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  • XD *looks at the comment from Mirakon*

    Oh dear... Been selling sexual favours again Townie? :p

    What'd you do? Give the boy a discount? ^__^

    And to think!
    I had to pay full fare! :p
    Hahaha did you end up talking to him?
    Or even acknowledging his existance?

    Hahaha Seb was fine.
    I know how to keep him well behaved.

    Except for that one time he got to my neck >.<
    But that's another story XD

    Don't worry lol, I'm not going there...
    Ever... Ick!
    Oh townie, you're so nice (as in kind-hearted not in a i'm trying to hit on you way)
    Hola, love :p
    Going pretty good, getting good sleep for once in my life :p
    It'll be great to see you again =]

    Hahaha there are worse evils than Facebook (wow... never thought I'd be saying that...) At least it's not Myspace XD

    I'm happy with whatever really.
    A party sounds nice :p
    (hey, I'm never turning down free alcohol :p)

    I was going to suggest an open air theatre first, but it seems that they are all either closed, playing drivel, or on too late to go to the party if we go to see a movie there... Plus, they are all pretty far away.

    Hahaha, I do still need to see Brokeback sometime :p
    without it turning into sex XD
    Then again... ^__^

    sorry I didn't reply str8 away on the 10th btw
    I realized that I had had an economics assignment that I knew nothing about for 4 mounths or so, and it was due the very next day :p
    So naturally, I did it all that night.

    Well yeah... I'm not a very idea-filled person...
    Party sounds fine to me :]
    Looking forward to seeing you again ^_^
    But enough depressing moping!
    How goes?
    I'll be checking when fits with me when I get home after school today :]
    I want desperately to be back in your arms too.
    Ignore how dumb this sounds...
    but, I already feel naked outside of them.
    you make me feel so safe and loved, I miss you like hell >__<
    Hahaha, yes, I'm quite aware of what D&M stands for, love.
    Just had some interesting other meanings running through my head :p

    I'd love to be your valentine :3
    *blushes and stares at ground* :p

    Hahaha fair enough, sounds wonderful ^__^
    though, that's not to say you weren't doing such things as you were :p

    Yeah, I've been in quite a few open relationships.
    some I've felt quite happy with, others I agreed to, only for the sake of the other.
    To be honest, there is still one other guy I care very much about other than yourself.

    But I think he and I are done anyway.
    He doesn't want me anymore, and I'm sick of clinging to things that aren't going to work out.

    Frankly, you may be the first person who thinks that...
    I'm not sure I've had one relationship that hasn't been open or ended up in me being cheated on.

    For once in my life, I'd like to be with someone who (at least for a while) only wants me.

    Which is why I felt so happy hearing you say that :3
    You make me feel so wonderful!
    Hahaha they probably felt they owed it to you for the loverly gifts you gave them friday night :p

    Hahaha no need to show me off to the world ^__^ due to bad life choices, half of Sydney already knows me biblically :p

    Lol, just joking, I just know that I give off that impression sometimes.
    but trust me, I'm not as slutty as I make myself sound
    I just have a thing for interesting people :p
    and boy have I met some.... interesting people :p

    Hahaha why so desperate to try a second time?
    you make it sound like the first time wasn't amazing as it was XD

    XD why do I not think D&M stands for development and management?
    Hahaha, you dirty thing, you! :p
    somehow, that does make me feel better XD

    I've usually been one for the daily shower (lord knows, with hair like mine, I have to be... Leave it for more than two days, and no doubt there would be entire ecosystems developing in there.

    Hahaha could usee some cleaning up ^__^
    Head's been awfully dirty since that night :p
    Hahaha and you can put as much shampoo on my head as you'd like :3
    :3 *cough* shower sex! *cough*

    o_O You want to BRAID my hair...?
    Lol, nofanks! :p
    I maintain, that as much as I may be the woman of the relationship,
    I will keep some of my masculine dignity!
    XD I'm not COMPLETELY immasculated just yet XD
    Just coz I'm a sub! :p
    Jks ^__^ We both know I'm a little girl at heart :p

    Isn't sunday Valentines day...?
    If ya catch mah drift :p
    Hahaha didn't feel cheap to me.
    Not a moment of it. ^__^

    I haven't had a shower since XD
    I must stink! ^__^
    About to have one now though :p

    Hahaha you've taken on a boyfriend with no sense of personal hygiene :p
    Well, you knew I was dirty-minded ^_^
    You'll have to clean me again sometime ^__^
    I'll wash ur back if you wash mine :p

    I ended up not being able to go to the MCA,
    Had a family birthday that naturally, no one told me about
    *rolls eyes*

    How you doing other than sad about empty showers?
    I'm missing you muchly :3
    Good thanks. I went down to bathurst last week, met slidey, paid my rent, moving in with slidey in the next two weeks, then all I do is study.

    lol meeatu.
    And I yours. But if it makes you feel any better, there's always next week XD
    Well, school should be finnished by 4:00
    So I should be in Broadway around then...

    What's HH?
    and whereabouts in the city are you close to?
    Town hall?
    Or deeper into the city?

    Hahaha as much as you have a point, no need to get feisty ^_^
    Pffft ac91 doesn't see the difference between customer service and old-school payed servitude...
    "thinking you are better than everyone else" is one thing, but wanting to be treated like a human being is another.
    I read your post on customer rules.
    I don't mean to sound rude, but I completely disagree with it.
    Instead of thinking your better then everyone else (all customers) maybe you should be grateful to them considering their the one's allowing you to have a job!

    Again, I don't mean to sound rude in saying this I just think your post is rather rude and I don't think Woolworths would have been too pleased that they had employed you when this is the kind of immature rubbish you post.
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