Lian Hearn's Tales of the otori series
Mercedes Lackeys "Valdemar", "Obsidian", "Jousters" and "half blood chronicles" series.
R.A. Salvatores fantasy series
Robin Hobb's "farseer", "liveship traders", "tawny man", and "Shaman's crossing" series.
Stephen King's Dark Tower series
Tad Williams "Memory, sorrow and thorn" series
Terry Goodkind's Sword of truth series- Note: This starts to get crap after a while... He has an obsession with rape.
Ursula K Leguin's Earthsea series
Terry Brooks's Shannara series
Margaret Weis's Deathgate series
Janny Wurts's Cycles of fires series
David Gemmell's Drenai saga
Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series
Christopher Paolini's Inheritance series (sort of like a copy, but it is actually good)
Kate Forsyth's Rhiannon's Ride series

In case you haven't noticed, i like fantasy series.
I haven't read His dark materials, but after all the recommendations i think i might just go and have a look.
Someone said the wheel of time gets boring after a while. All i can say to that is that i had half-yearlys and i was so addicted to it that i couldn't even study properly

As i result i screwed them up.